4Given I know this isnt exactly what you are asking for, but this challenge to youth by Nicky Cruz (who`s testimony impacted me as a teen) is the best possible answer I can come up with for you
Power to Witness
The Christian does not have to live a powerless life. Jesus said, "Verily, verily I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father" (John 14:12).
If you believe on Jesus, you will be filled with power, and the same miracles that Jesus performed can be performed through you. However, this is impossible unless the same Spirit (the Holy Spirit) that abides in Jesus abides in you too. For it is the Spirit that works the miracles, witnesses, and gives the power to overcome temptation - not the flesh.
Jesus told His disciples who were gathered about, powerless and confused, "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you." Therefore, if you want to be able to witness for Jesus, to perform miracles, to have signs and wonders following your ministry, to exercise the "gifts of the Spirit" (I Corinthians. 12:8-10), then you must first receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. Everything else will follow supernaturally.
As for the problems with drugs or anything else, the 'religions' of today do not have the answers. The only answer lies in the personal, direct confrontation with Jesus Christ. You see, most "religions" are man's search for God. But Christianity is God's search for man. Once a person accepts Jesus Christ and becomes a "new creature" there is no longer any need for drugs. And when this new Christian is filled with the Holy Spirit, then even the power of temptation is broken, and the enabling power of the living Christ gives the ability to resist the old urges forever.
Tragically, most churches are afraid of any manifestations of the supernatural power of God. It may have been all right for Jesus to cast out demons in a loud voice, or for Paul to speak in tongues, or for Peter to heal the sick. but 'don't do it in this century,' the institution says. That would shatter their serenity and might even bring the dead to life, and you know how disturbing a thing like that could be.
However, I am convinced that unless today's Christians allow the Holy Spirit to take over, unless they are baptized in the Holy Spirit - the world will never know who Jesus really is. Stories alone won't release people from bondage.but the power of God will!
Do you want to change the world? Do you want to be filled with a power that will enable you to do miracles? Do you want your life to be characterized by such things as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? If so, then after you have taken Jesus Christ as your Savior, receive also the Holy Spirit.
How is this done? First of all, you must possess an earnest, sincere desire to be filled. Simply saying the words with your lips is not sufficient. You must desire, from the bottom of your heart, everything God has for you.
Second, you should confess all known sin. The Bible says if we confess our sins we will be forgiven and cleansed by God. It is only the clean vessel that can be completely filled.
Third, I suggest you submit yourself completely to God. Make yourself available to God to do anything He asks of you, seeking not the gifts, but the Giver.
Fourth, you must ask. Jesus said, "If you, then, bad as you are, know how to give your children what is good for them, how much more will the Heavenly Father [who is good] give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him" (Luke 11:13).
Fifth, you must believe you are filled and thank Him. One receives the Holy Spirit on faith, just as Christ is received on faith. The battle is often lost just at this point, for one can do everything else, but then fail to claim what God has given him.
Finally, you must exercise or appropriate the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These are listed (in part) in I Corinthians 12: 11-13. You must claim the power of God in you and exercise it. There can be no word of knowledge unless you speak out what God is saying. There can be no faith unless you step out on faith alone. There can be no healing unless you lay hands on the sick, and no miracles unless you invoke the power of God. There can be no prophecy unless you open your mouth or take your pen in hand, and no tongues unless you speak the sounds of praise and prayer that God gives
Those early followers of Jesus believed all the supernatural power of God was available to them in signs and wonders, healing and miracles. However, there was a price to pay. To those men it was the price of losing their public acceptance. Whenever a miracle occurred in public (especially in the Temple) it brought persecution. When the Gospel was preached at Iconium and the "signs and wonders" exhibited, the community leaders ran the preachers out of town. That is a risk all Jesus' people take.
I challenge the young people of the world and their parents to forget about public opinion and become Jesus Revolutionists. You may be called a fool. You may be ridiculed. You will probably be misunderstood, especially by comfortable church members who will accuse you of turning their world upside down.
Well, praise the Lord! I think this is the calling of today's youth - to take this sorry world which has been almost destroyed by a blaspheming generation of adults - and turn it upside down.
In the process, some will realize that the world isn't turning upside down - it's turning it right side up. And I believe if anyone on earth can do it, it is the youth of today, filled with the Holy Spirit and marching on in the name of Jesus Christ.