I signed up at the advice of a friend back in January. I am thankful for the staff in their sending me a nice birthday e-mail and for a couple of people that have recently reached out to me.
I guess it's difficult to get to know people when there is a relative handful that get into the live chat at the times I am able to due to being in Europe. Most all I've met besides me are about 4 people from the U.K. and one from Germany.
Be that as it may, I hope for in the future to be able to meet more people and not to feel on the outside looking in.
Right now if I joke people take it serious and if I'm serious they think I'm joking. lol
At least on the boards posting I can be a little more thorough and hopefully a couple of people will recognise that I love the Lord and love to talk about Him, though by no means condone a 'Christian ghetto' and believe we're put here in this world as strangers and aliens to be salt and light to a dying world.
Mainly I like to have this as my secondary fellowship because I believe that the accountability type where people know what you are like is done at the local church level, but living in the Czech Republic and having most of the sermons in Czech, it's nice to talk in English with brothers and sisters from around the world.
(Don't feel sorry for me, I can listen to sermons online, by cassette or CD and when the missionary returns next month, once a month he preaches in English with Czech translation)
hi there Lab-Brother i reaaaaaaaally enjoyed your pizza in Chat the other day lol . . .
I love you attitude
Welcome to TalkJesus God bless you spread your Love for Jesus all over this side we love to grow toghether
Thanky for joining your heaps of fun hope to share some food again soon
Hello, i talked to you in live chat already, It is a good site here and you will make some friends that also are serious about God and like to laugh and joke sometimes to, they are serious too though.
:shade: Hi there You sound really cool and I look forward to being able to meet you properly in chat soon!!! People sometimes wonder if I am joking or not but laughter is my way of survival on loads of occassions!! lol..I love the sound of Pizza in chat and I am alreayd up for that idea!! Hope your time here is blessed and joyfull
Well @ last i know a bit more about you you have been poostign around and i have noticed that you seem kinda full of things that would help out people it kinda did look as though you were holding back somethign in replies that you have made... but you dont need to on here. just let all the wisdom and knowledge you have flow out .... glad to finally knwo a bit more about ya...
Thanks everyone for replying. Wow. That was more replies than I usually get in chat. lol I want everyone to know I'm not holding it against anyone that we're in different time zones, or that people want to be serious and talk about Jesus sometimes (as I do often) or people want to joke sometimes. I think that the trouble comes when people who don't know each other aren't sure if the other one is serious or joking....all those things can be worked out in talking to each other.
I hope we get to know each other better. If not here than in heaven. You see, I'm disabled and only have a limited time I can sit and usually the hours I'm online the chat room is empty or next to it. But thanks for your prayers and support and I'll try to post once in awhile even if I can't find anyone to chat with (or if I do)!
Lab, we have met in chat awhile ago. I'm glad you posted in here for us to get to know you. It is great that you are with us and that you have other fellowship as well. I pray that the Lord reaches out to you as you bless people with your wisdom and humour.
God bless you brother.
Hello Labrador - I would be delighted to chat with you anytime. I am very familiar with the Czech Republic.I am based in Ireland but we have an office in Ostrava and I have also visited Trutnov, Prerov, Brno and Prague. I have great respect for the Czech people and marvel at what has been achieved in such a short time. I am spiritually drawn to a community in Prague whose witness to Jesus in our lives is inspiring. Like you I have a disability though in my case it is slight but in times of great pain I am reminded of what Christ suffered for us. Take care and God be with you.
where we are nurtured and challenged in our journey of faith. We welcome all people to join us in worship and prayer, and in joyful service to the community that we are here.
We invite all people to become part of our Talk-JESUS family. We are a warm and accepting community which actively welcomes newcomers, provides hospitality to visitors, seeks to help all become involved in our fellowship, and responds with Christ’s love to their pastoral needs.
We are a congregation that reaches outward into the community around us and inward into our own congregation in the name of Christ to offer assistance and/or direction to those who are less fortunate than ourselves, especially children in need.
Come and join us now in Christ's Warmth, Acceptance, & Caring! AMEN
In of JESUS the Christ, Our LORD, theONLY begotten Son of GOD.
