"From my perspective, it doesn't seem like the man had free will. The final sign indicates that an omniscient being knew that the man would choose to enter. If this omniscient being knows what is going to happen, then 'choice' is an illusion. It's an illusion because the man is merely acting out what this god-like being foresaw. Am I wrong?"
Yes, I believe you are mistaken, The reason is that in all accounts he didn't even have to stop at the gate outside, but he did, of his own free will. After that all decisions, even once inside, were his in free will, because he could leave anytime. If you were raised Roman Catholic & schooled by them then one of the primary things you learned is that God is Omniscient, as all knowing. Therefore it's a given He knows what's going to happen, in all things. That doesn't say He manages our life decisions in any way. If He did, then from His endless heart of Love, and His entire Entity as the God of Love, He would just go ahead and save everybody, without any sacrifice. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the direct result of one thing only: God's Love again demonstrated in His Gift to man of Free Will, and the errors that occur from our lousy choices compared to God's Perfect Holiness.
I understand that we are made in God's image and likeness, but that doesn't mean we can anthropomorphize God. We can't give Him human characteristics, because 1. God isn't human, 2. God is a purely spiritual being, whose existence is beyond our comprehension, 3. God's plan is unbeknownst to us all, and so it is impossible to know what God thinks or says.
You sure you were taught Roman Catholic doctrine? I ask because 1, 2 & 3 sure as heck aren't part of it. If it was then every RC church would be pulling down the crucifixes in every church, and yanking them off the necks of nuns, priests, monsignors, bishops, cardinals & popes!
1.] God is 100% human in the Being of Jesus Christ, born of a woman, flesh & bones man, Son of man and yet Son of God. That is RC major doctrine, along with much about His very human mother, Mary. So, no idea where you're getting your information on that.
2.] Jesus is eternally the Son of God, and the Son of man, regardless of where He is or what He's doing. In another day we fellow humans and the bride of Christ Jesus, will be changed, to be like Him, and the two shall be one flesh. That means that yes, he is a Spiritual Being, but that He also has His resurrected human visage, nail marks and wound in His side & all, as Thomas the apostle found out, before declaring, "My Lord and my God." God's existence is not beyond our knowing, but indeed we only know in part on this side of the veil. At a later time we will know, even as we are known.
3.] God's plan is unbeknownst to us all? Cannot imagine where you're getting your information from! God's Plan is spelled out in incredible depth & detail, to such a depth that after a lifetime of study a man will still be discovering more of His Truth. Even a really bad translation of the Bible will at least tell you that God's Plan is that all men might be saved, in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Not rocket science either, and intentionally so: because all with a warm brain get an equal chance, in God's astounding Love.
Jesus is a separate being from God, yet they are one. That's the mystery of the Holy Trinity. We can safely assume that God the Father does not carry the same characteristics of God the Son, because they're distinguished as 2 in a triune God. Therefore, we cannot attribute human characteristics to God. Exactly why God does so many good things is unknown to us. So we can't just call God "loving" or "generous". Those are words to describe humans. If God is beyond our comprehension (omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient), then how can we know that God sacrificed his Son out of love? Because it's in the Bible?
Well, Jesus states, "I and my Father are one." and I figure He should know. Jesus is God, and Jesus is born as a man, a hu-man, just like us. When He was in human form on earth He was still God, come in the flesh. He is a separate Being WITHIN God, not separate from God, unless when you say 'God' you're only referring to God the Father.
I think your ideas are incorrect here: We can safely assume that God the Father does not carry the same characteristics of God the Son, because they're distinguished as 2 in a triune God.
If you have a father in a family, and a son, do they not share the same characteristics? Where it is written many times in Scripture that we are made in His image and likeness, doesn't that tell you the likeness of God is similar to ours, as proven when Jesus came as a man? Why shouldn't God the Father be identical in form, but Spiritual, and a different identity of Being? Now, I'm not saying it isn't difficult to comprehend, but yet God gives us plenty in His Word to know much about it.
I strongly suspect that within that Catholic upbringing you've never read the Bible, which is the normal condition in that church. I'd strongly suggest you do find yourself a Bible and read it cover to cover, you will be entirely amazed, I was! Just about every page I turned I thought, Hey, the RC church never told me that! Page by page it was nothing but fascinating!
The Bible was written by man, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Absolutely correct!
Take the perspective of a non-believer for a second. To an atheist who doesn't believe in the Holy Spirit, he'll only believe that the Bible was written by MAN and MAN only. MAN is bound to imperfections, and so the Bible is imperfect. <---- What credible atheists believe.
Well, to be precise, Atheists don't believe, but by golly, they very strongly don't believe it, and are almost always willing to argue about how much and how strongly they don't believe! I sort of consider an avowed Atheist as someone who has developed a whole religion of non-belief in God, and that there's another category of non-believers who simply aren't convinced of the existence of God.