Brad Huber
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- Jul 7, 2012
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Kicking at the Goads.
When an animal was being stubborn (like a mule), its common that you prod them with a stick to move them onward
in the direction you would have them go. This proding with a stick is called a goad. In our Christian life,
the Lord uses many things as goads. I have (with me) seen Him use people, scripture, a deep conviction of
something being wrong, or just a few words, whether written or spoken to "goad" me in the way I should go. Is
our Lord treating us like cattle? Like mindless animals? NEVER!! I have spoken to the Lord many times,
asking him to lead me in the way everlasting. I have asked Him to burn away all the dross so that I might be
a better son to Him. I have yearned for greater leading so that this poor brain of mine might see the signals
of His will for me like fireworks going off on the 4th of July.
Soooo... why is that when I am prodded to do something... to go a certain direction, which is what I asked
for... do I kick at the prods. Why is it that I either dont recognize those prods as from God, or even worse,
see them as from God but kick at the prod, because I dont like the direction, or the difficulty of the path?
Mind you, I dont ask for these things just to feel righteous, I truly WANT to serve Him how I best can, and I
know He can show me the GREATEST path I could ever be on, and yet, I kick at the prods. What a foolish donkey
am I. I wish that I was as wise as balaams ***, but I am not. I certainly dont deserve any leading with the
foolishness I serve up. And yet God loves me. Indeed God's foolishness is greater than my greatest wisdom
ever thought or spoken.
When I dont realize God is prodding me, I believe he easily forgives me, and I believe he quickly sends
another prod... perhaps one I might see as from Him. But... what about those times I know its from God and
yet I still find fault with the direction of the prods? I know that God is disapointed in me... but He loves
me so much, He never gives up on me... He increases my conviction until I cant stand it anymore... and all I
can say is "THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!!". Thank You for not giving up in me, when I am in misery, in self pity,
in anger even, over the direction, even when I am accusing Him of being "unfair". He IS fair. I ask Him to
do this and then regret it at times when the journey is difficult. Talk about a whiney spoiled child... I
want His love and His gifts, but I want it without any boundries, without any hard times regardless if they
are for my good.
One good example is when I was about 20 years old. I had only been a christian for about 2-3 years and
was desperately seeking guidance from the Lord about the direction I should take with my life. Prior to
becoming a christian, I had slated myself for riches and glory. I wanted to go into research science, make
lots of money and be recognized for the great contribution I would make in science... opening new frontiers
in science in the field of electromagnetism. I even had a theory on how it could be used to make a portal
in the time space continuem, and possibly bring mankind time travel, and also a possible healing to the body
through electromagnetism as well. Amazing dreams, that had a logical path to completion. And yet when I came
to know the Lord, I recognized it for what it was... a dangerous path of pride and self glory... a path of
ease, of people telling me how amazing I was, money to lavish good things on myself. I knew it was wrong to
follow that path, but what path could the Lord lead me down "that had good things for me". Not a terrible
thing to ask for... but... what I considered "good things" arent the same thing the Lord considers "good
things". But the Lord prodded me toward joining the military, isnt that just crazy, most people even today
think thats my own thinking and blaming it on the Lord, but I DID NOT WANT TO JOIN the military. I was a
pacifist and detested violence, HOW could the Lord ask me do such a ungodly thing? Surely it was not the Lord
who was behind this!! Yet the conviction grew and grew and grew over several weeks, until I finally gave in
and while standing in front of the local recuiters office, I prayed asking if at least I could join the
branch that would allow me to not have to kill someone. I heard "Okay" in reply, so I joined the Air Force
as an enlisted man, and sinse only officers/pilots every have to kill people while in the planes, I woudnt
have to worry about defiling myself with the blood of a fellow man. So what...would the Lord want me to join
the military for? Many reasons I think as I look back on it, one would be to meet some other men who
would shape me spiritually in a very disciplined way, yet in a kindhearted, caring way. To learn that those
who can kill the body are not the real beasts, its those who kill those soul. And everyone who hurts "one
of my little ones" is trying to kill the soul. They are the true killers. Mankind is so hung up on the
physical, its the spiritual that matters to Him the most!
Anyways, this was one of the main occasions that I kicked against the "goads" that the Lord gave me.
Praise God, that he doesnt give up on us when we are willing to learn eventually.
