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If You Are A Reject


Jun 1, 2005
if u are rejected fellow, and if anyone hates you DONT PANIC, coz God loves you,

sorry just a short word but u know its true
that's true.. i wont panic.. i know the only One that matters is GOD!!!!! love you JC..
(Long time since I came here last... hey everyone)
Going to the topic.... that is so right. People love you when you have something to offer, or when you are looking good... or something. The Lord loved us when we looked so ugly with nothing to give!
People are not flattering... the LORd's love for us is!
if u are rejected fellow, and if anyone hates you DONT PANIC, coz God loves you,

I guess you are speaking from experience Moses. You are correct in what you have said. God loves all people, but He especially loves those who belong to the household of faith.
God Loves You!

For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
- JOHN 3:16

God loves you! You are special to Him. God doesn't love you because you are a good person or do everything right. He loves you because He is love. Love is not something God does; it is something He is. It is His nature.

Gods love is pure and ever flowing. It cannot be earned or deserved. It must be received by faith.

In Ephesians 3:19 Paul prays that we may come to really know this love. When we do, we are strengthened in our inner man. When we are strengthened inwardly outward difficulties cannot defeat us.

Unless you have received it yourself, you cannot give love away. Let God love you. Receive His love for you. Bathe in it. Meditate on it. Let it strengthen you. Then give it away.

All whom My Father gives (entrusts) to Me will come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will most certainly not cast out [I will never, no never, reject one of them who comes to Me].
- JOHN 6:37
hadrifuss you are lil bit wrong. god is beyond nature. thats why he love and is love. the world hate the true belivers. god is beyond nature he dont hate. he might be mad but he love every one. even the one that against his belivers and followers he love us all.

oh our lord we love you to :) :love:
j4jh said:
hadrifuss you are lil bit wrong. god is beyond nature. thats why he love and is love. the world hate the true belivers. god is beyond nature he dont hate. he might be mad but he love every one. even the one that against his belivers and followers he love us all.
oh our lord we love you to :) :love:

Hi j4jh,

There is some kind of misunderstanding here........if you are a rejected fellow.....God Loves You still, its about this.....
God Bless
Thats really nice of you to put. God created us beautiful and right and if we are good enough for God we are good enough for anyone we are accepted by God so therefor it is right we are accepted by others.

Really swet post God Bless you this post has been such a blessing to others


God Bless