If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. ”
This is the day of the Communist revolution in Russia, the most important fact in the political history of the twentieth century. What did it give to souls?
In an atheistic meeting in Moscow, the lecturer showed a glass of water to the audience compelled to attend. He put a powder into it. The water became a purplish wine. He explained: “Jesus, at Cana, had such a powder hidden in His sleeve. People at that time were backward and believed that He had performed a miracle, when as a matter of fact it was only a magician’s trick, like mine. I can do even better than Jesus. I can change the wine into water again.” Another powder and this change happened. “And now I turn it into wine again Another powder and his word was fulfilled.
A Christian stood up and said, “Comrade lecturer, you have
amazed us by your miraculous power. We would ask you only for one thing more. Could you please drink a little bit of the wine you just made?”
“I am sorry,” was the reply, “the powder I put into the water is
The Christian then said, “This is the whole difference between
you, the Communists, and Jesus. He gives a wine that has gladdened hearts and enlightened minds for 2,000 years. You also change
water into wine, but it is a wine that poisons our hearts with fear
and hatred.”
No revolution that leaves the hearts of men unchanged can
bring lasting good to mankind. The revolution needed is the new birth. It makes men into new creatures in Christ Jesus.
from Reaching Toward The Heights by Richard Wurmbrand
November 7 reading
This is the day of the Communist revolution in Russia, the most important fact in the political history of the twentieth century. What did it give to souls?
In an atheistic meeting in Moscow, the lecturer showed a glass of water to the audience compelled to attend. He put a powder into it. The water became a purplish wine. He explained: “Jesus, at Cana, had such a powder hidden in His sleeve. People at that time were backward and believed that He had performed a miracle, when as a matter of fact it was only a magician’s trick, like mine. I can do even better than Jesus. I can change the wine into water again.” Another powder and this change happened. “And now I turn it into wine again Another powder and his word was fulfilled.
A Christian stood up and said, “Comrade lecturer, you have
amazed us by your miraculous power. We would ask you only for one thing more. Could you please drink a little bit of the wine you just made?”
“I am sorry,” was the reply, “the powder I put into the water is
The Christian then said, “This is the whole difference between
you, the Communists, and Jesus. He gives a wine that has gladdened hearts and enlightened minds for 2,000 years. You also change
water into wine, but it is a wine that poisons our hearts with fear
and hatred.”
No revolution that leaves the hearts of men unchanged can
bring lasting good to mankind. The revolution needed is the new birth. It makes men into new creatures in Christ Jesus.
from Reaching Toward The Heights by Richard Wurmbrand
November 7 reading