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Laura's Cry


Nov 26, 2004
Laura’s Cry

Laura felt she had no one. She pulled the curtains closed so know light could come in. She felt the darkness around her all the time. She sat in the floor against the wall with her legs folded. Tears fell from her swollen eyes. She looked at the floor where the drugs laid on the floor. She knew the drugs controlled her life. Her bills were unpaid and over due and she had turned to prostitution to pay for her addiction. She tied a scarf around her arm. Oh why do I have to live I just want to die. Her eyes had dark rings around them from the lack of rest and the toll that the drugs had took on her. She just wanted to end her life. She pulled back the syringe filling it with the poison she planned to fill her veins with once again. She knew that the rush would only make her problems disappear for a moment that is why she decided to over dose on the drugs and take her own life. She cried and her hands shook . Just then she heard a voice, say I love you Laura. She looked around but saw know one she then began to place the needle in her arm she then heard a voice say I love you Laura ! I know you !

Then she looked up and there stood a image of a man he knelt down in front of her taking the needle from her hand. He gazed into her eyes Do you know how much I love you? He held out his hand and opened it showing his palm there in the center of his palm was a whole. Sir I don’t know who you are but leave me be You don’t love me No one does. He spoke to her again. Laura I loved you enough to die for you and if the father told me to do it again I would do it all again. Then he disappeared. She scooped up the drugs and syringe and said out loud I will throw all of this away if I can only know who this man is. The radio just then came on the song amazing grace began to play then a voice came over the radio saying this For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son then they offered a prayer of salvation she fell to her knees tears filled her eyes she began to pray this Lord, I know now it was you in my apartment, please forgive me. I want to know you more help me to find a way. Just then a knock at the door she walked over to it she opened the door there stood a man , Hi my name is Pastor Mark.

The lord spoke to me this morning giving me this address told me to bring you this bible with some scriptures I marked in there for you . She took the bible from his hand then he said child draw close to him and he will draw close to you read those scriptures I marked for you. Then he turned and left. She sat down and opened the bible she found the scripture he had marked this is what it said was this

Isa 43:1-3

"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

You are Mine.

2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;

And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.

When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,

Nor shall the flame scorch you.

For I am the LORD your God,

The Holy One of Israel, your Savior

(from The New King James Version.

If you feel alone and as if you have know one and you feel beaten down know that the Lord will give you an everlasting love He will Raise you up from all the pain and hurt you may have he will deliver you from all you may be going through .

Please draw close to him and he will draw close to you

The end

That's a way to be the light the Lord has called U 2 Be.

:love: That's a way to be the light the Lord has called U 2 Be foreverwjesus.:thumbs_up

Your brother in Christ, Yeshua:boy_hug:

(FWJ) ur story is full of love from God it tells us of the real world that we may never have to experience in our day as of yet. It tell us that there is a true God who care 4 us all. It tells us that he knows what were going though because he to suffer. We have a God who is a true God " He is the Great I AM ". FWJ u hold on 2 way is in u from the father of lights who will brighten all that was dark and is dark to a light that man won't be able to bear. He has made u a star of his glory shine bright my sister God Bless.

Big Brother
you all touch my heart! i give the lord all the glory though. i only write what is in my heart all these stories its what he lays in my heart there for all the stories you read he is the author he just uses me your words encourages me so much i thank you and praise god for each of you you truely are inspiration to me thank you all!:love:
Very nice Michelle :) God bless you. Great story
Thank you so much you all! you all are such a blessing of encouragement to me. God gives me these stories I just put them on paper. he is the author of my life amen! I praise him for all the wonderful things he does and shows me. every day He teaches me something new .It Is all about him! I give him glory I just want to serve him in any way I can. he gives me so much everyday in my family in me.

I love you Lord!:love: