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In Search of Truth


Jun 10, 2005
What is life all about? What am I here for? Is there a purpose, a plan for me? And if so, what is it?

Questions such as these have stirred the soul and imagination of Man throughout the ages. Regardless of our country, color or creed, our hearts all hunger for the same things--for lasting love, genuine happiness and peace of mind, truth and beauty, meaning and purpose.

All men, from the most primitive tribes in the jungles to members of the most modern and technologically-advanced societies, seem to instinctively sense that life is more than an evolutionary coincidence or accident. Although increasing numbers of people today look to modern science and its continually changing and often contradictory theories to try to understand our origins and the true nature of life, for thousands of years the main source of solace Man has turned to has been his various faiths.--Faiths in which he gives recognition or worship to the unseen supernatural forces he feels must exist.

In his quest for Truth, enlightenment and inner peace, for the Ultimate Reality, Man's many religions have offered him a wide variety of beliefs and practices. By means of those religions, Man reaches out for supernatural assistance, hoping to obtain the favor and blessing of the unseen Power or powers he worships.

More to follow
But how can I be bothered with something as old-fashioned as religion when I'm so busy trying to "get ahead"?

In today's ever-changing and increasingly complex and computerized World, more and more people find themselves so caught up in the frenzied rush to become successful financially, they often have little time to ponder such seemingly "abstract" matters as the meaning of life, peace of mind, love for their fellowman, or even the eternal welfare of their own souls!--After all, such concerns could be quite distracting or actually detrimental to their pursuit of the most popular "god" of this World; a god that commands most of the World's worship and devotion--money and material wealth!

From the time they are very young children, many people have it ingrained in them that the only way to attain happiness in life is to:
1.) Get a good education, preferably with a degree from a prestigious university.
2.) Land a "promising" job with a successful company or corporation.
3.) Make enough money to purchase a new automobile, a nice house or two, and furnish and equip it with all of the various luxury items and hi-tech electronic gadgets that are equated with "success".

Although this route to riches usually requires a lifetime of blood, sweat, tears and toil, most of the folks who follow it do so without serious doubts or reservations, for they are convinced that once they attain the wealth they desire, they will at last find true happiness and contentment.

But sad to say, such people usually discover that despite their arduous efforts to attain happiness, it somehow eludes them. As the years pass they often find that company or social pressures have filled them with stress and anxiety, not peace or satisfaction. Their private lives frequently suffer as a result, as they're unable to even find time to spend with their own families and loved ones.

Then, to their dismay, they eventually and ultimately reach a very sad realization: This World and all of its treasures and pleasures can never truly satisfy the heart of Man! Material things may temporarily satisfy the body, but they can never satisfy the soul or the spirit of Man which longs for a joy, peace and lasting fulfillment that can never be met or fulfilled by mere material gain.

This is why the rich and powerful are often the most miserable of all men.--They already possess everything that most people think can satisfy and make them happy. They've already attained all of the material things their hearts could desire, and to their sorrow they discover that things cannot satisfy or fulfill their empty hearts and starving souls!--Thus they no longer even have hope of happiness in riches! The famous English poet, Lord Byron, realized this and lamented, "I have drunk every cup of pleasure, and I have quaffed every cup of fame, and yet alas, I die of thirst!"

Although many people today take little time to ponder the prospect of a Creator, of a God, when a personal crisis or tragedy suddenly strikes--an unexpected accident or critical illness, a death in the family, a great personal loss of any kind--to whom do they turn for help? A fat bank account-- regardless of the wealth it holds--can do nothing to bring back a loved one who has passed through death's door. Houses, lands and a stockpile of luxury items can do nothing to rekindle a love that has grown cold or heal a heart that's been broken. It is during such times of crisis that people frequently realize that the true values of life are far more important than mere material wealth.
Excellent article brother. I've read such simliar articles that are very encouraging reminders of not to store treasure on earth, just as Scripture says:

Matthew 6:19-20

Lay Up Treasures in Heaven

19"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust[a] destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

One cannot truly enjoy the valuable creation without the Creator
I have a quote that reads like this: "You cannot take your treasures to heaven with you but you can send them ahead" There is 12 more articles to follow this one.

On the Creator I am in full agreement with you Brother,... He is.
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The late comedian Jackie Gleason was quoted as saying, "Whoever says that money can't buy happiness doesn't know where to shop."

The book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible seems to be written by a man who was torn between Jackie Gleason's philosophy and a deep inward conviction that there is more to life than just worldly pleasures; that to devote oneself to pursuing wordly pleasures is to be like a dog chasing its tail (it never quite catches up to it).

"I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my work, and this was the reward for all my labor. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun." (Eccl 1:10-11).

"Now, all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (Eccl 12:13).

