We're going down this road. I prayed but the problem is that we are up against the clock. If we don't action right now we'll miss this opportunity.
Some Churches are ok with it some aren't. Mine seems ok with it and my pastor's wife in front of him said maybe it's just part of what you need to do.
One of the reasons we don't want to do it because of the embryos that will get destroyed in the process. Some Churches say... well it's after a x weeks/days until the soul enters them anyway.
Personally I hate coming close to the red line when it comes to my Lord and whist I want to just allow the healer to do the work for us... he hasn't as yet and maybe with good cause. This of course doesn't mean he wont but the clocks ticking.
It's also all about consideration of his will as well. Is this God's will? When the need of our own Child is so much we can't help feeling like we're being pushed down this route.
You know we both feel very much like we wish God would just do it for us so that we don't have to rely on man. I suppose in some way we feel like we've lost some spiritual independence.
We both love the Lord and even if things turn sower we always will. Bless his name.
Has anyone come across this difficult decision, or have thoughts on it?
Some Churches are ok with it some aren't. Mine seems ok with it and my pastor's wife in front of him said maybe it's just part of what you need to do.
One of the reasons we don't want to do it because of the embryos that will get destroyed in the process. Some Churches say... well it's after a x weeks/days until the soul enters them anyway.
Personally I hate coming close to the red line when it comes to my Lord and whist I want to just allow the healer to do the work for us... he hasn't as yet and maybe with good cause. This of course doesn't mean he wont but the clocks ticking.
It's also all about consideration of his will as well. Is this God's will? When the need of our own Child is so much we can't help feeling like we're being pushed down this route.
You know we both feel very much like we wish God would just do it for us so that we don't have to rely on man. I suppose in some way we feel like we've lost some spiritual independence.
We both love the Lord and even if things turn sower we always will. Bless his name.
Has anyone come across this difficult decision, or have thoughts on it?