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And no, this thread is not about the loss of bladder control. This thread is about the total loss of self control as we are witnessing in the world today. The word incontinent is used one time in the Bible in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verse 3, and it means powerless, without self control, intemperate. I read the news and watch Youtube videos like many of us do today, and what I am witnessing going on in mostly large cities is very disturbing.
There has always been crime and wickedness in the world ever since sin entered into the world. But what I believe we are seeing nowadays is a total loss of self control in many who are of that Wicked spirit. People are being beaten up and killed in broad daylight, and many for no reason whatsoever. Stores are being overrun by thieves in broad daylight, who just walk into a place like they own it, and just take whatever they want off the shelves. Many stores are having to move or shut down because of the crime wave in or around the stores.
Drug use is also rampant in these large cities, and on open display, with the powers that be unable to stop it, partly because the people in power are as corrupt as the criminals on the street. Sin has always been around, but now there is a form of pride in being evil and in being sinful. To many it is cool to be a gangsta, or they are proud to be a homosexual, flaunting their sinful behavior like it is something to be admired.
The government is also corrupt from the top to bottom, even promoting the Abominations of homosexuality and this new transgender movement, which is spreading like wildfire in this country. As the government gives it’s support to criminals gangs like Antifa, and gives it’s support to sinful behavior, like homosexuality, the criminals and sinners just become more more emboldened to practice lawlessness unrestrained.
Those who try to speak out against this wickedness are often attacked verbally online, or censored by big tech who are being instructed to do so by the government; thus proving the government is also behind this wicked agenda. Many government funded schools are trying to force a wicked agenda on the youth in this country, supported by many leaders in the government. Free speech rights have been trampled on by many colleges, who do not allow opposing views to their agenda. And many speakers with opposing views are being shouted down with unrestrained profanity by mobs of out of control activists; or in some cases are being beaten for speaking out against their sinful behavior.
It was prophesied in the book of the Revelation that the bottomless pit would be opened, and that in the latter times men would fall away from the faith in God’s words, and they would also embrace the doctrines of devils and seducing spirits. We are also told by Paul what to expect in the last days in 2 Timothy chapter 3….
Now lets look at prophecy in 2 Thess. Chapter 2
In this prophecy Paul is talking about the mystery of iniquity, which he said was already at work in his time. But Paul is also talking about that Wicked spirit being revealed “in” them. Many may argue that Paul is about a single individual man here, but I disagree. I believe Paul is talking about the spirit of the Devil that is working in many. But that is not the point I am trying to show here.
What I want you notice is the language used in verses 6-8 concerning the withholding of that Wicked from being revealed.
We read in 2 Thessalonians 6-8 “And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”
Notice in the above verse 6 that there is something withholding, or holding back, or being restrained until the time is right. I believe it is God who is doing the restraining, or holding back the flood waters of wickedness from fully pouring out.
And notice we are told “only he who lets will let” This again I believe is God who has allowed this to happen according to His will. And then we are told, “until he be taken out of the way” I used to think the he that is being taken out of the way was Satan, but now I believe it is talking about God who would be taking away the restraints. Notice it says right after “he be taken out of the way” we are told “then shall that wicked be revealed.”
So in order for this Wicked, or this wickedness “in” them to be revealed, the restraints that are holding him back are taken away. God is the only one who has the power to restrain, or hold back evil in this world. Just as Jesus is shown in the book of the Revelation as the one having the keys to the bottomless pit, which he in turn gives to an angel to open up; which then results in all these evil spirits to come pouring out upon the earth and enter into and torment those who are not sealed by God’s Holy Spirit.
Think of wickedness as being like flood waters that are being held back by a dam, and God being like that dam that is holding back the flood waters of wickedness. But when God removes the dam, the wicked waters comes pouring out unrestrained.
This also fits into end time prophecy, because it is written in Isaiah 59:19 “when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”
So I personally believe the bottomless pit has already been opened, as is witnessed by the flood of wickedness that is being displayed around the world. And these people who seem to be out of control, are incontinent as Paul said, and are under the influence of evil spirits and are also following after the doctrines of devils and seducing spirits.
