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If Teenagers Only Had a Brain


Feb 17, 2005
Now that we got your attention lol.. this is an enlightening article!:

Todays Featured Article: If Teenagers Only Had a Brain: Our Response to All the Hype about the Teen Brain
By Jonathan McKee

Last night Fox aired the Teen Choice Awards.

Teen Choice ... is that an oxymoron? Are teenagers really equipped to make good choices?

My son turned 12 a few months ago. Now when we go to restaurants, movie theatres, theme Park or any place that wants our money-he's an "adult." And those of us who have worked with teens and tweens know that some of these kids look like adults and talk like adults ... and many of them think they are adults. But are they?

I'll never forget the day when I came home from wrestling practice my freshman year of high school and my dad asked me if I wanted to show him what I learned. I pinned him in less than 20 seconds-a landmark moment in my teen years. I felt like a man. I had "pinned" the very man that had spanked me all those years! I figured "Maybe now that I was as big as a man ... I was an adult!"

Teenagers can look like adults, they can try to talk like adults ... but can they make decisions like adults?


All the articles we've been reading lately say "no." If you haven't heard the skinny, the National Institute of Mental Health has confirmed what youth workers have known for years-that the teenage brain isn't fully developed until people reach their late teens or early 20's.

Alexander Stevens, Asst. Professor at the Oregon Health and Science University, explains that a teenage brain is a "work in progress." In the past, some people believed that teenager's brains processed information much the same as adult's brains do. But recent research is finding that teenagers lack neural circuitry in the frontal lobe necessary for decision-making. And the circuitry is not in place until they are in their early 20s. The last part of the brain to mature is the frontal cortex, the executive brain - responsible for planning, problem solving and reason. (Teens' Brains Not Fully Wired for Reason, by Gabrielle Glaser, The Oregonian, February 21, 2005, p. C1)

So teenagers haven't just been learning the "live for the moment" philosophy from MTV and "50 Cent." Their brains actually don't fully consider negative outcomes. They don't process decisions like adults (some adults anyway), weighing the consequences. Hence ... "live for the moment."

Research shows that teenagers make the majority of their decisions based on emotion instead of reason. "It helps explain so much risk-taking behavior," says psychiatrist Dr. Charles Staunton, associate medical director for Child and Adolescent Services at Butler Hospital in Providence. (SUSAN KUSHNER RESNICK, Providence Journal, Published 1:50 pm PDT Thursday, July 21, 2005)

But, despite an inability to fully reason, teens still want choice. "Emotion instead of reason" hasn't stopped them before. So how do we respond?


The media's response is to cash in on this opportunity. Give em' the Teen Choice Awards, give em' movies that show how stupid adults are and how smart kids are, give em' music that catalysts their emotion of "live for the moment." After all ... that's what they want to hear.

We don't need research to tell us that teenagers "make decisions based on emotion instead of reason." Just check out Billboard's top 5 right now. (Yes, whether we like it or not, these are the 5 top songs our kids are listening to right now.) What do you see? Songs about emotions, feelings, impulses, "living for the moment" and emotional reactions ... or good solid reasoning?

We Belong Together, Mariah Carey (LYRICS EXCERPT: "The feeling that I'm feeling, Now that I don't hear your voice, Or have your touch and kiss your lips ...")


I've always told my kids, "Use your brain!" I guess I need to amend that.

As parents, we need to realize that our kids aren't playing with a full deck, they're a few sandwiches short of a picnic ... they're a few fries short of a Happy Meal. Okay, maybe that's a little too condescending. But let's be real: they still need instruction, boundaries and discipline. If we set our kids free to do what they want ... we set them up for failure.

Check out THIS current research:

Proverbs 1:8-9 (NLT)
Listen, my child, to what your father teaches you. Don't neglect your mother's teaching. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and clothe you with honor.

Proverbs 2:1-8 (NLT)
My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God. For the Lord grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to him.

God wants our children to learn wisdom. We need to teach them how to make decisions. This isn't instantaneous, and it sure isn't easy. This is a process that might take ... oh, about 20 years or so.

And guess who our kids will learn God's wisdom from?

From us.

Yes, as adults, both parents and youth workers, we have the responsibility to not just speak God's wisdom ... but to live it. Kids will see Christ in us more than they'll ever hear anything we say.


As a youth worker we can be encouraged by the results of this research for two reasons:

1. We're not insane; the little punks really aren't using their heads!

Okay ... seriously now.

2. God wants to use us to make a difference.

Teenagers are emotional creatures making some of the biggest choices of their lives; and, even though they don't know it, they need help. Many of them are standing at the crossroads, staring at life-altering decisions ... and they can't do it alone.

God wants to use us to make an eternal difference in the lives of 21st century teenagers. We can do this by keeping our ministry RELATIONAL, REAL, and RELEVANT.

Part of being an emotional teenager is the desire for relationships. We need to keep our youth ministry RELATIONAL, providing a place for teenagers to "hang out" and get to know people that care about them. Our number one goal in youth ministry should be loving kids and getting to know them. This means that we also need to be proactive about recruiting volunteers to help us in this mission. And our volunteers' number one goal should be loving kids, not being mere "chaperones."

