Greetings dpg3,
may I ask a couple of questions, please?
Do you get out and about often? Are you able to/do you spend time with Christian men or women in some sort of fellowship where you can talk and share Scriptures and encourage one another?
I shall be continuing to pray for Dave and also for you. Know that the Lord is nigh unto them that believe. As for the issues of health that family members are presently experiencing, it is no doubt a trying time for you and them. Let the trial do what it will, but for you, make a conscious decision to remain faithful in your trust in the Lord and know that the time we have here is so short even if at times painful and full of trouble and therefore as you look to the Good Shepherd your confidence remains in Him. Disarm the enemy who would want to crush you, do this by remaining steadfast in the faith, even rejoicing in the fact that as a believer, your life is hid in and with Christ, your Saviour and friend. He has sent the Helper and Comforter and He is yours, always.
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perishes, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: 1Peter 1:7
If you are not able to fellowship with other Christians please make the most of TalkJesus to fill the gap and engage in some online fellowship here in the forums.
thank you very much for updating us,
please pass our love and blessings on to Dave,
Bless you ....><>