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Jehovah's Witness


Staff Member
Feb 9, 2004
Jehovah's Witnesses

Almost everyone knows of their aggressive door-to-door proselytizing. The organization they represent, known as the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society (WTB&TS), emphasizes end time prophecy and has falsely predicted the end of the world many times. The WTB&TS exercises rigid control over Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) and prohibits their participation in such common activities as taking blood transfusions, celebrating birthdays or holidays (including Christmas, Easter, and Mother's Day), voting, flag saluting, and military service. Through these restrictions, the WTB&TS builds a wall of isolation between Jehovah's Witnesses and the rest of society.

JW History

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society boldly claims to be the only organization God is using today to teach His truth and speak for Him. ' According to the WTB&TS, all non-JWs will be destroyed at Armageddon, an event of divine judgment it threatens is just around the corner. The WT Society prints over 14 million copies of its magazines every week, and has over 4 million Jehovah's Witnesses spreading its doctrines in 200 countries. What follows are some essential facts everyone should know about the history and doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Borrowed Beliefs and Doctrines

Charles T. Russell (1852- 1916) founded the JW movement. As a teenager he rejected his Presbyterian roots, joined a more liberal Congregational Church, then left this group as well. He denied the deity of Christ and the biblical teachings on hell and eternal punishment. Russell had no formal Bible training, but borrowed and built upon various teachings that were popular at the time. For example, Adventism influenced his denial of hell, and a splinter Adventist group led by N.H. Barbour aroused his interest in endtime prophecies. From Barbour he borrowed the belief that Christ returned invisibly to the world in 1874, and that 1914 was the year the world would be destroyed and the Millennium would begin.

Fantastic Claims

In 1879 Russell started his own magazine, Zion's Watchtower and Herald of Christ's Presence (now known as The Watchtower), to promote his doctrines. People were drawn to Russell's sensational endtime predictions, and the organization grew.
In spite of his lack of formal training in theology or biblical languages, Russell claimed to be the only one with the truth, and he vigorously condemned all other Christian religions. As a result, ministers of various denominations began exposing Russell's false teachings and questionable character.

Flawed Character

Rev. J.J. Ross published a pamphlet that exposed Russell's false claims and doctrines. He revealed that Russell "never attended the higher schools of learning; knows comparatively nothing of philosophy, systematic or historical theology; and is totally ignorant of the [biblical] languages [i.e. Hebrew and Greek]". Ross concluded that Russell's teaching was "anti-rational, anti-scientific, anti-Biblical, [and] anti-Christian." Russell unsuccessfully tried to stop circulation of this damaging information by suing Rev. Ross for defamatory libel. However, he not only lost the suit, but in the process perjured himself in court when he lied under oath about his knowledge of the Greek language. In the end Russell admitted the statements about himself in the pamphlet were true.5

In 1906 Russell ' s wife successfully sued for divorce because of "his conceit, egotism, domination and improper conduct in relation to other women," and won a settlement of $6,036. The court severely censured Russell and called his conduct "insulting," "domineering" and "overbearing" to a degree which made life intolerable to a sensitive Christian woman.

In 1913, Russell unsuccessfully sued The Brooklyn Daily Eagle for libel when that paper exposed his fraudulent attempts to sell ordinary wheat at the exorbitant price of $60 a bushel, claiming it was "Miracle Wheat.''

Failed Prophecies

Despite these setbacks, Russell continued to attract people with his fantastic prophetic interpretations and dramatic warnings that Armageddon would strike in 1914. When 1914 came and went, he changed the date to 1915. Russell died in 1916, leaving his followers doubting and disillusioned by his predictive failures. Joseph Franklin Rutherford then took control of the organization.

Prophecy For Profit

Rutherford (1869-1942) also used the threat of Armageddon to intimidate JWs. He published The Finished Mystery, a book which predicted that in 1918 God would destroy churches and millions of their members, and claimed that by 1920 every kingdom would be swallowed up in anarchy. Rutherford taught that the only way to escape the impending judgment and destruction was to join the Watchtower organization.

Fear of Armageddon motivated Witnesses to work hard selling Rutherford's books and other Watchtower Society literature. When the 1918 and 1920 predictions failed, Rutherford set a new date in his book titled Millions Now Living Will Never Die (1920). It taught that the millennium would start in 1925 and that Old Testament saints like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David would come back to life. The WT Society even built a luxurious Spanish mansion called Beth-Sarim (House of Princes), supposedly to house these patriarchs.

