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- Mar 14, 2005
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Since love is total surrender of one self to serve the other, conjugal union becomes an act of love only when the involved parties have totally committed one’s entire life to serve the other, and together as a couple have surrendered them selves by leaving their union open to accepting new human beings. Since total and unconditional surrender of one’s life to another human being occurs only in marriage, for it to be an act of love it must be within a marriage. Since conjugal act is procreative, those involved in this act must accept procreative responsibility. Procreative responsibility is to accept and raise children (that are procreated from such acts) in a family. Children need a father, and a mother, that are united to form one unit of love (which occurs only in marriage), for them to experience love. Without love, their spirit suffers immense trauma; because, love is the very basic need for human beings. When divorced parents try to express love to their children, they do not feel loved, because, in their parents’ disunity they see lack of true love. Deep in their heart they know, that, true love (which is unconditional) never dies, and does not accept one and reject the other. When parents, who are not married (to each other), try to express love to their children, they do not feel loved, because, parental love is experienced only in union, and never in solitude. Love between husband and wife is reflection of God’s love, because we are made in the image of God. God is not solitude, but a family, in which the Father and Son offer their lives to each other, completely, with the Holy Spirit as the love, that binds them. In a human family, husband and wife offer their lives to each other, completely, with Holy Spirit as the love that binds them. Children feel very insecure and broken, when the two people, who brought them into existence, are not united, because, they see their own existence in their parent’s union. When unmarried couples engage in conjugal act, it is selfish, because, they do not have a lifelong commitment to one another. When a commitment is temporary, it has conditions attached to it. It is therefore, not true love. Therefore, adultery and fornication are acts that defile human beings. In addition, because, these acts lack true love, they deprive the couple of true peace. Sexual acts, with the use of contraception or contraceptive methods, lack procreative element. In such acts the possibility of receiving and serving new human beings is deliberately eliminated. Such acts therefore, are against love (who is God) and human life. They therefore, make one human being look at the other as an object to use for pleasure, and take away respect for human life. This removes love from their relationship. It is therefore, one of the reasons for increase in divorce after the popularization of artificial birth control. Oral and anal sex and same sex activity involve union of sexual and gastrointestinal organs, which are physiologically incompatible and non-complementary. Therefore, these activities are unnatural. They are devoid of true love, because, they lack procreative (life giving) element. In addition, same sex activity is harmful to the mind because it involves emotions that are contrary to natural laws. Masturbation also is devoid of love, because it has no unitive or procreative element. Some people feel that same sex activity is justified, because, they feel it expresses love. However, any sexual activity without procreative element is devoid of love, because, it is devoid of service and sacrifice. Just as eating is physiologically nutritive, sex is procreative. Therefore sexual activity devoid of procreative element is similar to bulimia. When human beings rejected God’s natural law and made their own laws, they disturbed the balance in nature, causing imperfections in human mind and body. These imperfections are transmitted from one generation to another. Some of these imperfections are physical, which physicians try to fix. Others have problems of the mind, which psychologists and psychiatrist try to correct. We also have imperfections of the spirit. We cannot say that these imperfections are normal, because, we are born with them. For example some people are born with heart defects. These defects cause grave harm to the people who have them. We do not say that it is normal to have a defective heart. On the contrary, we accept that it is a defective, and try to surgically fix it. Some people have unnatural sexual orientation. We have to realize that it is abnormal and help the person overcome it. We would do a disservice to the person, if we said it was normal to have unnatural sexual orientation and do nothing about it. Similarly, we cannot justify our wrong doings, because, we have tendency to do wrong. We have to work hard to overcome our imperfections. The good news is that we can do it with help of God. In other words, with God’s help we can overcome our imperfections and live a life of pure love.
The very essence of human existence is love, because, we are created in the image of God (who is love) and are a product of God’s love expressed through our parents union of love. Artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization and cloning procedures therefore, dehumanize human reproduction, by taking the act of unitive love out of it and converting it into a purely cellular process.Furthermore, during in-vitro fertilization and cloning procedures, lethal violence is committed against many human beings, who (as embryos) are discarded. Some of these procedures also deprive the resultant human beings the dignity of knowing their origin (biological parents), causing them grave injustice and psychological trauma. In addition, by taking unitive love out of the procreative process, it dehumanizes unitive love because unitive love is inseparable from human procreation. They are inseparable because conjugal union’s only physiological purpose is procreation. When conjugal union is dehumanized, true love, which is the corner stone of marriage, ceases to exist. This causes division, divorce and turmoil.
The very essence of human existence is love, because, we are created in the image of God (who is love) and are a product of God’s love expressed through our parents union of love. Artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization and cloning procedures therefore, dehumanize human reproduction, by taking the act of unitive love out of it and converting it into a purely cellular process.Furthermore, during in-vitro fertilization and cloning procedures, lethal violence is committed against many human beings, who (as embryos) are discarded. Some of these procedures also deprive the resultant human beings the dignity of knowing their origin (biological parents), causing them grave injustice and psychological trauma. In addition, by taking unitive love out of the procreative process, it dehumanizes unitive love because unitive love is inseparable from human procreation. They are inseparable because conjugal union’s only physiological purpose is procreation. When conjugal union is dehumanized, true love, which is the corner stone of marriage, ceases to exist. This causes division, divorce and turmoil.