Aren't all religions basically the same? Are they not all paths that eventually reach the same summit?

Although Man's basic needs and heart's desires are the same, the World's great religions prescribe many different and often contradictory means of meeting those needs. A brief look at some of the most common beliefs and practices makes this evident:

Devout believers of many faiths try to fulfill their spiritual needs by regularly attending places of worship--shrines, temples, mosques, cathedrals etc.--where prayers are made, incense is offered and a multitude of different traditions, ceremonies and rituals are observed.

Some dedicated souls are willing to renounce all worldly pleasures and possessions in order to devote themselves wholly to various religious disciplines. Rather than honoring or looking to icons, idols and representations of their god or gods, many look for truth and reality within themselves, seeking enlightenment by intense concentration, contemplation and meditation.

Some seekers of Truth worship one god, while others worship hundreds or even thousands of gods. Some of the World's major religions began simply as moral or ethical philosophies, and their founders never intended that any deity or god should be worshiped.--Yet today these very founders themselves are venerated as if they themselves were a god!

For many believers, their highest hope and aspiration is that they will survive after death as an individual personality in a happy and heavenly afterlife. Others scorn the idea of continuing to live on as an individual, but rather look forward to the obliteration of their individual self, so that they may become one with the Ultimate Reality of the Universe.

Some believe that after they die they will return to live other lives on Earth, over and over again, that their present life is just one of many births and rebirths that will continue indefinitely until full enlightenment or salvation is attained. Others believe that Man lives only one life on Earth, and therefore has only one chance to live properly and to somehow secure a happy afterlife.

With so many different--and often contradictory--beliefs to choose from, the seeker of Truth can understandably become quite muddled and confused.--Particularly since almost all of the World's major faiths believe and claim that their approach is the one true path to enlightenment, bliss, salvation or Heaven!
Where then does one start, if he sincerely seeks to find the Truth?

If you are not sure if a Supreme Being, an all-powerful God, exists, then the first step to take is to ascertain that He is. The most obvious proof we have that a Divine Creator exists is the World and Universe around us, the visible, natural Creation.

The following true incident is a fitting illustration: Doctor Robert A. Millikan was the renowned American nuclear physicist who won the Nobel prize for his work in pioneering the splitting of the atom. One evening, at a banquet held in his honor, a young journalist approached him and said, "Dr. Millikan, although you are undoubtedly a brilliant scientist, a great physicist, I've heard rumor that you still cling to the old-fashioned concept of a Creator, that you actually believe in God!--Is this true?"

Millikan paused for a moment as he thoughtfully studied the young reporter's face. He then produced an elaborate gold pocketwatch from his vest and said, "Just as behind this watch there had to be an intelligent designer and watchmaker, so behind the intricate precision and timing of this great Universe, there had to be a great Creator!"

The Holy Book of three Faiths, the Bible, tells us, "Since the creation of the World, the invisible things of God--His eternal power and divine nature--are clearly seen, being understood by the visible things that He has made."--Romans 1:20*. In other words, the existence of an invisible Creator is manifest or made evident by the wonderful World which He has created, His Creation, the things which we can see.--The greatest credentials of the Creator are the marvelous things He has made!

The sea, the sky, the mountains, the valleys, the trees, the flowers, they're all telling us something! When you gaze into the heavens on a clear night, beholding the stars, planets and wonders of the Cosmos, haven't you ever felt that there must be a reason, a purpose behind it all?--As if it all means something, says something?--Well, it is saying something!--It's all crying out, "Look! --There is a God! Look at the wonders He has made!" The Bible says:

"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork! Day after day utters speech, and night after night shows knowledge! There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard!"--Psalm 19:13. God's entire Creation is a constant testimony of not only His existence, power and majesty, but also of His Love, concern and care for us in giving us such a beautiful World to live in!
But isn't the Bible the traditional Holy Book of the West, and isn't Christianity the religion of the Western World?

Although it's true that the Bible has been embraced mostly by Western cultures, its revelation of Truth is for everyone! Actually, its origins are not "Western" at all! Most of the Bible was written by prophets and seers from the Middle Eastern land of Palestine, a unique land bridge that links the three great continents of Asia, Africa and Europe.

The great Creator, God, from the pages of the Bible, lovingly calls out to all men of all nationalities, saying, "Look unto Me and be saved, all the ends of the Earth: for I am God, the God of all flesh, and besides Me there is none else!"--Isaiah 45:22.

The Bible's appeal is universal: "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, for the Lord would have all men to be saved, to come unto the knowledge of the Truth. For God shows no partiality and is no respecter of persons, but in every nation, all who love Him are accepted by Him!" --Rom. 10:13; 1Timothy 2:4; Acts 10:34, 35.--In other words, God freely offers His Love, peace, blessings and salvation to all of us, regardless of our race, color, nationality or social status!
Doesn't Christianity as practiced by many churches today seems to be a rather selfish and closed religion, amassing great wealth, lands, properties, buildings, etc?

