Sue J Love
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“Ignorance is bliss,” so the saying goes, but is it really? Can we continue to plead ignorance, especially after so much truth has been presented to us, and then go on ignoring the truth, as though it won’t affect us? And, because we want to hold on to our traditions or to our sinful addictions?
Granted, sometimes we really are ignorant about some things, but we should not go around with blinders on, not even willing to listen to anything which is contrary to what we have always believed about certain things.
Not saying here that we should entertain other religions or false gospels, but that some things we have always done or have always been taught may not be of God, but may be of human origin, so we need to be willing to seek God about these matters, and inquire of him as to how he feels about certain practices, so that we don’t go on in ignorance, thinking it won’t matter.
The Lord Jesus led me to read Colossians 2:1-5, 16-23 (NASB).
I grew up attending church gatherings with my family, so the church has always been a part of my life, even before I trusted in Christ as my Savior at age 7. I went to a building, called “church,” of a particular Christian denomination. And, then, upon moving different places, in my married life, my husband and I were also a part of several other denominations. And, we were even church planters twice, but very short-lived each time.
When we were church planters this last time, in 2004, we were persuaded that we had to incorporate our group under the federal tax exempt status known as the 501c3 for not-for-profit corporations. So, we did that. We also went to their church planters training, much of which was about marketing and building a business from the bottom up. And, they used human business models for how to start (plant) a church (a not-for-profit corporation).
My husband was going for his ordination and I was going for my consecration (a female version of ordination), which was the same program, basically. And, we were assigned to read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation. I don’t think I had ever done that before, so I did it. But, as I did, the Lord began to open my eyes to so many things I had never seen before. He showed me things in his Word I had not quite seen in that light, because of my upbringing, and because of what I had always practiced or had modeled to me.
For one, the Lord began to open my mind and understanding with regard to the US government (I live in the USA). I had no idea about these matters before. I was truly ignorant. But, I listened to what he was teaching me, and I did the homework, and I came to see that the US government is of the beast of Revelation, and it is definitely part of Mystery Babylon, the harlot, who rides the beast. I also learned that a shadow government, of the world’s elite, was the de facto government of the US, and that our leaders were just puppets doing the bidding of this shadow government.
The Lord also opened my eyes to see what all our government was involved in worldwide in serving this beast in conquering nations, peoples, lands, natural resources and killing innocents in multiple nations in order to bring the world under the rule of this beast. We are not the good guys over in these nations fighting off terrorists and protecting our own people, but we, the USA, are the world’s terrorists, terrorizing and murdering and raping at will whoever we want. We, the USA, are the world’s bullies.
Then, he opened my eyes to the concept of “institutional church.” When I first heard that phrase, I had no idea what the people were talking about, so I asked, and then I learned. What I learned is that the church is not a building (steeple or no steeple). It is not a denomination. It is not a not-for-profit corporation. It is not a business. And, the “sanctuary” inside the building was not where the presence of God dwelt, for God does not live in buildings built by human hands. He dwells in human hearts.
So, what I learned, too, is that the church is the people of God, the body of Christ, and that we can meet together any place, even on the internet, on any day of the week, and at any hour of day. We, as the body of Christ, are not required to hold to the Jewish Sabbath, because now Christ dwells within us by the Holy Spirit, so our “Sabbath Rest” is our salvation. We enter into that rest when we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.
But, then the Lord showed me that his body is actually in violation to his instructions (commands) in scripture by being joined together with the US government via the 501c3, and by partnering with the US government, in an unholy union, and by turning the body of Christ, God’s house, into a marketplace, a business, which is marketed just like any other business. And, it isn’t just that they partnered with the ungodly, but they partnered with the beast and with the harlot of Revelation, Babylon.
And, so I pray that you will pray and ask the Lord if this is true. Am I telling you the truth that the US government is part of the beast? And/or that they serve the beast? And, that this beast shadow government is the true government of the USA? Will you ignore this, or will you honestly inquire of the Lord as to the truth of this, and be willing to search it out?
Also, the Bible clearly teaches that we are not to partner with the ungodly, for what fellowship has light with darkness? And, that we are not to turn the house of the Lord, the body of Christ, into a marketplace. But, will you continue to ignore that? Or, will you honestly ask God if what I am telling you is the truth? For, we are commanded to come out from them and to be separate, and to touch no unclean thing (2 Co. 6:14-18).
And, the same is taught with regard to Babylon. What or who is Babylon? Ask God. Read about it. If we are supposed to come out from her midst, so that we don’t share in her sins or in her punishment, because her sins are piled high to heaven, then it would behoove us to know who this Babylon is so that we do come out from her. We can’t keep pleading ignorance, or turn our backs to the truth, because we love our institutional churches or because we claim that the Bible says we are not supposed to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and so we excuse these truths away.
