Bluejay, welcome to the site! I am not sure what you mean though, when you say you are not sure what to do. I can tell you though, to learn more about Him, read your Bible; I recommend starting with the Book of John and reading straight through to Romans. Three great Books right in a row that tell the stories of Christ here on Earth, the beginnings of the Christian church after Christ rose from the dead, and Paul's miraculous conversion and explanations as to how we are to live our Christian lives. I also recommend using an easier to read and understand translation, such as the New International Version (NIV). That's the one I use, and there's nothing more fulfilling than reading God's Word on a regular basis and drawing understanding from it.
Also, there are FREE booklets available trhough RBC Ministries on over 160 topics concerning Christians and the Bible. They are fantastic, short reads. (Just Google RBC Ministries, it will take you to their website.)
Any questions, just ask. I'm not a minister, but I myself have spent plenty of time researching my own questions, probably many of the same ones you have.