In the meantime, however, Rutherford conveniently moved ... into the mansion. He also drove an expensive new car throughout the Great Depression, while rank and file JWs sold Watchtower books and pamphlets door-to-door, and worked at Bethel headquarters for $10 - $15 a month. Six years after Rutherford's death in 1942, the Old Testament saints still had not arrived, so the Society quietly sold "Beth Sarim," thus closing an embarrassing chapter in their predictive history.

Tampering With The Bible

Under the leadership of Nathan H. Knorr (1905-1977) the WT Society put away date setting for a time and switched to a different strategy. Since many of their teachings could be refuted by key verses in the King James Bible, Knorr set out to publish a different Bible for JWs to use. Called the New World Translation (NWT), it blatantly altered many verses to support Watchtower doctrine. The single best example of this is John 1: 1, which in the King James Version clearly declares Jesus' deity-"the Word was God." JWs deny the deity of Christ, so the NWT renders this phrase "the Word was a god." The translation committee responsible for the NWT was kept anonymous, undoubtedly to cover up their complete lack of scholarly qualifications. None of the men who worked on this project had any formal training in the biblical languages, except for Frederick Franz. He was chairman of the committee and had studied Greek for two years at the University of Cincinnati without graduating, and was only self-taught in Hebrew. After Knorr's death, Franz became the Watchtower Society's new President.

Intimidation And A Lack Of Integrity

From 1960 to 1966 the organization's growth rate slowed considerably. At this point the WTB&TS introduced a new book and a new date for the end of the world. Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God (1966) by Vice President Franz (1894-1992 ) concluded that the autumn of 1975 would mark the beginning of the seventh period of human history. The Society was careful to avoid printing an outright prediction, but the message was clear to Jehovah's Witnesses everywhere-Armageddon was coming soon. Some even sold their homes and property in 1974 and were praised by their leaders for doing so.

Membership grew by the thousands until 1975 came and went. Then many people realized God was not leading the WT Society and left the organization. The leaders of the WTB&TS refused to admit they had been wrong about 1975, and instead told disillusioned JWs to "adjust their viewpoint."

Today many people are unaware of these damaging facts, and the Witnesses continue to grow in number, publishing massive amounts of deceptive literature. The WT Society demands complete loyalty and still predicts Armageddon is coming soon with sure annihilation for anyone who does not join the organization or leaves its ranks. In spite of a history marred by manipulation and false prophecies, the WT Society still claims to be the only one teaching the truth.

Testing the Watchtower Prophet

The Bible warns us that many false prophets will come claiming to speak for God (Matthew 7:15; 1John 4: 1). Thankfully, it also provides a practical test for identifying false prophets. In Deuteronomy 18:21-22 we are told that anyone who claims to speak as a prophet of God and predicts something that does not come true is a false prophet. "And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him."(KJV)

According to the Bible, one false prophecy makes the speaker a false prophet. By this test the Watchtower Society's prophecies concerning 1914, 1915, 1918, 1920, 1925 and 1975 prove beyond a doubt it is a false prophet and that we should turn away from this group's deceptive doctrines.

JW Doctrine

When an organization like the WTB&TS claims to be the only true religion and the sole source of correct Bible teaching, we must carefully examine their beliefs. If their doctrines are true, they will be found in the Bible, and their teachings will be consistent and unchanging year after year. Jehovah's Witnesses, however, deny or twist many of the Bible s basic teachings, and their beliefs conflict with those held by orthodox Christians down through the centuries. Consider the following comparisons.

Non-biblical Beliefs

The Nature of God. The Bible teaches that there is only one true God (Isa.43:10-11; 44:6,8). Father, Son and Holy Spirit are identified as distinct Persons within the one Triune Godhead (Matt.3:16-17; 2 Cor.13:14). Throughout the New Testament the Son and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Father are separately identified as God. Each has divine attributes and acts as God (Son: Mark 2:5-12; John 20:28; Heb. l :8; Holy Spirit: Acts 5:3-4; 2 Cor. 3:17-18).

By contrast, the WTB&TS denies the triune nature of God and teaches that such a belief is inspired by Satan and teaches that Jehovah, the name of the one true God, corresponds only to God the Father. JWs also deny that Jesus is God (see next point). They deny the Holy Spirit is a person, and instead teach he is merely God's active force, similar to electricity.

Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh, and is the Creator of all things (John 1: 1 -3,14; Col.1: 16). While never less than God, at the appointed time He laid aside the glory He shared with the Father and took on a human nature ( John 17:3-5; Phil. 2:6-11; Col. 2:9). Following his death, Jesus Christ rose bodily from the grave, appeared to and was recognized in his body by over 500 people. This fact was crucial to both the preaching and faith of the early church (Luke 24:39; John 2:19-21; I Cor. 15:6, 14).

