Hello one and all!
I wanted to add my little two cents, not that I should have anything more important to say than anyone else,but.........
As you can tell the obvious, I am a singlemom...not the best circumstance to find yourself in. I am sure many of you can sympathize!?!
Anyhow, I had been out of work for three months and despite my searching, nothing cam ethrough. In fact, I am still waiting for future prospective jobs to come through.
Well, being out of work for three months happened to land my kids and I in the worst possible situation. We were jobless, penniless, hungry, and almost homeless. I kid you not, we ate and are still eating rice and anything we can find three times a day. We have had soup galore and for weeks on end. I don't know if you can understand from that point that we were seriously raiding our kitchen for anything we could find. we drove to church on an almost empty tank of gas and then searched for change to add and came up with a dollar and cents (not even for a tank of gas!)
Point having being made, I bring you to a reality in my life. God said "Man shall not live by bread alone...." I can tell you with certainty that God used and is using that time to humble me and teach me to trust. God is good!!!!!
I found a job that pays on a montly basis and will be receiving my first check on the tenth of next month. My kids did not get a present from me this Christmas, but I can tell you with certainty that we read the Christmas story with "new light" I know even now that the Lord has brought me this far.
Thanks for sharing and lettine me do the same.