There has always been crime and wickedness in the world ever since sin entered into the world. But what I believe we are seeing nowadays is a total loss of self control in many who are of that Wicked spirit. People are being beaten up and killed in broad daylight, and many for no reason whatsoever. Stores are being overrun by thieves in broad daylight, who just walk into a place like they own it, and just take whatever they want off the shelves. Many stores are having to move or shut down because of the crime wave in or around the stores.
Drug use is also rampant in these large cities, and on open display, with the powers that be unable to stop it, partly because the people in power are as corrupt as the criminals on the street. Sin has always been around, but now there is a form of pride in being evil and in being sinful. To many it is cool to be a gangsta, or they are proud to be a homosexual, flaunting their sinful behavior like it is something to be admired.
The government is also corrupt from the top to bottom, even promoting the Abominations of homosexuality and this new transgender movement, which is spreading like wildfire in this country. As the government gives it’s support to criminals gangs like Antifa, and gives it’s support to sinful behavior, like homosexuality, the criminals and sinners just become more more emboldened to practice lawlessness unrestrained.
Those who try to speak out against this wickedness are often attacked verbally online, or censored by big tech who are being instructed to do so by the government; thus proving the government is also behind this wicked agenda. Many government funded schools are trying to force a wicked agenda on the youth in this country, supported by many leaders in the government. Free speech rights have been trampled on by many colleges, who do not allow opposing views to their agenda. And many speakers with opposing views are being shouted down with unrestrained profanity by mobs of out of control activists; or in some cases are being beaten for speaking out against their sinful behavior.
It was prophesied in the book of the Revelation that the bottomless pit would be opened, and that in the latter times men would fall away from the faith in God’s words, and they would also embrace the doctrines of devils and seducing spirits. We are also told by Paul what to expect in the last days in 2 Timothy chapter 3….
2 Timothy 3:1-5 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
All these we see today. But notice in verse 3 the word incontinent, which means, “without self control, intemperate”. This could also mean without restraint. The word restrained in the Bible means to withhold, or hold back, or keep back. An example would be like a dam restrains, or holds back flood waters from pouring out.
Now lets look at prophecy in 2 Thess. Chapter 2
In this prophecy Paul is talking about the mystery of iniquity, which he said was already at work in his time. But Paul is also talking about that Wicked spirit being revealed “in” them. Many may argue that Paul is about a single individual man here, but I disagree. I believe Paul is talking about the spirit of the Devil that is working in many. But that is not the point I am trying to show here.
What I want you notice is the language used in verses 6-8 concerning the withholding of that Wicked from being revealed.
We read in 2 Thessalonians 6-8 “And now you know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.”
Notice in the above verse 6 that there is something withholding, or holding back, or being restrained until the time is right. I believe it is God who is doing the restraining, or holding back the flood waters of wickedness from fully pouring out.
And notice we are told “only he who lets will let” This again I believe is God who has allowed this to happen according to His will. And then we are told, “until he be taken out of the way” I used to think the he that is being taken out of the way was Satan, but now I believe it is talking about God who would be taking away the restraints. Notice it says right after “he be taken out of the way” we are told “then shall that wicked be revealed.”
So in order for this Wicked, or this wickedness “in” them to be revealed, the restraints that are holding him back are taken away. God is the only one who has the power to restrain, or hold back evil in this world. Just as Jesus is shown in the book of the Revelation as the one having the keys to the bottomless pit, which he in turn gives to an angel to open up; which then results in all these evil spirits to come pouring out upon the earth and enter into and torment those who are not sealed by God’s Holy Spirit.
Think of wickedness as being like flood waters that are being held back by a dam, and God being like that dam that is holding back the flood waters of wickedness. But when God removes the dam, the wicked waters comes pouring out unrestrained.
This also fits into end time prophecy, because it is written in Isaiah 59:19 “when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.”
So I personally believe the bottomless pit has already been opened, as is witnessed by the flood of wickedness that is being displayed around the world. And these people who seem to be out of control, are incontinent as Paul said, and are under the influence of evil spirits and are also following after the doctrines of devils and seducing spirits.