By contrast, the WTB&TS denies the deity of Jesus Christ and teaches that Jesus is a created being who existed as Michael the archangel before being born as a perfect man. JWs believe that after Jesus was buried, God disposed of his physical body. He was raised a spiritual creature and "materialized" to make himself visible. Now in heaven he is once again known as Michael the archangel.

Salvation. The Bible teaches that the atoning work of Christ alone provides the solution for man's sin problem. Jesus Christ took the personal sins of all men-past, present and future-in his own body on the tree (I Pet. 2:24), and as perfect God and perfect man he fully met the demands of Divine justice for us (Rom. 3:22-26). Therefore, any and all who receive him by simple faith (John 1:12; Acts 16:31), can be forgiven, declared righteous and restored to fellowship with God (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 7:24-26).

By contrast, the WTB&TS teaches that only an elite group of Witnesses, known as "the 144,000," or the "anointed ones" are presently credited with Christ's righteousness. Only the 144,000 are born again and expect to reign with Christ in heaven. For the vast majority of remaining JWs, known as the "other sheep" or the "great crowd," the atoning sacrifice of Christ only provides a chance at eternal life on earth.

The Bible also teaches that we are saved by grace alone apart from any self-righteous works (Eph.2:8-9). There is nothing we can do to contribute to our salvation because apart from Jesus Christ we are "dead in our sins" (Eph. 2:1,5).

By contrast, the WTB&TS teaches that salvation "will depend on one's works." A person must first "come to Jehovah ' s organization for salvation and then comply with everything they teach. In this way, a relationship with the Jehovah's Witnesses organization, rather than a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, is presented as the basis of salvation.

The Soul & Eternal Punishment. The Bible teaches that the human soul continues to exist consciously after death (Is.14:9-11; Luke 16:19-31;Rev 6:9-11). Those who have rejected God's gift of eternal life will suffer conscious eternal punishment (Matt. 25:41,46; Rev. 14:10,11; 20:10,15).

By contrast, the WTB&TS denies eternal punishment and teaches that the soul cannot exist apart from the body. JWs believe that death ends all conscious existence. Hell refers to the grave and those who are ultimately judged by God will be annihilated and simply cease to exist.

The Bible. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit's anointing enables individual Christians to understand God's Word and properly apply it to their lives ( I John 2:27).

By contrast the WTB&TS teaches that the Bible can only be interpreted by the Watchtower Society and no individual can learn the truth apart from them.

Contradictions & Flip-Flops

The WT Society claims to be Jehovah's organization and God's only channel of spiritual instruction for today. It stresses that the Bible is an "organizational book" and cannot be understood by individuals no matter how sincere they are. But how can we trust our eternal destiny to an organization that during its brief time in existence has accumulated such a woeful history of doctrinal contradictions and flip-flops? Consider the following examples of ever-changing Watchtower theology.
In 1975 the WTB&TS taught that the man who sows the seed in the parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13) is Satan. Later that same year the WT Society taught that this sower was Jesus.

A similar incident occurred in 1978, when the WTB&TS identified the "Alpha and Omega" of Revelation 22:12-13 as Jehovah (that is, God the Father), and then five weeks later taught these verses referred to Jesus.

The Watchtower Society's failure to correctly interpret the Bible is most clearly seen in their doctrinal flip-flops. First they teach position A, then they change to position B, claiming God has given them "new light." Later on, however, they revert back to their old teaching (position A) and in some cases change once again to position B.

Here are some examples.

Resurrection of the Men of Sodom
1879 - They will be resurrected.
1952 - They will not be resurrected.
1965 - They will be resurrected.
1988 - They will not be resurrected.

The 'Lord' in Romans 10:12-16
1903 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
1940 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.
1978 - 'Lord' refers to Jesus.
1980 - 'Lord' refers to Jehovah.

'Higher Powers' of Romans 13:1
1916 - 'Higher powers' refers to governments.
1943 - 'Higher powers' refers to Jehovah God & Jesus Christ.
1964 - 'Higher powers' refers to governments.


