Just an Observation....
Even a casual skim through the OT history of Israel reveals an interesting thread that runs throughout their history up to the time of their return from Babylon. That thread is a constant rejection of 3 foundational principles regarding the relationships that God sought to establish within mankind.
The first was the truth that the Lord is God, and there is no other. Israel had constant problems with idolatry, taking to themselves the idols and gods of their neighbours. This repeatedly dogged Israel and and was the cause of their committing many atrocities and abominations that today we cannot comprehend, for example child sacrifice. Idolatry therefore had a direct oimpact on their relationship with God.
The second was the Sabbath. Neglecting the Sabbath was a major problem for Israel and God sent many warnings through His prophets to repent.
The third was with regard their relationships with women. Intermarriage with non-Israeli women caused constant problems, the major one being the introduction into Israel culture the worship practices of foreign nations. Thus the foreign women brought in the idols which resulted in the neglect of Sabbath. Interestingly all three principles, marriage, the Sabbath, and the Lord God being Creator and solely worthy of worship, are found in the Garden of Eden before sin.