I am a never married 50 year old virgin living in GA and was looking at the internet on how to meet a christian husband. I came across at least two testimonies of people who switched from the baptist churches to charismatic/pentecostal churches who said there are more singles there-I would specifically be looking for men close to my age (50) or older. Has anyone who has switched from baptist to charismatic/pentecostal found this to be true? I believe one of the testimonies said the charismatic church was more friendly and outgoing also. I am trying everything (along with prayer) to "put myself out there" to meet a christian husband. I know the bible says let the man find you but I believe you need to network/circulate also. Please let me know your opinion on this.
Certain denominations do tend to attract certain types of personalities, which is not how things should be, but anyway. Do not doubt, God wants you to be married. God wants to fulfill the desire of your heart. But you have to be desperate and really want it, and start doing things that show your faith to God if you haven't already. There's no rule that says you can't go out there and find a man, unless that's what the Spirit put on your heart. I suggest going for it, have fun, go to the Pentecostals try every denomination in your area if you have to, everything and anything you can, until you potentially come to the end of yourself, give up, lose hope, come to the reality that you may never be married, and then be at peace or content about it. That's usually the time when God will bring you the right person for you, in a way you least expect, and in a way you have never thought of. See, God will lead us to do things to show us that we can't trust others and we can't even trust ourselves, only Him. You will know, in your heart, when you find the right person and the Spirit, already puts on your heart, what you should do to find that person, so learn to follow that inner voice, have more confidence in your ability to hear it, and know that God is sovereign over every decision you and others make, even your current situation, for good, not evil (Rom 8:28)