Hi Jessca,
Firstly a massive congratulations
That's wonderful news. Inside of you is developing a wonderful wonderful lil baby that will absolutely adore you for the rest of your life.
As far as the dad's concerned, moving on sounds like an excellent idea. IMO it's not trust issues you have, it's self esteem. You girl are a gorgeous redeemed child of the creator God and my sweet sister. God loves and adores you, that's why He asked His precious only son to die a horrific death, just to rescue you from an unthinkable end. Having paid that price for you He wants only the best for you and that's why He sets out in Ephesians 5:22-33 how a husband has to be towards his wife. Read it and then ask yourself why you would compromise settling for 3rd best in this guy whose got you pregnant and can't decide whether he even wants to see you or not?
Girl, you want and deserve better, a guy who dotes on you, treating you like royalty, loving you almost like Christ loves His church. I'm fairly sure God has just such a guy waiting in the sidelines for you. Meanwhile just focus your attentions on those other two loves in your life. Love, worship and praise God, seeking to serve Him in whatever He has planned for you and of course bringing up your lovely sweet child to have an amazing, exciting childhood, learning about God in preparation for a decision he/she will make to be His disciple making mum really proud and pleased.
God bless you sis, richly xxx