I am gonna make this simple and sweet and to the point
I am a very understanding, nice, caring, humble, honest, loving Woman. When I meet a man and get to know him I make it clear as to what I want, It seems as though he is down for the ride and he wants the same things I want in a Relationship, than Bam he turns into a complete jerk! It happens so soon too, I think its a way of God showing me this is not for you! He is not the one! I am a very vulnerable soul so being that way a lot of people gravitate towards me either it be positive or negative, that is also why I always feel like I have a lot of burden on my shoulders cause I help everyone and their Aura conflicts on me, anyway thats a whole other story, I honestly think guys don't take me seriously and I don't understand why, while I am serious about what I am looking for and what I want for my future with a Man and my Family Values etc and they seem all down for it at first and not to soon after they change and it is confusing! I really don't know any other way to be but be me! I never sugar coat anything cause I just want the Real deal right in the beginning, Maybe that intimidates Men when a Woman knows what she wants and wont back down until she gets it and I will compromise but opening those doors or breaking down those walls of hurt takes time and if we both show each other effort I think it would work. Anyway I do have dating issue's being in a Relationship just never quit fits for me and I just don't understand why, While I am probably one of the easiest people to get along with and I am very understanding but I am not a push over. Anyway if you have some advice or have the same problem please explain, it always helps when people understand. God Bless xoxo