I haven’t posted here in quite awhile. I’m 19 years of age, pursuing a college degree at this time. I just have a few questions.
I’ve been thinking about scripture, and I’ve been wondering about lifestyle.
I’ve noticed that I am not immune to sin, but instead, am hyper-aware of it. Every time I make a mistake, a part of me feels like I’ve failed.
I try to be a friend for those who don’t have any, and try to be known as a “Nice dude” in a mean world. But am I supposed to strive for perfection? I feel like I’m in a constant battle to please God with my life, knowing and believing that Christ “took the bullet meant for me” upon the cross.
Ladies and Gentlemen, am I doing something wrong here? Also, a bigger question: How should a Christian live their lives?
We are all aware of sin because of God giving us intelligence and Adam exposing us to the knowledge of good and evil Gen 3.
Thus, by default, all mankind is born with the inner conflict of choosing to do what is good or wicked.
When we choose to do what is good and hate what is wicked, we are after God's heart Rom 12:9. God Himself is good Psalm 136:1. Righteous in all His ways Psalm 145:17. Light with no darkness in Him at all 1 John 1:5.
God draws close to those who draw close to Him James 4:8. Those who pass God's judgment of heart and mind Jer 17:9 receive a revelation of Jesus from the Holy Spirit 1 Cor 12:3, Matt 16:16-17 and are grafted into His family Eph 2:11-13.
Now as a Christian, lifestyle is different to the common default position. A Christian is a changed person 1 Cor 5:17. Dead to sin Rom 6:11. Not controlled by sin, rather a slave of righteousness Rom 6:18.
IE A Christian's '''normal / default'' position is to do what is good. There is a lot less battle with doing ''right or wrong''. The unsaved mind discerns mostly based on self gain. The Christian mind, on what pleases and displease God.
As you grow as a Christian, the Holy Spirit teaches you why God made the laws He did. You will start seeing things from His perspective and like all the prophets grasped, also grasp that God is good and worthy of all the praise and glory we can muster up.
I try to be a friend for those who don’t have any, and try to be known as a “Nice dude” in a mean world. But am I supposed to strive for perfection? I feel like I’m in a constant battle to please God with my life, knowing and believing that Christ “took the bullet meant for me” upon the cross.
When you are a Christian you have met the requirement to be with God and all ''proving'' yourself can stop.
Jesus laid His life down for you, does He still need to prove Himself to you? He shouldn't. Laying down your life is the greatest act of love possible John 15:13. Likewise becoming a Christian is on your part an act on par with that.
Many today sadly don't properly teach this. They will rather teach saying magically words makes you a Christian.
To pass God's judgement of heart and mind, He has to see ''true'' repentance. True hatred of what is wicked. Paul sinned, continued in sin, but he hated it Rom 7:15.
Consider also the fact that in the tribulation the only way to salvation for many is going to be torture and death Matt 24:9.
Only those who endure death for Jesus will saved Matt 24:13.
When you are a Christian, you move from trying to prove yourself to God, to living for God. An ambassador for Jesus 2 Cor 5:20.