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My sheep know My voice.


Dec 18, 2008
The pros and cons of technology. :)
It was only about 150 years ago telephones didn't exist. Cell phones have been around about 20 years now.
"Smart" phones are only about 10 years old. Most of my adult career has been in the mobile telecommunications industry, and yet I am still amazed at how cell phones have transformed the world. In both good and bad ways. I am old enough to remember playing cards and board games with my grand parents out on the back porch on summer evenings. They all passed away long before cell phones came around. The best part about playing those games was the interaction, the camaraderie, the laughs and just getting to know each other. I still remember their voices.

One of things I don't particularly like about cell phones is "texting". Despite this, I find myself texting to people dozens of times a day. For some people, it's the only way they want to be communicated with.
For whatever reason, they don't like to talk on the phone. I have emailed some of these people and I have texted them, but I have never spoken to them. On the phone or in person. I don't know the sound of their voice. It seems taking the time to have a conversation is more time than they have for people. It takes time away from "what I want to do". (I wonder if people have stopped to ponder the selfishness of that statement?) -- I don't even have time to talk to you. You're only worth a few lines of text every now and then.

I wonder if we get this way with Jesus? The "busy-ness" of iife and distractions keep us from spending time with God. It keeps us from spending time in prayer and reading the word. We like being distracted, in fact some of us "need" to be distracted. We can't stand silence, stillness, .. quiet.

And yet, it's been my experience that's usually when God speaks to us. In those still quiet moments.
Rarely do we have those burning bush and thundering voice from heaven moments. I'm not saying God can't do that, but it seems He rarely does it that way.

When I first make new friends, they always introduce themselves on the phone. Hi this is Bob, Hi this is John.
Even when I was first dating my wife... "Hi, this is... " the thing is... after 3 or 4 phone calls from her we no longer had to tell each other who we were. We just knew. We knew the sound of each others voices.
It's the same way with most of my "guy" friends. We rarely identify who we are (if ever) we just know by the sound of their voice who they are.

In fact, I know some of my friends so well that we are able to finish each others sentences. My wife and I are very good at doing this. Not only do I know their voices, I know the kinds of things they would say.
... or NOT say, as the case may be. One time someone told me my friend John said something... I remember
saying "john said that? It doesn't sound like something he would say." and sure enough, come to find out... he didn't really say that.

John 10:3; "To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
John 10:4; "When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
John 10:5; "A stranger they simply will not follow, but will flee from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers."

There have been times, I heard a still small voice in the middle of the night.
One time that voice said "Go to Taco Bell and get 3 soft Tacos!!". It turns out that was the voice of my stomach, not God. Another time I was flipping through the channels on television and there was a topless woman on the TV. I admit I stopped and paused on that channel for a few seconds. There was a small quiet voice saying "go ahead, watch it. It'll be alright". It turns out, that wasn't the voice of God either.

The thing is... not every voice we hear is the voice of God/Jesus. I've never heard God speak to me in an audible voice. But I know His voice. I know the things He would say. Most of this comes from reading the Bible, but a lot also comes from prayer.

I've heard people say.. "God told me to go do this" or "Jesus wants me to go do that".
and sometimes I know they are telling the truth. But other times, I know they are not.
If God is telling you to leave your spouse and go marry someone else. It's probably not God.
If God is telling you to go have a same sex affair with someone. It's probably not God.

..and yet.. some churches are preaching these things are OK with God. I have to wonder... does the preacher
at those churches really know "His voice".. or are they simply listening to their appetite?

It's much the same way with us. If we spend enough time with Him.. we won't have to ask "is this really what God wants me to do" or even "NOT want me to do". Because we know Him. We know His voice. We know the kinds of things He says.
A prayer I used to pray often.. was something like this.
God if you want me to do this, open doors. If you don't want me to do this, close doors.

I no longer pray that way. Just because a door is open... just because you have the ability to do something, does not mean that's what God wants you to do.
There was great sea in front of the Israelites, the Egyptians were behind them in chariots, closing fast. The door was closed.. there was no way to go.
Until Moses stretched forth his hand ( Exod 14:21; ) then the sea parted for them. Sometimes God wants us to take action before the door will open.
Technology has never been the problem. When I was still working I was on top of everything on my job including computers, but after 16 years of retirement, I have fallen way behind on those things. Whether we use desktops or laptops or cell phones or smart phones, the important thing is that we are His sheep and are continuing to recognize His voice.

A while back I received a long distance telephone call here in Oklahoma from a friend in California. I had not seen or spoken with that man since we were altar boys together more than 50 years ago. During our recent conversation he said I still sounded over the phone just like I did when we were teenagers together all of those years ago.

Yes, indeed, His sheep do know His voice, so this brings up the question of just who His sheep are, doesn't it? That friend from my past knew my voice, but do we know the Lord's voice when He speaks to us? If we are His sheep, we do. If we don't recognize His voice from all of the voices that we hear, are we even His sheep? If we are not, what should we do? How does one become a sheep?
This is concerning, because if God is your belly and telling you to go eat tacos then you are listening to the wrong voice (especially if you go and act on that demand) it means you dont really know the Lord or havent learned to discern or recognize His voice,

Also another concern is if you are praying for doors to open and close, that isnt something that God actually does when Jesus is the door we need to go ONLY through Him.

In the past was involved with occult and I do know that there are doorways that are NOT meant to be opened. Another thing with occult involvement is you may be hearing voices that are not of God.

What to do..repent of that, whatever is taking you away from Him and get rid of 'distractions'. Even tv which can have hypnotic effects. It is chasing after the world and the pride of life and the lust of the eyes. Its like Eve listening to the serpent trying to tempt her with forbidden fruit. She could have just walked on by just as you do when you pass the shops do you stop and look at everything and then end up buying stuff you dont even need which isnt even in your list?! You have the power to just keep on walking! Or, in terms of telephones...turning them off! Let them go to voicemail. You dont need to respond to every call.

