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jeans, good or not???!!


Jul 11, 2005
i got a private message today from another member in this website and we have been chating for about two weeks now on and off. in the message she(34) said the following (and i quote): we have seen some african ladies with all the clothes just wrap together and put a bi....g hat. Is it the way your dress? If u wear jeans that is not good for a believer. In every where u should show that u love Jesus.
We are not supposed to be in the image of world fashions. We are the citizen of heaven and outwardly and inwardly we should show it out.

now i have no problem with the fact that we have to show jesus in everything that we do but shouldnt we be comfortable when we tell others about jesus because if we are not comfortable then the people we talk to arnt going to feel comfortable. i dont even wear a dress to chruch anymore, i wear a black pants because i also feel that a person should be comfortable (cloths wise)when you are praisng and worshiping God. i dont mean to cause any havoc but the most comfortable cloths for me is my jeans,takies and tracksuite top and i am shure many people will agree with me. also i am not a great fashion follower as i do not belive that other people should dictate to me how i should dress.i know everybody is entitled to thier own opinion so that is why i posted this. please post your own ideas about this to. (i did not mean to offend anybody reading this who belives that people should wear dresses and not pants)
With lots of love,
vlooi :shade:

God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!
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Well vlooi, i believe that you can where wot you feel is comfortable, you dont need to conform to any rules, God doesnt look at the clothes or the outward appearance he looks at the heart, but our appearance shouldnt be too erratic, Romans 12 says to Be In the world but not to conform to the worlds ways, but i believe thats more to do with obeidiance and love as we follow God in our walk, Not really about fashion in church.

Main thing is dont worrie bout it God loves you no matter how you dress
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I honestly believe that what you where is what you are comfortable with ! The Lord will let you know if your clothing is wrong. Just be willing to seek Him in all areas! Joyfully ~ Jlu
thank you all of you !! that is ecactly what i think!! and yes smile for jesus i agree with you! i mean, if some one was wearing a top with a SERIOUSLY low neckline then i would agree that it is wrong becuase you are causing other people to sin. also the other thing i forgot to mention is that the person who sent me that private message is from abu dabi and that i think that that person just grew up with other ideams (excuse the spelling) but on the other hand you are also right jehova jira.
but thank you all for your input and i also feel the same smile for jesus (it is upsetting!!)!
i dont think i fidn Jeans a bad thing or not. i mean i dont think that God will say to us. you wore bad clothes so your not allowed in or soemthgin....

i mean if the jeans you are wearing are Tight as and evry body can see what shape underwear your weraing i think that is a bit obvious that that not right to be wearing. lol but yeah....

i used to HATE Jeans cos i didnt liek them and then i went out and bought a pair of 3quater jeans and hey i dont feel different in them that God is not liking me more or less. i dont think that God will judge us on our apperance will he??

love Simon!!!
SmileForJesus said:
"If u wear jeans that is not good for a believer."

I am sorry but that really hurt my feelings.becasue I wear jeans all the time to church and outside of church. my hands are shaking so much i can hardly type!

Praise the lord Sister SmileForJesus :shade: we are told to wear modest clothes...not a certain kind of clothing, so don't let your hands shake, praise him for showing you the truth :boy_hug:

1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

God bless you Sister
well i dont have nothing against jeans....i mean i wear them everyday...i hardly wear any dresses or so...
i think people should be alowed to wear what ever they want to...i mean i have to feel comfortable with what i wear.....so i wear what i like..
okay i do look at the fashion alot....cause where i live u cant really just wear what u like u have to somehow look at the fashion...so i do and i like the fashion but i still just wear what i like and what i wear fits to the fashion right now....
i hope u can understand what i wanted to write...
im very sleepy but i wanted to just tell u what i think bout it...

god bless
uknowme said:
well i dont have nothing against jeans....i mean i wear them everyday...i hardly wear any dresses or so...
i think people should be alowed to wear what ever they want to...i mean i have to feel comfortable with what i wear.....so i wear what i like..
okay i do look at the fashion alot....cause where i live u cant really just wear what u like u have to somehow look at the fashion...so i do and i like the fashion but i still just wear what i like and what i wear fits to the fashion right now....
i hope u can understand what i wanted to write...
im very sleepy but i wanted to just tell u what i think bout it...

god bless

she goes with the Fashion... lol where is the individuality in that... LOL i mean hey if you asked me what the fasion in our town is i woudl look @ you and say what's a Fashion... LOL i mean i dotn follow it i never have and never will. basically cos i DO wear anythgin if the colors clash i dotn really care my favorite color is Bright Fluro Green. lol i have a pair of baordies that i hardly wear basically cos it is cold here beign Winter and all but when it is Summer. lol hey...

didnt really have apoitn to this reply i am just BORED outta my mind so yeah..

