of course he can! I cant speak exactly for you because we all go thru different things, and God works differently in all of us. But I've done somethings I know God was not pleased with. Actually with the church background I come from, it was like I just disrespected God a lot. And I ended up at a point in life were I had nothing, literally no job, no money, no car, no food, and I didn't know what to do. I looked everywhere for a quick fix solutions but nothing worked to turn my life around. Except the word of God. I started getting back into the Bible but I just felt the same way you did. I didn't think God could fix it, I didn't think he wanted to, but thats not who God says he is. He loves when we come back and seek him. Now that doesn't mean everything is just going to fall immediately into place, take the story of the Israelites for example. He rescued them from slavery and promised them the Promise Land, however they were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. They were upset with God. They didn't understand why he would rescue them just to leave them in the wilderness. Gods response was simple, he told them he wanted to test them. He brought them to a point where they had no pride left, because he wanted to know their hearts, if when things didn't look good if they would still trust him. And i think God does that with alot of us. Its so easy for Him to just fix things over night, but how does that help us, he wants to see our hearts, he wants to know if we are going to trust him whether we are in the wilderness wandering with no directions or whether we are in our Promise Land. Never lose your faith. Jesus said he overcame the world. He has your back, just keep believing and stay close to God and you'll see.