In light of the preceding facts, do we dare trust the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society? It has falsely prophesied the end of the world at least 6 times and uses these predictions to intimidate its followers. This group has repeatedly changed their doctrines and contradicted previously held beliefs, all while claiming that it alone has the truth. Is this consistent with God's perfection and holiness

We do not intend to ridicule or belittle individual Jehovah's Witnesses; they are generally sincere dedicated people. In one sense they are more like lost sheep than ravenous wolves, for they have been deceived by an organization with a history of false prophecies and doctrines. JWs truly believe that if they leave the Watchtower Society they will be destroyed at Armageddon. They need our love and compassion Our desire for them, as for everyone else, is that they come to a true knowledge of what the Bible teaches, and the understanding that Jesus Christ alone can guarantee salvation. Only through a personal relationship with him can we receive forgiveness and eternal life.
Good article Chad, very informative. In my own limited experiences with those trapped in the JW cult, I have used their own literature to expose the errors in their doctrine. Even their translation of the bible is contradictory to itself. I have frustrated more than one in this way. But by far the most effective way to minister to any ( no matter what they are bound with) is the power of God. We have not had any JW visits in a good while, maybe they have marked me. It is very sad to have a knowledge of Christ and yet no relationship. Come to think of it there are alot of people in the same situation, even in the Christian religion.
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Yeah , I too felt very disturbing when they( JW) approached me sometime ago . I got even more confused and so lost. Very empty inside .

On the otherhand , I feel very at peace with TJ . It is spiritually uplifting and soul quenching.

Thanks Chad , the moderators and all you people out there !
We have a living GOD . Praise the LORD for HIS LOVE is eternal.
Thank you for the info brother. I have made a dozen copies of your post here, and twill be my joy to distribute to them, the next time I see these folks with little black cases, containing the Watchtower bible.
We do not intend to ridicule or belittle individual Jehovah's Witnesses; they are generally sincere dedicated people. In one sense they are more like lost sheep than ravenous wolves, for they have been deceived by an organization with a history of false prophecies and doctrines. JWs truly believe that if they leave the Watchtower Society they will be destroyed at Armageddon. They need our love and compassion Our desire for them, as for everyone else, is that they come to a true knowledge of what the Bible teaches, and the understanding that Jesus Christ alone can guarantee salvation. Only through a personal relationship with him can we receive forgiveness and eternal life.

Religious abuse is the worst kind. Most are victims and not villains. In my experience the ones i have known want a personal relationship with Almighty God and love him dearly. But they have believed a lie to be truth. Really very sad.

This article did not address the issue of communion...the watchtower's doctrine forbids the taking of communion. They "pass the cup". (only the 144000 are allowed) In my personal research of Jehovah's Witnesses, it was in the Jewish customs of Passover and the Passover seder (the "last supper" was a Passover seder) that I found the answers to my personal questions regarding JWS.

They "pass" on the cup of redemption. Rejecting the very essence of the symbolism of salvation. The watchtower's attempt to belittle Jesus and their attempts to take the place of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the individuals (proclaiming themselves as the only interpreter of scripture and spiritual food, as the "faithful servant") is the shear essence of evil.

BTW if you ever were to study the Jewish Passover seder take note of the pouch in which the bread is held... I have never seen a more vivid "picture" of the trinity.
I'm with strypes on this one. Chad your info was very informative. Although I am a non-denominational Christian, I like to learn about other religions so that I know how to rebuttle myself! This was a lot of help because I wasn't too sure what they believed. Like Strypes said, we just need to pray that they will understand the TRUTH, which is that Jesus is LORD! Let's continue to pray for them and everyone else out there of another religion being that the Bible says we can only enter heaven through Jesus :) o0 bLeZz 0o
Well I wish I had a copy of this JW information printed out like Stephen mentioned. I just had Jehovah's witnesses come to my door. And they gave me this watch tower leaflet titled 'the end of false religion is near!'.
I thought it was ironic that they were talking about false religion when I believe theirs is one of them.

After coming to my door they were still sitting in their car outside my house, and I just felt compelled to go out and give them one of my Christian tracts. I am a little shy and was a bit shaky, honestly, I was even afraid, but I went over to them and offered the bible tracts about salvation and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe the Lord was leading me, whether it was a test of my obedience to Him, or He wanted these guys to hear the truth. I do not know. But it lead to a mild discussion, but I am just not educated enough with scriptures and theology to go that far with them, and I knew I was out of my depth. They just quoted scripture after scripture to me. And I said hey you are very well versed of the bible, probably moreso than myself however ..'if you died right now, do you believe you will go to heaven' and the guy said no! And I talked about repentance of sin, and forgiveness of sins and quoted John 14:6. and by accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour, their is assurance of eternal life. But they just dismissed what I said. And they refused to take the bible tracts that I offered, I mean just closed fists and shook their heads and refused to take them. But gave me another one of theirs. I took it.:love:

The whole situation made me very uncomfortable and I felt I needed to get away after I had said what I said. I expressed I was concerned for their salvation and said I would pray for them, maybe this was wrong of me to say, I don't know. It was all Just weired, really weired. I wish I knew more, and understood more of the bible so I could have been able to discuss it further. Perhaps I could have been more loving, and less defensive, and I will pray about this. I think I was pleasant but I had my guard up.

