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May 26, 2006
Matthew 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

For me lust is my weak point. The devil has spotted this out and knows that Im weak in this area. I know that being a teenager has a lot to do with it, but Im also aware that I am a child of God and I need to obey God's word. When I have lustful thoughts, I repent afterwards, but the definition of repent is to turn away from that sin. I dont see myself doing this and it breaks my heart. Sometimes its so hard for me to talk to God because I know that Im unworthy to even talk to him. I ask for forgiveness then comitt the sin again and again. Ive prayed about this ever since I was saved and also read Bible verses on it. Can anyone please share your thoughts about this?
Brother Cody...

I almost cried when I read your post because of how hard you are trying to overcome this weakness, and your sincere willingness to overcome it. It takes a lot to even admit to this problem. You being a teenager, I am truly proud of you. I have also suffered from this problem (I am in my 20's), and it is not easy to overcome for me either. I too have been there, and sometimes still fall into that hole.

Well, enough about how I feel... it's God that matters so let me share what I believe the Bible speaks about this. One thing I can tell you for sure without doubt is that we must expose satan's plan out in the open. You mentioned that you feel unworthy to even talk to God after you sin like this. We are always unworthy, because we are always sinning, but don't let that stop you from asking God for help and repenting for that sin. Thats exactly what Satan would like. So disconnect you from God... so don't let that happen.

This is the thing, we can never overcome sin by our own efforts. It is useless to even try. To overcome, we need to ask the Lord to take us under his wing, and guide us. Without the Holy Spirit, we are nothing against satan. Without God, we are nothing against satan. We as humans are not capable of figting against the tricks and deceptions that satan has mastered over the years. To fight this sin, you must seek God's strength.

When I fought against this problem, I gained victory by trusting in God to fight for me. For this to happen, you must pray about it constantly. You must fast. You must remove yourself from anything that will tempt you. It won't be easy, but Jesus already told us that it's going to be tough. The very moment that a lustful thought comes to your mind, say something like this:

"I am no longer a slave to my flesh, nor a slave to any evil desire. I have been made free by the blood of Christ, and I am a Child of God. A Brother in Christ. I am loved by God and saved by the cross of Jesus' suffering. No lust will ever enslave me because he who lives in me [Holy Spirit / Spirit of God] is greater than he of this world. The Lord has freed me, and I will do all I can to please him. I please him because I love him. The Lord will be my strength. The Holy Spirit, is my sword. Amen"

I just made that up right now, but saying something like this will certainly help you fight these temptations. That prayer is made up of a few scriptures from teh Bible, but I don't remember the references right now. Also, I am really sleepy, so I will try to post them later if I get a chance.

For now, I hope this advice wil l help you. I will pray for you as well.

God Bless,
Noel Gae
Matthew 5:28 "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

For me lust is my weak point. The devil has spotted this out and knows that Im weak in this area. I know that being a teenager has a lot to do with it, but Im also aware that I am a child of God and I need to obey God's word. When I have lustful thoughts, I repent afterwards, but the definition of repent is to turn away from that sin. I dont see myself doing this and it breaks my heart. Sometimes its so hard for me to talk to God because I know that Im unworthy to even talk to him. I ask for forgiveness then comitt the sin again and again. Ive prayed about this ever since I was saved and also read Bible verses on it. Can anyone please share your thoughts about this?
You said "When I have lustful thoughts," That I don't know if you have thought about sexual things on purpose because often times I know that the devil put stuff in people head so I guest that can be a temptation not a sin that it may not be you putting it because there are times where things just pop up in my head that nothing that I could controlling it but complaining about those ugly thought that I don’t want to know but rebuking it or reading my word or something that can twisted my mind around because I know is not me thinking about it so would I like those thought when it comes? No, because those things are so like to get in my ever lasting nerves which is the devil! It dose kills me when my thought act up when I'm not thinking about it but in away it dose but I feel like my mind being control on something, so that means the devil is playing with my mind which is his favorite playground but it can be very annoying but if you think of it this way, well is like having a dream and you know you can’t control your dream because when you sleep your mind is wondering around so the devil also could put bad dreams in your head

I believed that our mind is in warfare.

From the tone of your post, I suspect that the thoughts you speak of last but a few seconds before you work to chase them away. Having such thoughts is quite normal for a young man your age. It's a part of the process of growing up.

My study Bible says that looking at a woman lustfully does not refer to a quick passing glance that brings a sexual thought. Instead, it refers to a willful, calculated stare that arouses intense sexual desire.

Remember, you have been given the power to rebuke such thoughts; "Submit yourselves,then,to God.Resist the devil and he will flee from you.." (Jas 4:7)

A Scripture I have found very effective in controlling my thoughts is: "and we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ." (2Cor10:5b)