Spending time with God in prayer and reading the bible you get to know Him more. Then you get closer to His heart just like Mary listened to Jesus and wasnt distracted and flustered trying to cook dinner and impress everyone like Martha was. And you can tell the telemarketers sorry you are busy (with God) can you call them back and they will leave you alone. They dont even leave their number lol.
This is concerning, because if God is your belly and telling you to go eat tacos then you are listening to the wrong voice (especially if you go and act on that demand) it means you dont really know the Lord or havent learned to discern or recognize His voice,

Also another concern is if you are praying for doors to open and close, that isnt something that God actually does when Jesus is the door we need to go ONLY through Him.

In the past was involved with occult and I do know that there are doorways that are NOT meant to be opened. Another thing with occult involvement is you may be hearing voices that are not of God.

What to do..repent of that, whatever is taking you away from Him and get rid of 'distractions'. Even tv which can have hypnotic effects. It is chasing after the world and the pride of life and the lust of the eyes. Its like Eve listening to the serpent trying to tempt her with forbidden fruit. She could have just walked on by just as you do when you pass the shops do you stop and look at everything and then end up buying stuff you dont even need which isnt even in your list?! You have the power to just keep on walking! Or, in terms of telephones...turning them off! Let them go to voicemail. You dont need to respond to every call.

Spending time with God in prayer and reading the bible you get to know Him more. Then you get closer to His heart just like Mary listened to Jesus and wasnt distracted and flustered trying to cook dinner and impress everyone like Martha was. And you can tell the telemarketers sorry you are busy (with God) can you call them back and they will leave you alone. They dont even leave their number lol.

This is why "eyes to see" are so important. If we have them as well as the "ears to hear" then we will always recognize Him from all of the others we see and hear. Not reaching out to Him regularly may cause us to lose track of where we are and where we are going. If we do NOT recognize His voice, we would have to say that if we were His sheep, we no longer are. From my experience those eyes and ears, the important ones which allow to recognize His voice, are the Holy Spirit in us. Otherwise we are dead and the dead cannot see or hear anything.
Technology has never been the problem. When I was still working I was on top of everything on my job including computers, but after 16 years of retirement, I have fallen way behind on those things. Whether we use desktops or laptops or cell phones or smart phones, the important thing is that we are His sheep and are continuing to recognize His voice.
I am not that interested in Technology but it is a necessary task to stay up with my kids, much more my grandchildren.

How does one become a sheep?
The answer is "Born Again"!
A prayer I used to pray often.. was something like this.
God if you want me to do this, open doors. If you don't want me to do this, close doors.

I no longer pray that way. Just because a door is open... just because you have the ability to do something, does not mean that's what God wants you to do.
There was great sea in front of the Israelites, the Egyptians were behind them in chariots, closing fast. The door was closed.. there was no way to go.
Until Moses stretched forth his hand ( Exod 14:21; ) then the sea parted for them. Sometimes God wants us to take action before the door will open.

Thank You !!
Brother it would amaze you to know how many believers simply won't accept what you wrote.

Lol it still does not make in any less true.
Thank you Again
Yes, indeed, His sheep do know His voice,
Sad thing is, far too many sheep have ignored the voice to the point they don't hear anymore.

Our enemy the devil is a mimic and impersonator and will imitate God and if one is not paying close attention will not catch it.

Yes scripture says His sheep know His Voice and We should but it is not so.
Sad thing is, far too many sheep have ignored the voice to the point they don't hear anymore.

Our enemy the devil is a mimic and impersonator and will imitate God and if one is not paying close attention will not catch it.

Yes scripture says His sheep know His Voice and We should but it is not so.
Yes be wary of counterfeits as satan can come as an angel of light. This is where discerning of spirits is a good gift to have. You can ask God for wisdom and He will give it liberally. Dont be afraid to ask Him. It is better to admit we are lacking and need more wisdom from God directly than to go with whatever man or instincts or even ofher spirits may tell us.

The sheep that have gone astray...Jesus tells us that He will go looking for them. He will keep calling them back.
Sad thing is, far too many sheep have ignored the voice to the point they don't hear anymore.

Our enemy the devil is a mimic and impersonator and will imitate God and if one is not paying close attention will not catch it.

Yes scripture says His sheep know His Voice and We should but it is not so.
Probably their hearing will eventually get dull from lack of use to the point where they may no longer understand what they are hearing.
Probably their hearing will eventually get dull from lack of use to the point where they may no longer understand what they are hearing.
You would hope not but scripture does say peoples eyes are blinded and ears blocked with wax so they cant see or hear. Acts 28:26-27

Although Paul was referring to the israelites, who were under the old convenant it could equally apply to people who were raised in church, but perhaps these people are not saved or truly born again. If you grew up in church presumably you would have known about God from a young age, but that doesnt mean you KNOW him or have a relationship with him...or that you have one right now. People can backslide or go astray. This is because we have freewill, to abide in Him or not.

But looking at sheep, they are naturally inclined to follow their shepherd, unlike goats that are very independent creatures.
Probably their hearing will eventually get dull from lack of use to the point where they may no longer understand what they are hearing.

The way this worded (I have looked at a few different translations)... no longer understand... This seems to infer that they "used to" understand at some point.

Matt 13:14; "In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says, 'YOU WILL KEEP ON HEARING, BUT WILL NOT UNDERSTAND; YOU WILL KEEP ON SEEING, BUT WILL NOT PERCEIVE;

Their hearing "has become dull"... They have "closed their eyes"... etc... It seems at some point their hearing was better, their eyes were opened, and they understood what was said.