Matthew 22,
11 “But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment. 12 And he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.”
What does it mean to be called but few are chosen?
Whenever we read contentious scripture that can very easily be misinterpreted, it is very important to go back to the core truths of Christianity and have them shine light on the passage.
- Person A, a normal person, one without any bias, would read it as an invitation given to all, but only some accepting it. As John 3:16 states, Jesus lay His life down for the world and Rev 3:20 states that He now stands at the door to our hearts and knocks.
- Person B, a person with a bias, Calvinist for example, would read this as ''God goes through the motions of giving scripture to all, but it is purely a formality as only a few are pre-selected and chosen to be Christians''. They therefore read John 3:16 as Jesus dying for the elect and not the world. They would then also ignore Rev 3:20.
Now the core Christian truths that are needed to shine light on this are:
1. Scripture that defines God's nature
2. Scripture specifically on God's partiality
These are needed as the misinterpretation of that verse suggests that God is partial. And, since God is the creator of all, who has created a lake of fire and stated that He would throw the wicked therein, if He is partial, that would make Him 100% guilty of MURDERING many!! Partiality is evil, and insanely evil if you are the Creator of all.
I am just truly, absolutely, positively BAFFLED at how all Calvinists (
@Brightfame52 @Dylan569) and their supporters (
@Foghorn) do not 'get this'
simple truth. If I met any of you on X and sometimes, I wish I would, I would send pages and pages of colourful language your way. What kind of person is able to so
grossly misrepresent God to the lost that He loves and died for?
Now the core scripture required.
1. God's nature - We need to see if scripture says God has an evil side to Him that could be partial.
A - Psalm 136:1 -
God IS GOOD and His mercy endures forever.
B - Psalm 145:17 -
God is righteous in ALL HIS WAYS.
C - 1 John 1:5 -
God is light with NO DARKNESS in Him AT ALL.
D - Job 34:12 -
It is UNTHINKABLE that God would do what is wicked or PERVERT JUSTICE.
E - 1 John 4:8 -
God IS LOVE and whoever does not know love, does not know God.
So, we see that prophets who knew God better than you or I, make it clear that God has not got a single evil atom in Him. He could have, as Rom 9:21 suggests (a popular Calvinistic verse), but the rest of scripture, shows us what in fact God does do with His omnipotence, He chooses to be righteous in ALL HIS WAYS and lay His life down for ALL mankind.
2. God's partiality
Acts 10:34
Of a truth I perceive, God is no respecter of persons.
Now we must note how this verse is worded. Peter, states that he suddenly grasped something he never grasped before. It seems it is logical to expect God to have both a good and evil side to Him. This is why it is our JOB as Christians to teach the lost, that HE DOES NOT HAVE an evil side to Him.
Our ONE job as a Christian is to be an ambassador for God 2 Cor 5:20, and boy oh boy, we all are so guilty of failing so hard on this. But truly, Calvinists are right there at the top. I cannot think of a more evil message to share with the lost and weak.