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- May 11, 2018
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Love of the Shepherd
Wolves were howling at the door of the fold
And the shepherd knew it could never hold
It needed repairs and the gate was weak
But he had promised to save his sheep
His father had told him what he must do
To strengthen the fold and make it new
Whatever the cost, it must be paid
A new cornerstone would have to be laid
The wolves had gathered once more at the gate
Stepping outside he did not hesitate
And the shepherd knew just what must be done
The wolves were given the life of the son
Covered with blood they threatened no more
Leaving his grave he had strengthened the door
And because the shepherd had kept his vow
All who enter are safe even now
Written April 2004. Given to be shared with all but claimed by none. All praise and glory belong to Him.
Wolves were howling at the door of the fold
And the shepherd knew it could never hold
It needed repairs and the gate was weak
But he had promised to save his sheep
His father had told him what he must do
To strengthen the fold and make it new
Whatever the cost, it must be paid
A new cornerstone would have to be laid
The wolves had gathered once more at the gate
Stepping outside he did not hesitate
And the shepherd knew just what must be done
The wolves were given the life of the son
Covered with blood they threatened no more
Leaving his grave he had strengthened the door
And because the shepherd had kept his vow
All who enter are safe even now
Written April 2004. Given to be shared with all but claimed by none. All praise and glory belong to Him.