Bottom line is, they came to my door and the whole situation stirred a few emotions inside of me, right or wrong as I might have been. Jehovah's Witnesses are definitely a strong organization and we need to be aware of their false teaching.

:shade: Calluna
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You tried your best

Well I wish I had a copy of this JW information printed out like Stephen mentioned. I just had Jehovah's witnesses come to my door. And they gave me this watch tower leaflet titled 'the end of false religion is near!'.
I thought it was ironic that they were talking about false religion when I believe theirs is one of them.

After coming to my door they were still sitting in their car outside my house, and I just felt compelled to go out and give them one of my Christian tracts. I am a little shy and was a bit shaky, honestly, I was even afraid, but I went over to them and offered the bible tracts about salvation and having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I believe the Lord was leading me, whether it was a test of my obedience to Him, or He wanted these guys to hear the truth. I do not know. But it lead to a mild discussion, but I am just not educated enough with scriptures and theology to go that far with them, and I knew I was out of my depth. They just quoted scripture after scripture to me. And I said hey you are very well versed of the bible, probably moreso than myself however ..'if you died right now, do you believe you will go to heaven' and the guy said no! And I talked about repentance of sin, and forgiveness of sins and quoted John 14:6. and by accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour, their is assurance of eternal life. But they just dismissed what I said. And they refused to take the bible tracts that I offered, I mean just closed fists and shook their heads and refused to take them. But gave me another one of theirs. I took it.:love:

The whole situation made me very uncomfortable and I felt I needed to get away after I had said what I said. I expressed I was concerned for their salvation and said I would pray for them, maybe this was wrong of me to say, I don't know. It was all Just weired, really weired. I wish I knew more, and understood more of the bible so I could have been able to discuss it further. Perhaps I could have been more loving, and less defensive, and I will pray about this. I think I was pleasant but I had my guard up.

Bottom line is, they came to my door and the whole situation stirred a few emotions inside of me, right or wrong as I might have been. Jehovah's Witnesses are definitely a strong organization and we need to be aware of their false teaching.

:shade: Calluna

well you had the guts to go back to them and tell them about salvation through Jesus, which is what God wanted you to do. Jesus sees our efforts, regardless of whether or not the JW people took our advice, at least you tried :star: Don't feel bad about not being able to rebuttle yourself; JW are VERY biblically wise and pretty much know the whole bible. Just continue to read the Word and you will be filled
yeah you did the right thing. It's tough to speak up. I do the best I can too. I mentioned to them the the about "the word was a god" and she said she didn't believe that Jesus was a the savior. I also mentioned that the 144,000 were for the end times during the tribulation or something. Was I right in saying that? God selects 12,000 from each... whuchmacallit. I need to extend my "verse"atility also. Slowly but surely. Can someone find a post that informative about Muslim religion too? I talked to a guy today about it and he said that he didn't think worshipping Jesus was biblical, cuz we should just go straight to God. Kind of like how some of us believe catholics should go straight to Jesus, not via saints. He also said he thought Jesus was a prophet, and a man, just like many others. He believed all prophets of God were sinless. He mentioned Abraham, and i told him that Abraham disobeyed God and didn't trust Him by having intercourse with Hagar to produce a child instead of having the patience to wait for Sarah to get pregnant. He said that the qu'ran doesn't teach that. That he was tempted and turned away from it. Anyone have any answers, comments, and/or suggestions?
yeah you did the right thing. It's tough to speak up. I do the best I can too. I mentioned to them the the about "the word was a god" and she said she didn't believe that Jesus was a the savior. I also mentioned that the 144,000 were for the end times during the tribulation or something. Was I right in saying that? God selects 12,000 from each... whuchmacallit. I need to extend my "verse"atility also. Slowly but surely. Can someone find a post that informative about Muslim religion too? I talked to a guy today about it and he said that he didn't think worshipping Jesus was biblical, cuz we should just go straight to God. Kind of like how some of us believe catholics should go straight to Jesus, not via saints. He also said he thought Jesus was a prophet, and a man, just like many others. He believed all prophets of God were sinless. He mentioned Abraham, and i told him that Abraham disobeyed God and didn't trust Him by having intercourse with Hagar to produce a child instead of having the patience to wait for Sarah to get pregnant. He said that the qu'ran doesn't teach that. That he was tempted and turned away from it. Anyone have any answers, comments, and/or suggestions?

