First I will keep in you and your husband in prayer.
Your story brings to mind a book I read which is called "A Case for Christ", by Lee Strobel.
The similarity is such that both the writer and his wife were atheist until his wife became a Christian. In his telling of it in the prologue of the book. He was amazed by the change in her. She was truly happy!! She did not attempt to convince him of it. She just tried to live as best she could as you are doing by stopping from doing certain things, as a life befitting a believer in Christ Jesus.
He of cause would not leave her alone. She finally told him that there was no way she could convince him, but since he was a Criminal Reporter for the Chicago Tribune (might have the paper wrong). That he should do what he does best. Investigate the story of Christ Jesus. See for himself. The best thing she could have done. Challenged him without diminishing him. Allowed that he was intelligent and could make up his own mind. Don't let your husbands negativeness or your old life style and his current one intrude/affect your Joy in the Lord and your new found Salvation!
Anyway this book might be a help, but the greatest help is you on your hands and knees praying for him. Do it in private. You filling the gap for your husband is something that spouses don't do enough of for each other. This includes believing couples as well.
God very well may choose to allow you to be the vehicle by which your husband comes to the Lord, but then again it might be meant that it happens that way or it might not happen at all. This decision you cannot make for him. No matter how much you love him, it really is between him and God. Just be there to support him, pray for him, and by your example show him the joy of a believer! Rejoice in the Lord little sister. Let your husband see that in you. He'll wonder more about why you can be happy in some dead guy or how you can be so happy even after he gives you so much grief!
If he asks you, then volunteer to him why you believe as you believe, but otherwise don't try to change him. It won't work. Let God do the heavy lifting! He's done it for all of us. Allow him to do it for your husband. Pray for him. Allow the Holy Spirit to work upon his heart, mind and spirit. That is where your power lies. It not in your strength, but God's that your husband will change!
I'll be praying with you that this is so!
‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the LORD of hosts.