What a fantastic list of testimonies! Praise God!
For the glory of God I would like to share my testimony with you all.
I was born into a (Plymouth) Brethren home and the 'rules' were very strict. Chapel Tuesday and Thursday evenings and 3 times on Sunday. I was taught in the way of the Lord but never responded to it. I remained unsaved. I left home at 17 to join the Royal Air Force. On demob I joined the Police Force and after 25 years service became involved in law and left-wing politics. I committed myself to Atheism and attacked all things and persons christian.
On my way to a pub to meet like minded pals on Sunday 12th April 1987 at exactly 9pm I became aware of an awesome power standing in my way and I knew my life was never going to be the same again. I fell on my knees on the footpath before Jesus who had revealed Himself to me. I felt the heavy burden of my sin and shame and I wept before him for His forgiveness and mercy.
I did not go to the pub and I do not remember anything else (not even going home) until I awoke the next morning at 7am. I reached for what had been my regular **breakfast** (a couple of cigarettes) for the previous 40 years and I could not touch them; I was addicted to smoking 40+ per day. I have never been able to smoke since (thats been 19 years ago).
Then I remembered the previous evening and a huge desire came upon me to find a bible; I remembered I had been presented with one when I joined the R.A.F. with a message from King George VI which starts "To all serving in my Forces, and indeed, to all my people, I commend the reading of this book....". I believe Gods Hand guided my trembling fingers to Psalm 51... "Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!..............."
For about 2 weeks I could not cease weeping before the Lord. He cleansed me, forgave me, loved me and accepted me as His son; He put his Loving Arms around me and I experienced His fanstastic presence with a powerful baptism of The Holy Spirit. I leapt for joy, I could not stop praising and dancing.
God has since trusted me with wonderful ministry to His Glory and to His Praise. He has used me, this one-time rebel, to bring many, including Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus to salvation in Jesus the living risen Saviour of the World. With the more recent legal acceptance of practicing homosexuality God is now using me with other brothers in this field and we are witnessing God moving amongst them in love, mercy and power.
Lets give Him all the Glory.
Yours in Jesus, David.
For the glory of God I would like to share my testimony with you all.
I was born into a (Plymouth) Brethren home and the 'rules' were very strict. Chapel Tuesday and Thursday evenings and 3 times on Sunday. I was taught in the way of the Lord but never responded to it. I remained unsaved. I left home at 17 to join the Royal Air Force. On demob I joined the Police Force and after 25 years service became involved in law and left-wing politics. I committed myself to Atheism and attacked all things and persons christian.
On my way to a pub to meet like minded pals on Sunday 12th April 1987 at exactly 9pm I became aware of an awesome power standing in my way and I knew my life was never going to be the same again. I fell on my knees on the footpath before Jesus who had revealed Himself to me. I felt the heavy burden of my sin and shame and I wept before him for His forgiveness and mercy.
I did not go to the pub and I do not remember anything else (not even going home) until I awoke the next morning at 7am. I reached for what had been my regular **breakfast** (a couple of cigarettes) for the previous 40 years and I could not touch them; I was addicted to smoking 40+ per day. I have never been able to smoke since (thats been 19 years ago).
Then I remembered the previous evening and a huge desire came upon me to find a bible; I remembered I had been presented with one when I joined the R.A.F. with a message from King George VI which starts "To all serving in my Forces, and indeed, to all my people, I commend the reading of this book....". I believe Gods Hand guided my trembling fingers to Psalm 51... "Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!..............."
For about 2 weeks I could not cease weeping before the Lord. He cleansed me, forgave me, loved me and accepted me as His son; He put his Loving Arms around me and I experienced His fanstastic presence with a powerful baptism of The Holy Spirit. I leapt for joy, I could not stop praising and dancing.
God has since trusted me with wonderful ministry to His Glory and to His Praise. He has used me, this one-time rebel, to bring many, including Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus to salvation in Jesus the living risen Saviour of the World. With the more recent legal acceptance of practicing homosexuality God is now using me with other brothers in this field and we are witnessing God moving amongst them in love, mercy and power.
Lets give Him all the Glory.
Yours in Jesus, David.
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