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Jun 11, 2006
Hey guys,

A choice has been placed in front of me, that choice is whether to pursue a relationship with a lovely lady. All the ladies I have made this choice about in the past have either been completely atheist or lukewarm. The course of entering into a relationship with these ladies has been very easy.

But this new lady is completely hot for God, as opposed to being lukewarm or cold. There are many factors surrounding her current place in life thats pointing to an open door, plus there seems to be this gravitational attraction between us.

But here's the kicker (and my problem). All my other (failed) relationships were ungodly. I honestly think that I had a bad habit of settling for stuff of that standard. It is my dream to pursue a relationship with a lady that has a heart that contains such passion for God (like her), but the thought actually entering into such a relationship is downright intimidating. It seems as if it would be to hard to go about something like that. One wrong move, and its over kinda thing.

I would appreciate any insight and thoughts that you guys have on my problem.

Loving regards
Dear 21

It's so wonderful to see you sharing so openly and honestly. It's great that there is a woman in your life that may open to the door to a relationship that would be honoring to Him.

You would be surprised at how wonderful the Lord's grace is when you are in right relationship. Do not worry about 'one mistake and it's over.' She may or may not be your life mate - but what a wonderful opportunity for you to discover new things about yourself and the Lord as you possibly pursue this attraction between the two of you.

If you do, do so in His love, praying for His guidance and His heart. It isn't so much sometimes who the other person is (outside of always making sure you are equally yoked - not doing so is dangerous) but it is also about being the right you, the best you that you can be for Him as you get to know her.

Keep your eyes on Him. Maybe start studying the Word of God with her. I pray that more younger men like you give pause to consider these things and search their hearts. You know He is searching yours with you.