I'm a little late, but I am here. I need to be baptized so I can feel the Holy Spirit and be saved. I prayed that He would find me a church where I could be baptized and frequent. I'm not sure though if he listens or grants to someone that isn't saved. I need help!
Dear Jason,
First be welcome to Talk Jesus an online community of Jesus Christ believers!
I truly hope you will find fellowship and growth in God's word while you are here, as well as help/prayer for where you are in life.
Second, my Brother Ploughboy gave you a good place to start in finding a God fearing, Bible believing, Bible teaching, and doing Church.
From reading your bio, you are correct the time is short. There are so many things I want to say, but you are not ready for them yet.
The most important part of all this is Jesus, believing, being received by Him, and just the little I see is that you are or have been drawn to Him.
If so, then knee time (praying/prostrating/crying out to Him/submitting yourself) before Him is where it all begins for you.
What He should be hearing from you is Spirit driven. You will see the depravity that is in you, and the goodness in Jesus who lived, died, and rose again for you! For this is between you and Him, and no matter what anyone will tell you, it is a gift of God, that will, must! humble you as nothing ever has in your life!
If done with a genuine heart, He will hear you and respond! You'll know because the emptiness you now have inside you, will be filled with an overwhelming sense of Grace/Power/Mercy and the words go on and on, but the only one that has ever covered it all for me is "WOW"!
In knowing this, then you can ask for where to go for you to be baptized! It could be a church, a river, lake, bathtub, any number of places!!! Yet, He will provide you the particulars, and all you have to do is obey! Trust in Him, who gave you His life, that you may live, and live more than you ever have before!!! Alleluia, Praise the Lord!!!
So, it's awesome that you came here to Talk Jesus, for you have come to a haven/oasis within the darkness that is called the internet. Not too many places that will tell you like it is, and not sugarcoat it, but one that has a sincere love of God and His Word!!!
As another Brother has said. Let us know how it is going, and know we will pray for you as well! For if believe you do, then I would not shy away from calling you my Brother in Christ Jesus!
With the love of Christ Jesus, again be welcomed!