Sad to say, this is often the case. Much of what the World views as "Christianity" today, has strayed so far away from what simple, lowly Jesus, originally taught to His followers, that very few similarities can be found when you look at the way most Christians live today, & compare their lives with those of Jesus & His Disciples.

Jesus never preached any complicated ceremonies, rituals or impossible-to-keep rules and regulations. Nor did He ever say to build elaborate religious buildings or cathedrals at the expense of the poor! He simply said that our most important religious obligation was to "love God and to love our neighbors as ourselves." --Matthew 22:37-39. He Himself showed His followers how to do this by His Own example of living a life of love and compassion, "sharing with the poor, healing the broken hearted, offering deliverance to the captives, restoring of sight to the blind, and liberty to them that are bound!"--Luke 4:18.

Where did the messages you are posting come from? Are you the author, or were they written by someone else? Please respond.

As I did discussed it with Brother Chad I didn't see any necessity to have answer you on this matter. But seeing that you are in doubt about this posts I used this in my Alpha courses with young adults. Material I collected over long period of time from different authors and the original writtings was altered to suit my needs. Does this answer your enquiring mind Brother SLE?
If the God that the Bible tells us of is not like the churches who claim to represent Him, then what is He like?

The true God is a good God Who is kind and loving and concerned about all of His children in every nation! The Bible tells us that He is a loving Heavenly Father Who loves you as His Own dear child, Who created this beautiful World as a home for you to live in and enjoy.

Unfortunately, many people picture God as some kind of a great all-seeing Eye Who follows them around with a big stick over their heads, Who is always ready to clobber them and punish them for all their sins, mistakes and weaknesses. However, the Bible tells us that this is not the case at all, but that God is loving and gentle, merciful and forgiving, and that the only reason He follows anyone around is because He's hoping they'll turn around and meet Him, for He's waiting for them with open arms!

In fact, the Bible tells us, "God is Love!"--1John 4:8.--He's not some kind of a cruel monster Who enjoys seeing His creations suffer, Who wants to deny us all pleasure and happiness and make us miserable! He's not a heartless tyrant Who is trying to frighten everyone into Hell.--He is a God of Love Who is trying to love everyone into Heaven!
Where is this God?

Jesus said, "God is a Spirit: And those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth!"--John 4:24. He is not a mere person in the sense that you and I are, for He and His Spirit surpass the entire Universe!

God is omnipresent--everywhere; omnipotent--all-powerful; and omniscient--all-knowing! He cannot be confined to any particular place, and certainly not to a mere temple, altar, shrine, religious building or place of worship!--He says, "Do not I fill Heaven and Earth? Behold, even the heavens and the Heaven of heavens cannot contain Me!--For the Most High God does not dwell in temples made with hands!"--Jeremiah 23:24; 1Kings 8:27; Acts 7:48. God is the great basic Power and Guiding Light of the Universe, the Almighty Creator, the Great Spirit of Love Who has brought all things into being. As Man's loving fatherly Creator, He has a kind and benign purpose in store for us, a final fulfillment of all of our longings for love, life, liberty and happiness!--He loves you!

Is this "Great Spirit of Love" the only spirit that exists?

Although He is the one and only Creator, the one Almighty God, there are also many lesser spiritual personalities and powers whom He has created.--In fact, there is an entire Realm, the Spirit World, in which there are countless millions of spiritual inhabitants, who, though usually invisible to our mortal eyes, exist just the same. There are both good spirits--Angels and the Heavenly spirits of those who once lived on Earth but have passed on to live with the Lord, as well as bad spirits--demons or devils! But God alone is the omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Almighty Creator! All of these other spirits are lesser personalities who operate within the bounds which God Himself has established for them.

The good spirits, the Angels of God, are busy loyally serving Him. The evil forces of the Spirit World, the devils and demons, are in rebellion against God, and are followers of a powerful rebel angel known as Satan, or the Devil. He and his forces are an opposing force who are in constant spiritual warfare with the good forces of God. Instead of trying to love and help Mankind and draw us closer to God--like the Angels do --these demons are constantly seeking to deceive, conquer and destroy Man, trying to influence and sway him to rebel against God! It is the Devil and his forces who are largely responsible for much of the chaos, confusion, cruelty, carnage, and destruction that we see in today's troubled World!

One of the main preoccupations of the Devil's evil spiritual forces is to try to hinder and prevent Man from finding and entering into God's eternal Kingdom of Love, Light and Salvation. The Bible says Satan is "the god of this World, who blinds the eyes of those who do not believe in God, to prevent the light of the Truth of God from shining unto them."--2Corinthians 4:3,4.