When an animal was being stubborn (like a mule), its common that you prod them with a stick to move them onward
in the direction you would have them go. This proding with a stick is called a goad. In our Christian life,
the Lord uses many things as goads. I have (with me) seen Him use people, scripture, a deep conviction of
something being wrong, or just a few words, whether written or spoken to "goad" me in the way I should go. Is
our Lord treating us like cattle? Like mindless animals? NEVER!! I have spoken to the Lord many times,
asking him to lead me in the way everlasting. I have asked Him to burn away all the dross so that I might be
a better son to Him. I have yearned for greater leading so that this poor brain of mine might see the signals
of His will for me like fireworks going off on the 4th of July.
Soooo... why is that when I am prodded to do something... to go a certain direction, which is what I asked
for... do I kick at the prods. Why is it that I either dont recognize those prods as from God, or even worse,
see them as from God but kick at the prod, because I dont like the direction, or the difficulty of the path?
Mind you, I dont ask for these things just to feel righteous, I truly WANT to serve Him how I best can, and I
know He can show me the GREATEST path I could ever be on, and yet, I kick at the prods. What a foolish donkey
am I. I wish that I was as wise as balaams ***, but I am not. I certainly dont deserve any leading with the
foolishness I serve up. And yet God loves me. Indeed God's foolishness is greater than my greatest wisdom
ever thought or spoken.
When I dont realize God is prodding me, I believe he easily forgives me, and I believe he quickly sends
another prod... perhaps one I might see as from Him. But... what about those times I know its from God and
yet I still find fault with the direction of the prods? I know that God is disapointed in me... but He loves
me so much, He never gives up on me... He increases my conviction until I cant stand it anymore... and all I
can say is "THANK YOU LORD JESUS!!!!". Thank You for not giving up in me, when I am in misery, in self pity,
in anger even, over the direction, even when I am accusing Him of being "unfair". He IS fair. I ask Him to
do this and then regret it at times when the journey is difficult. Talk about a whiney spoiled child... I
want His love and His gifts, but I want it without any boundries, without any hard times regardless if they
are for my good.
One good example is when I was about 20 years old. I had only been a christian for about 2-3 years and
was desperately seeking guidance from the Lord about the direction I should take with my life. Prior to
becoming a christian, I had slated myself for riches and glory. I wanted to go into research science, make
lots of money and be recognized for the great contribution I would make in science... opening new frontiers
in science in the field of electromagnetism. I even had a theory on how it could be used to make a portal
in the time space continuem, and possibly bring mankind time travel, and also a possible healing to the body
through electromagnetism as well. Amazing dreams, that had a logical path to completion. And yet when I came
to know the Lord, I recognized it for what it was... a dangerous path of pride and self glory... a path of
ease, of people telling me how amazing I was, money to lavish good things on myself. I knew it was wrong to
follow that path, but what path could the Lord lead me down "that had good things for me". Not a terrible
thing to ask for... but... what I considered "good things" arent the same thing the Lord considers "good
things". But the Lord prodded me toward joining the military, isnt that just crazy, most people even today
think thats my own thinking and blaming it on the Lord, but I DID NOT WANT TO JOIN the military. I was a
pacifist and detested violence, HOW could the Lord ask me do such a ungodly thing? Surely it was not the Lord
who was behind this!! Yet the conviction grew and grew and grew over several weeks, until I finally gave in
and while standing in front of the local recuiters office, I prayed asking if at least I could join the
branch that would allow me to not have to kill someone. I heard "Okay" in reply, so I joined the Air Force
as an enlisted man, and sinse only officers/pilots every have to kill people while in the planes, I woudnt
have to worry about defiling myself with the blood of a fellow man. So what...would the Lord want me to join
the military for? Many reasons I think as I look back on it, one would be to meet some other men who
would shape me spiritually in a very disciplined way, yet in a kindhearted, caring way. To learn that those
who can kill the body are not the real beasts, its those who kill those soul. And everyone who hurts "one
of my little ones" is trying to kill the soul. They are the true killers. Mankind is so hung up on the
physical, its the spiritual that matters to Him the most!
Anyways, this was one of the main occasions that I kicked against the "goads" that the Lord gave me.
Praise God, that he doesnt give up on us when we are willing to learn eventually.