One thing that I think completely smashes the Quran and the Islamic false religion was the discovery of the dead sea scrolls. Forever muslims have said that the bible got messed up over the years, and Jesus was just a prophet and Abraham didn't sin etc. Well in 1947 we found the dead sea scrolls, some of which can be dated back to the BC era based on what they were written on etc. and oddly enough they proved our Old Testament to be exactly accurate. God has been telling people the same story of Abraham since it happened.

It is sad to me that people just throw their faith into the Quran. I think the best defense is to study Christian apologetics. Muhammad couldn't read or write...so things like that make the Quran just sounds stupid to me, but saying that wouldn't likely be a good debating tactic. I think the best way is to just defend the bible by studying Christian apologetics.

Every other religion teaches you get to heaven by good works. I wish people would just take a look at humanity and realize how impossible then it is for anyone to get there.
One thing that I think completely smashes the Quran and the Islamic false religion was the discovery of the dead sea scrolls. Forever muslims have said that the bible got messed up over the years, and Jesus was just a prophet and Abraham didn't sin etc. Well in 1947 we found the dead sea scrolls, some of which can be dated back to the BC era based on what they were written on etc. and oddly enough they proved our Old Testament to be exactly accurate. God has been telling people the same story of Abraham since it happened.

It is sad to me that people just throw their faith into the Quran. I think the best defense is to study Christian apologetics. Muhammad couldn't read or write...so things like that make the Quran just sounds stupid to me, but saying that wouldn't likely be a good debating tactic. I think the best way is to just defend the bible by studying Christian apologetics.

Every other religion teaches you get to heaven by good works. I wish people would just take a look at humanity and realize how impossible then it is for anyone to get there.

Excellent! I totally agree on this. I think another thing that smashes all religions out there in defense of Christianity is the fact that most of them believe in some kind of "god", yet they completly lack a SAVIOR. On top of that, we have a Savior, Holy Bible inspired by the only true GOD with ample evidence that no man can honestly deny.
Well, Islam should have it's own thread...:shade:

I'm a former JW. For the most part I agree with the info. The major thing to realize is that they think they're doing their service to God, and they are very sincere and loving people who think they've found 'it' - 'true religion'. It's most important, however, to know in your heart what is true, and thus be able to answer from your heart wherein Christ's spirit resides. Just juggling scriptures back and forth won't reach their hearts - Christ alone is able to do that - but most of them would be impressed with any householder's Bible prowess. They've been taught to believe that Jesus Christ is not their mediator, as he is only in a new covenent with the 144,000 - it is a wrong and divisive doctrine. Whereas the Bible clearly states he is mediator for all and his spirit abides in all who love him and believe. Theirs is a twisted theology - and in my defense(lol) I must say it makes sense in the way it's presented by taking scripture out of it's intended context... then assumptions based on altered pretexts are strung together to represent 'reasonable' doctrine. They know the Bible well - but that training only entails the scriptures needed to back-up their intricate exegesis. When I started reading the Bible alone without 'help' from the WatchTower - oh, my - what an eye-opening experience! So many scriptures that just lept off the pages and it was so new and invigorating! Sometimes I wondered if a certain scripture had been there all along? Why was it like I was reading it for the very first time? Because those weren't 'high-lighted' in the material that 'proves' their doctrines.
I wouldn't advise trying to over-turn the trinity teaching at the door - it's a waste of an opportune witness for Christ. The love of the Christ is what will eventually touch them, imo, because the wtbts actually alienates one from Christ. Be loving, but firm, or they will think you're a 'Bible study' prospect. :embarasse I don't have many answers as to how to proselytise them, but if anyone has specific questions I'll try to answer from my knowledge of their doctrines and practices and my own experiences.
Their doctrines are so interwoven, and one depends upon another for 'proof'. I think the one thing that brings down that house built on sand is in their 1914 doctrine - that Jesus returned invisibly to reign in heaven in that year and subsequently chose wtbts as his 'faithful and discreet slave' because they alone were on the watch. That's a farce and a lie, because CTRussell(whom they claim as founder of the movement) taught that Christ returned in 1874(I think) and that 1914 would be the END of Armageddon and the destruction of evil in the world, and the beginning of the millenial rule of Christ. But their modern-day history completely buries that fact and smoothes it over so that new converts have no idea as to the wtbts's true history. There is so much wrong there that one has trouble picking a starting point. But the good thing I guess, is that because their doctrines are all so dependant upon each other, once that house of cards starts to fall, it all goes down. And everyone has his or her pet thing that 'proves' the JW's are THE true religion - which is the first thing they teach - that there is one true religion and you must find it to be worthy of God.
I've found that 'true religion' seems to be an oxymoron, as all religions are somewhat lacking in one way or another. But worship can be true or false, and it's determined by the person's heart condition and his/her connection with God. For me, as a Christian - that connection is through Christ. Who knows what I'd think or would've hadt he opportunity to learn if I'd been born in say, communist Russia or China... Nigeria... Laos... India... God searches hearts, and I'm sure He'll find a way to save everyone He wants to - as the Bible says He's not wanting even one to be lost, but it's His will that everyone be saved. I have complete trust and faith in Him and His Son and that's what I take with me wherever I go!:love:

