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Is she the one


Dec 12, 2009
hello my talk jesus friends,

I have a friend that we been friends for a long time. When ever I meet someone r try to talk to another women, it dosent work out. She is always on my mind. Are theses signs that she is the one?

Even with more details of the circumstances I think it would be difficult for anyone here to answer whether 'she might be the one'

But praise God the Lord knows

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass
Psalm 37:5

Commit all your feelings and desires to the Lord....and wait on Him for understanding.

Bless you

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Philippians 4:6
two questions ...Does she know how you feel about her ..?
and are you comfortable praying with her ..?

like fragrent grace says ..hard to give right answer .even with more info..but i can tell you this ..God does wonderful work and the word says ..a man that finds a wife finds favor with God ..talk to her and share youre heart ..wait on the Lord and encline youre ear to His word and council..And dont let feelings come into play ..the flesh lies always ..God bless..Rev
two questions ...Does she know how you feel about her ..?
and are you comfortable praying with her ..?

like fragrent grace says ..hard to give right answer .even with more info..but i can tell you this ..God does wonderful work and the word says ..a man that finds a wife finds favor with God ..talk to her and share youre heart ..wait on the Lord and encline youre ear to His word and council..And dont let feelings come into play ..the flesh lies always ..God bless..Rev

To the first question, yes. She has said that she see as a good friend. but it looks like sometimes she hides her true feelings. To the second one, yes. I have been praying about this for awhile. It looks like we have been growing closer to. R main thing is time with each other. She has three kids, I work to jobs. My pray is that we get time to spend together and talk more.
I married my wife when she had 4 kids .and i was strrugling to make a living..weve been togather now for 15 + yrs and grow closer each day ..its the thick of it all that makes it work..in good and bad times both ..we dont have much time now ..5 kids 8 grands ..im on two jobs + Her job..but we are closer now then ever...IMHO Christs actions spoke louder than His words ..so it should be with us as well..Now my second question was are you comfortable praying WITH her ..not ABOUT her ...take it before the Lord togather and see what happens then..In Jesus name ..Rev
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I married my wife when she had 4 kids .and i was strrugling to make a living..weve been togather now for 15 + yrs and grow closer each day ..its the thick of it all that makes it work..in good and bad times both ..we dont have much time now ..5 kids 8 grands ..im on two jobs + Her job..but we are closer now then ever...IMHO Christs actions spoke louder than His words ..so it should be with us as well..Now my second question was are you comfortable praying WITH her ..not ABOUT her ...take it before the Lord togather and see what happens then..In Jesus name ..Rev

oh ok. we never prayed together about something. how would i approach her about praying for relationship. Or better yet, I should I go before the lord with this issue?
Always ask the Lord first ..He already Knows youre Heart on this BUT our father always likes to hear our words asking His involvment..as for asking Her..its a big step ..Ask her to dinner and talk youre heart to her as you did us and if its a positive response PRAY WITH HER ON THE SPOt that you would both be in Gods will ..(leave the flesh out of it ) after that is done ,,put in Gods hands and treat her like the jewel she is to you ....Trust that the Lord has it all in hand ....youre brother in Christ ...rev
Always ask the Lord first ..He already Knows youre Heart on this BUT our father always likes to hear our words asking His involvment..as for asking Her..its a big step ..Ask her to dinner and talk youre heart to her as you did us and if its a positive response PRAY WITH HER ON THE SPOt that you would both be in Gods will ..(leave the flesh out of it ) after that is done ,,put in Gods hands and treat her like the jewel she is to you ....Trust that the Lord has it all in hand ....youre brother in Christ ...rev

I will take it to the father. thanks!