What you want is hopefully what God wants. He wants people to choose Him rather than taking other choices available, but force-feeding is not only not allowed and it doesn't work anyway in the things of God. So what we can and must do is what Jesus did. We must work while it is day for soon the night cometh when no man can work. How do we work? We ask God to help us to pray without ceasing and to rejoice in the Lord always. We surely cannot do these things without His help. With Him, however, all things are possible. Can we save everyone? No! Jesus did not save everyone and could not. His Father gave every one the authority to choose God or not, and God's Word does not change as He does not change. No one, not even God can take away people right to choose for themselves. What we can do is ask God to help us penetrate the barriers that people have raised against the "real" things of God. This won't save them but at least then if they do still reject God, it will be a knowledgeable rejection. And... some of them may change...
So don't be too disappointed when too many still reject Him. Is this not one reason that Jesus wept? He knew that in spite of His example and His sacrifice many would not take hold of that which God is offering...