If a bunch of Christians met at a McDonald’s restaurant for the teaching of the Word, for fellowship, for prayer, and for the breaking of bread, that would not make McDonald’s the church. Just because it is called “church” does not make it the church. The church is NOT a business! It is the people of God, under the headship of Christ, doing the will of God. Where or when we meet doesn’t matter. But, who we partner with does matter! It matters a great deal to God, and that is why he is saying “COME OUT!” (Rev. 18:4-5)
The point here, not in exact parallel, obviously, to this passage of scripture, is that if we have died with Christ to the principles of this world, why do we continue to submit ourselves to them? In our case they are not saying “don’t touch,” but they are often giving the freedom to touch just about anything and everything, i.e. they are giving free license for lasciviousness.
And, they are leading us to do what is contrary to God’s Word, because we are following man’s thinking instead of God’s, and man’s traditions, instead of God’s commands, in some of these cases.
I have many people in my life who just can’t get why I left the institutional church. They just can’t fathom why, in their eyes, I have abandoned “the church.” I try to explain to them that I have not left the church. I have left the Babylonian institutional church which is in bed with the US government-beast-harlot. And, I did so because God’s Word says to “COME OUT!”
I wish they would take the time to inquire of God about these matters, and that they would come to grips with the truths presented here. But, if they don’t, and if any should persecute me for my stand, then I am to rejoice.
All Through the Night
An Original Work / December 7, 2013
Based off Various Scriptures
Blessed are you when you’re persecuted
Because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
Blessed are you when people insult you,
And falsely say what leads folks to doubt.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is
Great in the heavens. You’re not alone.
When you are persecuted in one place,
Flee to another. God will be there.
You will be hated by all the nations
Because you testify of God’s grace.
Many will seize you and persecute you,
And put to death the foll’wers of Christ.
Yet, do not fear what humans may do to you,
For I’m with you all through the night.
I tell you, love your enemies with my love,
And forgive as I forgave you.
Pray for those who do evil against you.
Rest in my love and grace from above.
Saturday, December 23, 2017, 8:30 p.m. – Thank you, Jesus, for this teaching from your Word. I pray that all who would read this would prayerfully inquire of you as to the truth contained therein, and that they would respond to you in obedience to Your Word.
Granted, sometimes we really are ignorant about some things, but we should not go around with blinders on, not even willing to listen to anything which is contrary to what we have always believed about certain things.
Not saying here that we should entertain other religions or false gospels, but that some things we have always done or have always been taught may not be of God, but may be of human origin, so we need to be willing to seek God about these matters, and inquire of him as to how he feels about certain practices, so that we don’t go on in ignorance, thinking it won’t matter.
The Lord Jesus led me to read Colossians 2:1-5, 16-23 (NASB).
For I want you to know how great a struggle I have on your behalf and for those who are at Laodicea, and for all those who have not personally seen my face, that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. I say this so that no one will delude you with persuasive argument. For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ. Vv. 1-5
I grew up attending church gatherings with my family, so the church has always been a part of my life, even before I trusted in Christ as my Savior at age 7. I went to a building, called “church,” of a particular Christian denomination. And, then, upon moving different places, in my married life, my husband and I were also a part of several other denominations. And, we were even church planters twice, but very short-lived each time.
When we were church planters this last time, in 2004, we were persuaded that we had to incorporate our group under the federal tax exempt status known as the 501c3 for not-for-profit corporations. So, we did that. We also went to their church planters training, much of which was about marketing and building a business from the bottom up. And, they used human business models for how to start (plant) a church (a not-for-profit corporation).
My husband was going for his ordination and I was going for my consecration (a female version of ordination), which was the same program, basically. And, we were assigned to read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation. I don’t think I had ever done that before, so I did it. But, as I did, the Lord began to open my eyes to so many things I had never seen before. He showed me things in his Word I had not quite seen in that light, because of my upbringing, and because of what I had always practiced or had modeled to me.
For one, the Lord began to open my mind and understanding with regard to the US government (I live in the USA). I had no idea about these matters before. I was truly ignorant. But, I listened to what he was teaching me, and I did the homework, and I came to see that the US government is of the beast of Revelation, and it is definitely part of Mystery Babylon, the harlot, who rides the beast. I also learned that a shadow government, of the world’s elite, was the de facto government of the US, and that our leaders were just puppets doing the bidding of this shadow government.
The Lord also opened my eyes to see what all our government was involved in worldwide in serving this beast in conquering nations, peoples, lands, natural resources and killing innocents in multiple nations in order to bring the world under the rule of this beast. We are not the good guys over in these nations fighting off terrorists and protecting our own people, but we, the USA, are the world’s terrorists, terrorizing and murdering and raping at will whoever we want. We, the USA, are the world’s bullies.