About Talk Jesus:
Talk Jesus is an online church, a body of believers that gather to fellowship, praise and worship our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, GOD Himself. It is not about debating Scripture for Scripture is the infallible Word of GOD. It is Truth from Almighty GOD, the Alpha and the Omega. The power of Scripture, aka Truth speaks for itself so their is no opinion of man or debate among them that may, could or shall disturb the Way of Truth.
Talk Jesus forums is not meant to be a replacment of your local church but a replacement of any online ungodly place that satan may lead you to. Talk Jesus is a site that has one main purpose. Glorify GOD. Within that purpose comes preaching the Gospels, the Truth to the saved to build up their faith, the unsaved to reach their hearts with the love of Christ so that they may be saved by the grace of GOD through Jesus Christ.
Talk Jesus is a temporary earthly home for us believers to gather together as THE BODY OF CHRIST and do the Father's will on earth as it is done in Heaven, before the glorious second coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.
God bless you all!
Your Brother in Christ,
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Labrador said:
Hi fellow talkers,
I signed up at the advice of a friend back in January. I am thankful for the staff in their sending me a nice birthday e-mail and for a couple of people that have recently reached out to me.
I guess it's difficult to get to know people when there is a relative handful that get into the live chat at the times I am able to due to being in Europe. Most all I've met besides me are about 4 people from the U.K. and one from Germany.
Be that as it may, I hope for in the future to be able to meet more people and not to feel on the outside looking in.
Right now if I joke people take it serious and if I'm serious they think I'm joking. lol
At least on the boards posting I can be a little more thorough and hopefully a couple of people will recognise that I love the Lord and love to talk about Him, though by no means condone a 'Christian ghetto' and believe we're put here in this world as strangers and aliens to be salt and light to a dying world.
Mainly I like to have this as my secondary fellowship because I believe that the accountability type where people know what you are like is done at the local church level, but living in the Czech Republic and having most of the sermons in Czech, it's nice to talk in English with brothers and sisters from around the world.
(Don't feel sorry for me, I can listen to sermons online, by cassette or CD and when the missionary returns next month, once a month he preaches in English with Czech translation)
hey there lab.....
well welcome to TJ...
we´ve met in chat a while ago......so yeah i know u a bit..but then
again not really.......
well hope to see ya soon
god bless
Thanks to all of you who posted. It helps to know that people appreciate the posts even if I miss you all in chat.
Thank you too to the moderators for their kind words and thoughts and for letting me know what Talk Jesus is about.
To Brother andrewnicolas: I'm glad you enjoy Prague. It seems many missionaries do which is at the same time both good and bad. Unfortunately, Czech is 90 percent atheist and a very small percentage of the balance are evangelical Christians. Yet the vast majority of missionaries are stationed in Prague, the capital with 1 million people and the luxury of being able to speak English to many of the inhabitants.
I'm thankful to God for the missionary here and others who have moved to Kladno and other towns away from Prague that don't have so many English speakers and reach the unreached with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Being originally from America, I know the problem of the church allocating most of it's resources on reaching the reached (that is to ministries in the U.S.A. that has the gospel readily available in church, radio, sometimes T.V., etc.). That's not wrong to invest in, but I think that the majority of the resources should go to the real need of reaching the unreached.
The Apostle Paul said he would not build on another man's foundation. It seems to me that here in Czech and also in the USA there are many Apolloses (is there a word?) - in other words waterers on someone else's 'planting' and not enough Pauls - pioneers preaching the gospel where it hasn't been heard.
We need both of course and so we pray to the Lord of the harvest to raise up workers to go into the harvest. May even more be touched to reach to those who haven't heard.
And for you and me brother who are disabled...that gives us more time to pray, amen?
Thanks Chad and Mike and all of you others....Kara, Mary and all of the chat nicks too.
Thanks for welcoming me and may God give you a great weekend in Him!
Dear Ed, that would be between 5 am and 7 am our time. I don't usually get up until 7 because I'm disabled and have a hard time sleeping, so i must stay in bed to rest. Once in a while I'll have insomnia bad enough I will get up, but getting the DSL running in the morning is a big problem....takes awhile for it to warm up like an old car.
Hi again, Brother Lab! My apologies for responding so late. I've neglected the New Members forum for a few days. Shame on me. :embarasse
I just wanted to tell you again that I have thoroughly enjoyed our fellowship in other forums. My goat and I (wink, wink) look forward to chatting with you in live chat sometime soon.