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In need of forgiveness


Mar 23, 2007
I had an argument with one of my best friends yesterday. Things got nasty and I said some stuff I really regret. Later on in the evening, I texted my friend and told him that i was so so sorry, but i didnt expect (or get) a reply. Today, I learnt that he has dropped out of our drama group. I take drama as a GCSE, and our final exam/perfomance is next tuesday. After what I said to him, I dont deserve his forgiveness, and I feel that his dropping out of the group is my fault. Not only is his GCSE in jepoday, but 4 other people need him to perform on tuesday, so they can get their qualifications. I feel awful and that ive let the group down. How can I convince him to come back to the group so the others can get their GCSE? I dont care what he does to me, or says to/about me after, but we need him in this production. PLease help, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
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Hi sister.

What does the Bible say about forgiveness?

Matthew 6:14-15
14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Matthew 18:34-35
34In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. 35"This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

Ask God for fogiveness first sister. Because you treated your friend badly. Then just ask for your friends forgiveness sister. Be sincere, be truthful.

That's all there is to it. Be forgiven by God, be forgiven by your friend.

God bless
Much love
I know how you feel

I also was in a fight with a co-worker. He tried to be me and almost crossed boundaries as he tried to be pushy with his opinions. I was sorely offended when he blamed me for not "trying my hardest in life" and almost being lazy, so he said. Oh, I was angry and in a fit of rage I told him how I Felt. Hey, I admit, it felt really good to tell him my mind. ^_^. But I wasn't nasty. I even complimented him. Oh, he has fears himself. Although he'd never admit it. I can almost see the PAIN in his eyes. He has a disability. He is partly deformed (hands and feet). I know he feels like he can't do the things he wants to do in life. He almost even started to get teary-eyed as he told me the dreams he could never reach for due to his disability. But still he is a very very intelligent young man. I even feel intimidated by his intelligence. However, he is proud and pushy. He even told me that he was proud, in regret. Oh, but I had a tough time forgiving him. But finally I forgave him. Lately I've been extremely kind to him. Even concerned and happy toward him. Poor fella.

Anyway, my advice is.......I wonder is this possible?

Find the guy, and just throw your arms around him. Yes, don't speak--just hug him. Yes, I know this is an awkward suggestion. I know my co-worker would despise a hug. But who knows? Maybe that is the only sincere way. Huh, ya think?

Oh and make it a sincere sad hug. Afterward, give him a loving soft punch in the arm. He'll understand. :shade:

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thank you

will do! one huge hug comming up!!:girl_hug: Thank you for your support