~Peace to you in His Name~
Well, Islam should have it's own thread...:shade:

I'm a former JW. For the most part I agree with the info. The major thing to realize is that they think they're doing their service to God, and they are very sincere and loving people who think they've found 'it' - 'true religion'. It's most important, however, to know in your heart what is true, and thus be able to answer from your heart wherein Christ's spirit resides. Just juggling scriptures back and forth won't reach their hearts - Christ alone is able to do that - but most of them would be impressed with any householder's Bible prowess. They've been taught to believe that Jesus Christ is not their mediator, as he is only in a new covenent with the 144,000 - it is a wrong and divisive doctrine. Whereas the Bible clearly states he is mediator for all and his spirit abides in all who love him and believe. Theirs is a twisted theology - and in my defense(lol) I must say it makes sense in the way it's presented by taking scripture out of it's intended context... then assumptions based on altered pretexts are strung together to represent 'reasonable' doctrine. They know the Bible well - but that training only entails the scriptures needed to back-up their intricate exegesis. When I started reading the Bible alone without 'help' from the WatchTower - oh, my - what an eye-opening experience! So many scriptures that just lept off the pages and it was so new and invigorating! Sometimes I wondered if a certain scripture had been there all along? Why was it like I was reading it for the very first time? Because those weren't 'high-lighted' in the material that 'proves' their doctrines.
I wouldn't advise trying to over-turn the trinity teaching at the door - it's a waste of an opportune witness for Christ. The love of the Christ is what will eventually touch them, imo, because the wtbts actually alienates one from Christ. Be loving, but firm, or they will think you're a 'Bible study' prospect. :embarasse I don't have many answers as to how to proselytise them, but if anyone has specific questions I'll try to answer from my knowledge of their doctrines and practices and my own experiences.
Their doctrines are so interwoven, and one depends upon another for 'proof'. I think the one thing that brings down that house built on sand is in their 1914 doctrine - that Jesus returned invisibly to reign in heaven in that year and subsequently chose wtbts as his 'faithful and discreet slave' because they alone were on the watch. That's a farce and a lie, because CTRussell(whom they claim as founder of the movement) taught that Christ returned in 1874(I think) and that 1914 would be the END of Armageddon and the destruction of evil in the world, and the beginning of the millenial rule of Christ. But their modern-day history completely buries that fact and smoothes it over so that new converts have no idea as to the wtbts's true history. There is so much wrong there that one has trouble picking a starting point. But the good thing I guess, is that because their doctrines are all so dependant upon each other, once that house of cards starts to fall, it all goes down. And everyone has his or her pet thing that 'proves' the JW's are THE true religion - which is the first thing they teach - that there is one true religion and you must find it to be worthy of God.
I've found that 'true religion' seems to be an oxymoron, as all religions are somewhat lacking in one way or another. But worship can be true or false, and it's determined by the person's heart condition and his/her connection with God. For me, as a Christian - that connection is through Christ. Who knows what I'd think or would've hadt he opportunity to learn if I'd been born in say, communist Russia or China... Nigeria... Laos... India... God searches hearts, and I'm sure He'll find a way to save everyone He wants to - as the Bible says He's not wanting even one to be lost, but it's His will that everyone be saved. I have complete trust and faith in Him and His Son and that's what I take with me wherever I go!:love:

~Peace to you in His Name~

That’s pretty great :) I'm glad you came to Christ. I have been studying my bible a ton, and I'm getting decently versed, but I still don't know if I would be up for debating a j.witness. I think the last one that came to the door I just waved away.

I know that they are always very well equipped to debate their position, and until I learn more about it I don't want to debate them in the chance that they somehow "get" me, by somehow throwing something at me that I don't know how to answer or something, and then my failure to throw them a comeback might further strengthen their belief. I don't want to be responsible for that, but then again, at the same time it's not really our responsibility as Christians to save anyone, just to minister to them, by our actions and words.