So it is vitally important for you, as a sincere seeker of Truth, to be very careful and discerning in your search for the realities of the Spirit World, lest you be hindered or deceived by the Devil or one of his lying spirits!
What about all the other gods of the World's great religions?

As mentioned earlier, some of the "gods" that many people have been taught to worship today were actually men, the founders of their particular religions. Although these men never professed to be divine, after they died and several generations of believers passed, the respect and veneration their followers gave them grew, until they ultimately began to be looked upon and worshipped as gods!--A development which these founders never desired or intended!

In other religions, such as the World's great pantheistic religions in which a large number of different gods are worshipped, it is quite possible that some of the epics and legends concerning these deities were originally based on actual events and battles that took place in the Spiritual Plane. Many of these characters and the ancient tales told concerning them could very well have originated with genuine spiritual personalities and past struggles and occurrences within the Unseen Realm.

However, in the process of time and through lack of accurate records, many of these accounts have no doubt become considerably exaggerated and distorted by word-of-mouth into some of the incredible tales, legends and epics that are with us today. But the fact remains that there are countless millions of spiritual beings, who compared to us humans, are actual "gods" and "goddesses", supernatural inhabitants of the Spirit World--some good, and some evil--who are struggling in that realm to either bring Salvation or damnation to Mankind!

Of course, some of the World's major religions do not believe in or worship a personal God at all. Instead, He is viewed as a sort of "Supreme Reality", "Ultimate Principle" or "Absolute" that is underlying the Universe. This rather undefinable concept of the Almighty is usually perceived as a God Who generally remains rather distant and aloof from specific human needs, individuals and circumstances. However, the Bible tells us that the true God is very personally concerned about each one of us, and that "as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who love Him."--Psalm 103:13.

Other religions, recognizing the marvelous wonder of the beauty and balance of Nature, have concluded that the physical Creation itself must be God, that everything we can see is a manifestation or part of God. Such a view is actually very close to what the Bible itself says: "For He is before all things, and by Him all things consist. For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things, and in Him we live and move and have our being!"--Colossians 1:17; Romans 11:36; Acts 17:28. Because He is the great Power Who has created all things, in a sense God is a part of all things and all things are a part of Him, from the vast galaxies of the heavens to the cohesive power of the tiniest atom!

Perceiving the close link between the invisible Creator and the visible things He has made, some religions give reverence and worship to the Creation itself--the Sun, the Moon, the mountains, the wind, the seasons etc. But the Bible tells us that we can worship and personally know and have a living relationship with God Himself, so therefore we do not need to "worship and serve the Creation more than the Creator."--Romans 1:25. He does not mind us admiring, marveling and wondering at the beauties, glories and miracles of His handiwork, His gorgeous Creation, but He doesn't want us to glorify or worship the things that are made while neglecting their Maker!

Another means by which millions try to attain spiritual enlightenment is through meditation. Although the dedication of many sincere seekers who follow this path is admirable, those who place themselves in the trance-like state that is necessary for deep meditation should beware!--For although they may indeed find some of the supernatural spiritual powers they are seeking, they may also discover that while in the trance-like state of deep meditation they have opened themselves up to the unseen forces of the Spirit World.--And if they are not genuinely protected by the Spirit of the one true God, they can easily be misled and fall prey to deceiving spirits and become demon-possessed!
zulu said:
As I did discussed it with Brother Chad I didn't see any necessity to have answer you on this matter. But seeing that you are in doubt about this posts I used this in my Alpha courses with young adults. Material I collected over long period of time from different authors and the original writtings was altered to suit my needs. Does this answer your enquiring mind Brother SLE?

All these articles you took in this thread Zulu were taken from this link and not given credit where credit is due. This is wrong and was clarified to you before. It is called plagiarism. This is not the first time. I've seen other author's sites where you've done the same, copied/pasted articles without giving proper credit. This comes shortly after I posted a big thread in Press Stand about various things, including giving credit where its due to the author. You have done so and disrespected these authors. How would you like that done to you? Are you trying to build yourself up? It will not work that way. You've copied/pasted dozens and dozens and dozens of articles without giving credit where its due. That's theft of another's work.

I do not know why you bothered telling my moderator SLE that I was "satisfied". I *never* told you it was ok to post without giving proper credit. You made it seem as if it was your personal work, you lied to me and I've exposed so clearly here. Nothing of any articles you've posted are your own whatsoever, so do not try to take credit for yourself in *any way* whatsoever. I'm disappointed with you that you attempted to sway around others' work like that.

Exodus 20:15
"You shall not steal.