Oh, I understand. Grew up in Bklyn for my first 17 yrs before joining the military. When I did I found out quickly that there was more to the world then NYC. :smile:
I believe that NYC is very much the Hedonistic type society. Without Jesus Christ in their lives, all they default to or want/know is what's self serving and provides self gratification. With technology the way it is. Momentary pleasures are what excites them and when one thing bores them they move on to the next. Still as empty as they were before they started.
No matter how absurd or bizarre it might be to them if they truly gave it a little thought. These momentary "pleasure/s" (for lack of another word at the moment), makes them feel alive and will allow them to somehow disguise the loneliness/emptiness that resides in their hearts. Not realizing or wanting to know that Jesus is what will fill them and complete them. Joyfully and without measure!
However, sad I may feel about their condition. I still can't help but cringe and move away from the vulgarity, crudeness that some people and in some places, many people show as an everyday example in guise of being "sociable". What does scripture say?
Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14
It's as if our very spirit rebels against what we see and hear. It's as if you're being assailed, literally physical by the ugliness that is brought forth by these lost ones of the world!
Burrrrrrrr....have to shake it off. Knowledge of God's Word and holding on to His promises truly can turn even the most dark of moments into ones of Light & Rejoicing! Glory to God in the Highest!
Glad you're here sister!!!! Think of us as an Oasis for refreshing your spirit in fellowship!!!!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.