So I don't know. I think maybe in 6 months or a year I'll feel studied enough to debate a JW in person, but I always hear people tell me they are surprised by how well they argue from their position.
Thank God, I am saved

Even my husband was a JW. And even I was little confused of his doctrine. But I knew Jesus is Almighty God but was poor in Theology to explain it to him. But I fasted and prayed so that God should tell us the real Truth. And by the grace of God, He taught us what is Trinity through Holy Spirit's help. Through intellect noone can understand what is the Trinity. ONly Holyspirit. Now we have no confusion. Many of husband's relatives are JW's. They are scared of us. They cannot talk and confuse as God himself revealed every Truth to us. If anyone has any doubt or confusion about JW's theology, you can talk to us. We are ready to help
Thanks for the article, its amazing how I found it. I really needed to read this. I have a new friend who is a JW. This week I agreed to go to her meeting with her for the first time. To support her since she was presenting.
They were very nice but somehow I could not fit in. And lately I had been wondering a lot about their beliefs. Wondering about their books the watchtower, if they can be trusted/followed, who wrote them.

This was very helpful. I'm still growing in my Christian faith. Still not that able to boldly profess my faith well.
I don't know if my friend would take it kindly if I just printed your article and gave it to her.
Bottom line is, they came to my door and the whole situation stirred a few emotions inside of me, right or wrong as I might have been. Jehovah's Witnesses are definitely a strong organization and we need to be aware of their false teaching.

:shade: Calluna

The Lord told me I was going to be visited by JW. So He had me prepared and what to say. I let the woman make her speech
and then said I had a question about a verse in the Bible.
John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee,
Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

I asked, "who is giving the living water?" When she said Jesus, that's when I took over the conversation
and I started with...Jeremiah 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters,
and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

To make a long story short, she was ready to leave and I had a lot more to say. She was surprised when I said
I was expecting you. I told her the Lord said someone from JW was coming. I told her she wasn't lead here to
tell me something, but to hear what I had to say. They haven't been back. I was hoping she would go get reinforcements
to help. She was in over her head and she knew it. The Lord had me prepared very well.

Thanks for showing those verses.

John 4:10 Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee,
Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

I asked, "who is giving the living water?" When she said Jesus, that's when I took over the conversation
and I started with...Jeremiah 2:13For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters,
and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

Often reminded of a tapestry.

Bless you ....><>
Hi Chad, it's feels good to be back. My question is why does everyone pick on the Jehovah's Witnesses? I know and agree with you that some of the things they teach may not be the same as you see it or I see it. That they see things in a different way. But so don't the Catholics, the Mormons, and many other religions that truly believe and worship The Almighty GOD and our Beloved Savior, Christ Jesus. Isn't the most important thing for Christians to do is love one another, all our brothers and sisters? Didn't Paul and James have their own disagreements on faith in general?
I saw the post and couldn't help but add my two cents! :) (I don't think two cents can even get you a piece of gum now a days!) :whistle

Anyway........I once heard the best way of describing what you have brought up. Think of them using the same words that we use, but a different dictionary. To you Jesus is the Son of the Most High. Well, to the JW he's an arch-angel, to the Mormons he's related to Satan, to the Catholics He did not die once because He get's sacrificed every communion every Sunday all over the world during Catholic Mass, Muslims he's just a prophet who actually didn't die on the cross. So they believe in Jesus, but is it the same Jesus we believe in? Add another word like Salvation, and you'll come up with another list of variances. Check their dictionary meaning against yours and you'll get a better understanding of what they actually believe.

You could do this even by the use of the word god. "Hey they believe in god"! Are they talking about Jehovah God? Hindu's have over 300,000 gods!!!! I bet they'd even be willing to add Jesus or Jehovah to the list. Just don't tell them that the other 300,000 are false gods!!! Then you and I would be in trouble!!! Can't run like I used to, so I'll need a head start!

Yet, in a sense I agree with you!! :eek: I love them none the less. Just like our Lord loved us and sacrificed Himself for us while we were still sinners!

Do I love them less? No. I love them despite what there belief is, for I know while there is a breath left in them, they might yet be moved to believe in the one true Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High. Found not only Historically, but most especially in the Bible as well. I can't help but add this note as well............You might even find a question mark with some true professing Christians. Ask them if they're saved. Then ask them what makes them saved. You'll be surprised by the answers you receive!!!

That's why I think it's so awesome that 3 three years after joining TJ in 2005 you were Baptized!!!!!! How awesome is that!!

So.....I hope I didn't come off a little strange in my perspective :glasses: but there are so many changes going on in & out of churches that are affecting Christianity and how they see things. Sometimes, I can't help but add by two cents....hummmm...maybe I should start saying "add my 25 cents" to cover inflation!

So I pray you receive this only in Love Brother Jonah!