As we get to know teenagers today, we can help them get to know a God that loves them and wants a relationship with them (EVANGELISM). We can teach them Godly wisdom and day to day decision making (GROWTH). We can prepare them to be used by God for a unique purpose and to impact others around them (LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT).

But to do this, our ministry needs to be REAL and RELEVANT. As we get to know kids, know their struggles, know what's influencing them, know their thoughts and desires ... only then will we be able to really make an impact that affects them where they are at.

So we need to keep an eye on youth culture. But just an eye ... because you know what Jesus told us to do with our eye if it causes us to stumble.

I stay current by watching the Teen Choice Awards every year. I watch MTV twice a year: the video music awards, and the movie awards. These shows and all the commercials in-between keep me pretty current with the brainwashing that our kids are experiencing.

I regularly check out the billboard charts and look up the lyrics of the top songs kids are listening to. When my kids aren't in the car, I flick through the popular radio stations and listen to the DJ's and the song selections.

Web sites like Walt Mueller's www.CPYU.org and magazines like the YOUTHWORKER JOURNAL help me stay current. They also help me to become culturally aware ... not immersed.


Teenagers may not have completely developed brains ... but we do. Let's use them. Use the time, energy and resources that God has given you to do His work.

THE SOURCE for Youth Ministry
Helping Youth Workers Reach Kids
Well done Coconut. I am involved with youths too and I know how it is not by might nor by power...

I hope I do not sound too removed from the 21st century. This is my personal opinion:

What happened to the saying, "Spare the rod and spoil the Child". "Foolishness is in the heart of a child, and the rod of correction will drive it far from him". I was spanked and more when I was growing up. Today, I am not psychologically disturbed nor do I see it as being that my parents abused me. If any thing, I thank them for it. "The fear of God is the begining of knowledge". Fear of retribution is the rod. It may take the form of sanctions and even using an instrument to lovingly cause pain in a responsible way. I see children everywhere throwing tantrums and literarily controling their parents and teachers. What are we telling these children? It is okay to do what you like. Society is populated by men and women who have never learnt that they cannot do as they please. Are we telling them that love means no boundries, that rights mean no values? The kinds of violent offenders we see in society today can be reduced if parents will assume their God given roles and rely less on government to bring up their children.

Children should be custom made not mass produced. They are not grass; just give them sun and water and they will turn out right!

I thank God that we were able to spank our Children in Africa before we relocated to North America. Even though we have not had to spank them for many years, our Children are still given awards for best behaved children in their respective classes! It is not easy to spank ones child. It takes more love to spank your children than not to spank them.

I pray that someday, Christians will begin to lead the cause to return to the biblical principles of parenting. Then we will once again see youths that obey their parents and government.
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just a thought

I scanned the above posts...and I don't have children...and I'm 25, BUT I know what my teen years were like. I know what it feels to be different and you feel like your parents aren't listening. I know all about the guy/girl relationship thing (I wasn't in one at all until about half-way through college!). Teens do indeed have brains ;) Sometimes we wonder if they do or not, but they do. We also have to remember the verse about not letting people look down on you because you are young. I remember that because there are some REALLY smart and serious teens. I think of Casey, the girl who got shot at Columbine. Oh she had a brain alright and she used it to say 'No!' to terror and fear. We also have to understand that teens...any child will do what they see others doing. Teens try to act older...but they really want to fit in and be accepted as they are. but don't we all? God made all of us special. Let's not just assume the teen is doing something bad...talk to them, ask questions even if they get mad. Who's the parent-you or them?
Okay I think you all get the point of my rambling :)
Children should be custom made not mass produced. They are not grass; just give them sun and water and they will turn out right!

I pray that someday, Christians will begin to lead the cause to return to the biblical principles of parenting. Then we will once again see youths that obey their parents and government.


I know, I'm reviving an old post - but on another forum recently, we were talking about a similar situation with teens and sex - hinging on the fact that in "the old days" teens were adults and married (or getting ready to) at about 12 or 13.... What a weird society we live in today, where teens are considered adults in some situations and idiot children in others. They face amazing pressures from society expecting them to make reasoned intelligent decisions at, say, 16, when they're allowed to drive - but they're not considered bright enough to vote. They can physically have sex (and have the hormonal drive to want to!) but they're sure not allowed to get married so as to make it ok... They're supposed to listen to Mom and Dad, but the peer pressure that's out there, especially from the media, is nutso (Buy an iPod! Get a car! If you don't have those things, you're uncool and nobody will be your friend!)
I underwent a lot of these pressures during my teen years too - it's a strange combination of childhood and adulthood - I WANTED to make adult (wiser) decisions, but I sure never felt that I was allowed to, or more importantly, taught HOW to.
We really need to pray for teens and parents.
I pray that someday, Christians will begin to lead the cause to return to the biblical principles of parenting.

Like Eli I suppose?
Teens have brains (capacity for learning). What they do not have is the learning that is required for maturity. They confuse physical maturity with mental maturity.

Also, in my teen years, when young people complained that parents were'nt listening, what was really happening was mom & dad weren't buying what was being sold to them and they had stopped arguing with the kid.

I am soooo glad my kids are 36 and 31. Phew!
