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Letting go


Aug 20, 2004
I'm single yet there is someone holding on to my heart. I haven't seen this person in 3 years and know now in that time he has gotten married. My question is how after so long do I let go of him, my feelings for him and start looking for someone out there for me?
Interesting. I'm in a bit of the same situation. I've had a high school crush on this FANTASTIC guy since 8th grade (I'm in college now). He is very Christian, very smart, super funny, and a great guy.
He...just...doesn't know me.
He goes to a different college.
I want to get over this guy. It's no use pining for a guy who doesn't know you or want you nonetheless.

So...I'm kind of in the same situation.

You're not alone in this. You got God, me, and a whole bunch of other girls.

Song of Songs 2:7 states
Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. (NIV)
Its nice to know i'm not the only one going through something like this. I do have two friends who have stuck by me through alot and I try explaining to them how things are for me and how I feel and their answer is the same " you just need to forget him and move on" but sometimes its not easy to forget and since he was my co-worker it makes everywhere I go when I work a memory of him and seeing him.

thank you for the support and kind words. Like you said its no use for me to pine over someone who has moved on in his life and no longer knows me or wants me in it. God will heal the wounds in time and help me move that much I know. Thank you again. : )
I'm single yet there is someone holding on to my heart. I haven't seen this person in 3 years and know now in that time he has gotten married.

He's gotten married and you've had no contact with him for three years? He's not holding onto your heart, dear lady. Rather, you're holding on to a relationship that is pure fiction.

My question is how after so long do I let go of him, my feelings for him and start looking for someone out there for me?

Starting now, expand your social life. Meet more people. If its God's will for you to be married (single people are not cursed of God, by the way), your mate will be out there. Make lots of male friends and one of them will turn out to be Mister Right.

Spirit Led Ed (SLE)
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He's gotten married and you've had no contact with him for three years? He's not holding onto your heart, dear lady. Rather, you're holding on to a relationship that is pure fiction
Very right sir. have been thru this before and found out i was the one holding on to the relationship. i had to let go and free myself from the spirit of lust.

Starting now, expand your social life. Meet more people. If its God's will for you to be married (single people are not cursed of God, by the way), your mate will be out there. Make lots of male friends and one of them will turn out to be Mister Right.
Spirit Led Ed (SLE)

Sure. I made friend with male friends more now and somehow we get along. funny enough they come to me for advise when they have issues with their girlfriends.
You know, letting go of someone is hard. Letting God do it is easier. You cannot let go of him yourself. I myself have had this several times. I had an ex boyfriend who really hurt me a few years ago (I am now 18) and I HAD to let go of him. But I finally figured out I did that recently. My feelings for him are gone by now. It took me a lot of time though. But God did it for me. I lost myself in God, I fell in love with Jesus, I married God (through a ring, who my future fiancé will get).. I totally love that feeling. God is the best husband ever! No one will ever stand above him. God has to be your first and last, your real hero and number one. MAKE Him that. And then He will heal your heart and make you bloom and blossom, for Him, and His glory. Other people will see, and your mate will be appearing in your life at the appointed time. :)

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her", has been my quote for several years. In all these years God healed me, and he GAVE me the man spoken of in this quote. I can tell you out of experience that it works!

Don't look for love. There's a Shakespeare quote that says "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better". Love is a gift, not something you should search for. It's a jewel, a treasure. It isn't lost in a box, it's pinned to a balloon, or in an arrow, sent from heaven, from God, to be put right in front of you, and in your heart. Hold on to that! Don't make too much male friends, they can mislead you. Focus on God and let him speak to you. That is the best thing to do. And if you don't hear God speak, ask Him a question and listen to the first thing that pops in your mind with His rest. That is usually His soft voice. Don't overlook Him. Wait patiently, peacefully, listen and live carefully. Then you will be given what you are looking for!