Then, he opened my eyes to the concept of “institutional church.” When I first heard that phrase, I had no idea what the people were talking about, so I asked, and then I learned. What I learned is that the church is not a building (steeple or no steeple). It is not a denomination. It is not a not-for-profit corporation. It is not a business. And, the “sanctuary” inside the building was not where the presence of God dwelt, for God does not live in buildings built by human hands. He dwells in human hearts.
So, what I learned, too, is that the church is the people of God, the body of Christ, and that we can meet together any place, even on the internet, on any day of the week, and at any hour of day. We, as the body of Christ, are not required to hold to the Jewish Sabbath, because now Christ dwells within us by the Holy Spirit, so our “Sabbath Rest” is our salvation. We enter into that rest when we believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day— things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize by delighting in self-abasement and the worship of the angels, taking his stand on visions he has seen, inflated without cause by his fleshly mind, and not holding fast to the head, from whom the entire body, being supplied and held together by the joints and ligaments, grows with a growth which is from God. vv. 16-19
But, then the Lord showed me that his body is actually in violation to his instructions (commands) in scripture by being joined together with the US government via the 501c3, and by partnering with the US government, in an unholy union, and by turning the body of Christ, God’s house, into a marketplace, a business, which is marketed just like any other business. And, it isn’t just that they partnered with the ungodly, but they partnered with the beast and with the harlot of Revelation, Babylon.
And, so I pray that you will pray and ask the Lord if this is true. Am I telling you the truth that the US government is part of the beast? And/or that they serve the beast? And, that this beast shadow government is the true government of the USA? Will you ignore this, or will you honestly inquire of the Lord as to the truth of this, and be willing to search it out?
Also, the Bible clearly teaches that we are not to partner with the ungodly, for what fellowship has light with darkness? And, that we are not to turn the house of the Lord, the body of Christ, into a marketplace. But, will you continue to ignore that? Or, will you honestly ask God if what I am telling you is the truth? For, we are commanded to come out from them and to be separate, and to touch no unclean thing (2 Co. 6:14-18).
And, the same is taught with regard to Babylon. What or who is Babylon? Ask God. Read about it. If we are supposed to come out from her midst, so that we don’t share in her sins or in her punishment, because her sins are piled high to heaven, then it would behoove us to know who this Babylon is so that we do come out from her. We can’t keep pleading ignorance, or turn our backs to the truth, because we love our institutional churches or because we claim that the Bible says we are not supposed to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, and so we excuse these truths away.
If a bunch of Christians met at a McDonald’s restaurant for the teaching of the Word, for fellowship, for prayer, and for the breaking of bread, that would not make McDonald’s the church. Just because it is called “church” does not make it the church. The church is NOT a business! It is the people of God, under the headship of Christ, doing the will of God. Where or when we meet doesn’t matter. But, who we partner with does matter! It matters a great deal to God, and that is why he is saying “COME OUT!” (Rev. 18:4-5)
If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, “Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!” (which all refer to things destined to perish with use)—in accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence. Vv. 20-23
The point here, not in exact parallel, obviously, to this passage of scripture, is that if we have died with Christ to the principles of this world, why do we continue to submit ourselves to them? In our case they are not saying “don’t touch,” but they are often giving the freedom to touch just about anything and everything, i.e. they are giving free license for lasciviousness.
And, they are leading us to do what is contrary to God’s Word, because we are following man’s thinking instead of God’s, and man’s traditions, instead of God’s commands, in some of these cases.
I have many people in my life who just can’t get why I left the institutional church. They just can’t fathom why, in their eyes, I have abandoned “the church.” I try to explain to them that I have not left the church. I have left the Babylonian institutional church which is in bed with the US government-beast-harlot. And, I did so because God’s Word says to “COME OUT!”
I wish they would take the time to inquire of God about these matters, and that they would come to grips with the truths presented here. But, if they don’t, and if any should persecute me for my stand, then I am to rejoice.
All Through the Night
An Original Work / December 7, 2013
Based off Various Scriptures
Blessed are you when you’re persecuted
Because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
Blessed are you when people insult you,
And falsely say what leads folks to doubt.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is
Great in the heavens. You’re not alone.
When you are persecuted in one place,
Flee to another. God will be there.
You will be hated by all the nations
Because you testify of God’s grace.
Many will seize you and persecute you,
And put to death the foll’wers of Christ.
Yet, do not fear what humans may do to you,
For I’m with you all through the night.
I tell you, love your enemies with my love,
And forgive as I forgave you.
Pray for those who do evil against you.
Rest in my love and grace from above.
Saturday, December 23, 2017, 8:30 p.m. – Thank you, Jesus, for this teaching from your Word. I pray that all who would read this would prayerfully inquire of you as to the truth contained therein, and that they would respond to you in obedience to Your Word.