Love Simon!!!
thanks all for your input and keep it rolling.
i had some good laughs and i also found some of them very serious
and you all make very good points!
thanks again
Ok here are my 2 cents worth on what i read in my Bible.........
The book of Deuteronomy has a prohibition against dressing in clothing of the opposite sex:
Deu 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God.
Some people think this verse would prohibit women from wearing pants because pants have traditionally been worn by men. But, in light of the similarity of men's and women's clothing in Biblical times and the fact is that pants were worn by men at this time.
Both sexes wore robes in these times,men had short robes that hung just below the knee,while women wore long robes down to there ankles.

The robe, usually worn flowing, was girt up by a girdle when men ran, labored, or fought ( 1Pe 1:13 ).
Now this is where the pants come into the scene.Though like underwear, the legs were longer.Where as a woman wore none.

Proper dress for women
1Ti 2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;

Against Jewlery (I just threw this in because it goes along with 1Ti 2:9)
1Pe 3:3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward [adorning] of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;

Okay i'm done now with my 2 cents....
I know it has been awhile since i have been here....computer crashed and lost the links in my favorites
thanks for your reply, may the Lord relly bless you
thanks again,
Here is my humble opinion. Don't want anyone's hands shaking after they read this so I will try to be nice. In the Bible it says that you should not be a stumbling block for other people. in other words you should not do anything that would cause someone to fall into sin. This may offend some people but this is more directed to the women in the group. I have not seen a pair of jeans on a woman that are not fitting. Meaning snug to the contours of the persons body. In my opinion, if someone can see every contour of your body, that is not humble. I know before i became a Christian if I would see a woman in nice jeans, I would take a second look. Sometimes think something that I shouldn't have. She was partly responsible for my sin. I don't want to blame her don't get me wrong I just want to point out a different point of view that i think we might want to pray about before just condemning it because it is against the grain.

God Bless

My fav day at work is casual day, we get to wear jeans. I feel comfortable in them, wear them to church too. My jeans aren't all ripped or anything just comfortable. I don't let anyone dictate to me what I can wear...unless it is my boss and I try and impress her...on casual day I dress for me.
mymakersdaughter said:
My fav day at work is casual day, we get to wear jeans. I feel comfortable in them, wear them to church too. My jeans aren't all ripped or anything just comfortable. I don't let anyone dictate to me what I can wear...unless it is my boss and I try and impress her...on casual day I dress for me.

Do you let anyone tell you what you can and can't do?
I don't let anyone dictate to me
The Word tells me alot of things i can and can't do.Wether i like it or not.
And it looks like you would be more willing to impress God than your boss.

billyeah i know just what you mean about jeans on a woman ...many times it has caused me to think things i shouldn't.
And a woman in a bathing suit has caused me to drive around the block for a second look.
So it does make a difference what you wear.
But if you can stand before God with know conviction of it ,it is fine.
My wife had conviction placed on her about 7 years ago ,she had on a pair of sweatpants and saw an girl friend from school. She hid from her because she had on sweats, since then it has been skirts everyday..even at home
Sometimes it just seems that Christians, have absolute disregard for how a person dresses. They say it's what's in a persons heart that matters. And I agree 100%. BUT. Shouldn't a persons outward appearance reflect their inner self? If we are supposed to be soldiers for Christ we have to be good examples.

The first thing someone will see when they look at you, is obviously your appearance.

Picture this: you walk by a girl (sorry to pick on you girls) in the mall. She is wearing a tube top and shorts with an inseam of 2". Is your first thought "She is a good Christian girl." No it wouldn't be. But I have seen Christian girls dress this way.

Now I am not saying they are bad people and they will be condemned to hell, but the bible say a lot about being humble, and your choice of clothes should reflect that.

God Bless

wow you al make such good points. i tottaly agree with oyu mymakersdaugter, i dont let everybody (cept God ) dictate to me.
have a blessed day, vlooi
ImreadyfortheLord why dont you read all of the sentence not just part of it. Mymakersdaughter is a very humle servant of the Lord! Joyfully ~ Jlu
Jesuslovesu said:
ImreadyfortheLord why dont you read all of the sentence not just part of it. Mymakersdaughter is a very humle servant of the Lord! Joyfully ~ Jlu
Jesuslovesu, you see that she is a humble servant of the lord from her statement...
you have some really good insite Jesuslovesu to see that
I don't let anyone dictate to me what I can wear...unless it is my boss and I try and impress her
It does state that she doesn't wear ripped jeans to church...
Mymakersdaughter is a very humle servant of the Lord!
I sorry but i don't see that at all in this statement but i'm sure she is for she is at Talkjesus and has a nice size post count..i never did a background check on here but i'll take your word for it.
I'm not trying to step on anyones toes here but praise God if i do!
are we talking about jeans or are we havin a pop at each other?

it doesnt matter i dont think if someone seems like they are humbleor not what it seems like to us but only god nows what they are like. also if someone is having a pop that is not very kind and that shows themselves up. christian?

I like jeans i just bought some. but i read up there that a woman must not dress like a man so that would something i would have to think about alot before i joined. i dont like dresses and stuff
