Ask God then Listen to His Answer
As a man I certainly know little about makeup - personally - the kind of clothes you wear can be good or bad so I guess simply asking God to direct your step and being willing to listen should work. If you wear makeup - I can not find a direct scripture in the Bible that says it is wrong.
Please Nicole do not misunderstand what I am about to say... but... I feel God is telling me to speak out about something you said - Here is your quote:
In general, all the "little things" are non-essentials, and the "big things" are essentials. Little things like music, movies, books, make up, art work, clothing, style, etc. go in the non-essentials list... and as long as you are following God there should be no problem with these things.
Nicole, Little things like music, movies, books, art work, clothing, style, etc. do not go in the non-essentials list - here is why...
These are the most important things a christian should watch out for as they are among the major tools "satan uses" to draw away young people from the truth.
Song of Songs 2:15 (KJV)
15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.
It is not the big sins that cause christians to backslide and go to hell. It is usually the little sins that draw us away from God.