I feel so sick knowing these were in my home, I honestly don't know what to do with my son. I am going to talk to him about it tonight. I want to get in their again but I don't have access. Does any one have any advice for me to say to him. I want him to be born again and accept the Lord as savior while burning these DVDs.
TALK TO THE LORD about it first
As Dad, you have been given a sneak peak into your sons present inner sanctuary and you have to remember that 1] the LORD loves your son and He is not a burn it all down style Father, but in love He calls and woos all to enter in to His Sanctuary by His Son and 2] the LORD already knows about what and why your son is into the DVD's and the fact that he presently is.
Part of the thing here is that it is PRESENTLY and does not mean it is permanently.
Your part is to trust the LORD with your son and with yourself BECAUSE He is desiring full love from you both BECAUSE that is best for you!
It may seem easier to front your son and get straight into it but remember he has already made a decision to lock himself away and or you out of his present thing.
If you must say anything, gently, with the Lord's help, because HE wants to help, tell your son he left his room 'open' and you peeked in and saw he was into the DVD's AND quickly add a question, being, "which is your favourite one"? Then if he is still wanting to talk to you peacefully, ask him what it is about and ENGAGE with him on his level, NOT your present level of wanting to purge the house and home and your son. That will not work... purging, that is. will NOT work but will go against you which you do not want and believe it or not, neither does your son.
He has quite a few from what you shared so he obviously is or has been looking for something.... and you need to ask yourself, why and what that may be. Could it be you and the time you share with him? Tough question but let us get tough FIRST on ourselves before expecting the younger to front up and do better or change.
You don't actually have to say anything at all, because now you know, you can get believing in prayer. Ask the Lord and wait on Him.
I say all this in love, John. So please don't get upset with my advice.
You must start with prayer and know that the LORD wants good for you, has purchased your good and wants you to have His peace in believing. The enemy, cruel as he is, wants to cause division and destroy any sort of love between family members and friends, etc and even more so, put people off seeking and trusting and loving only the LORD our God in Christ Jesus the Lord.... so, you need to make a stand in prayer believing that the devil has no right to mess up your relationship and your son and you have to stand on the promise of God's lovingkindness and will for you (both).
Until you get that right, don't go addressing your son and certainly don't go trying to persuade or demand he gets rid of anything or changes his way etc.
You have to lead your son, not drive him. He is a young man now and you must respect that fact and not get telling what to do or even get too heavy with advice but with gentleness lead in conversation and offering your time doing something fun and interesting with your son who might simply be filling a hole.
The fact that he has acquired such a resource of DVD's and posters, etc without you knowing means he has lots of time on his hands where you are not.
Yes, it is your house but please remember that he is your son and that if far more important. Had he been only 6 or 7 you could purge and he would follow after a wee time out getting upset, but now he is 18 {close enough] you have to tread the path differently.
How kind is God to you every day? Is there anything you do ever that might need to change?
Please try to see this as the first place to address what you have seen and to remember please that you have been granted a sneak peak so you can get praying about your son. You did not know before hand but you do now. GIVE THANKS TO GOD that he has allowed you to see the present situation and that now you can come to Him believing in His love for your son, in prayer. Give thank i say, what a blessing to now know what before you didn't and to be able to pour out your concerns to the LORD. Surely that is the best medicine for you both!!!
The DVD's, etc, God knows about .... it is you two He desires and is interested in.
Purging and the like will only drive your son away from your desire for him to be free from any rot this world offers.
The DVD's are all fake and fantasy and are nothing in themselves, but your hearts are real and need the Love and Peace of God in Christ Jesus the Lord. Focus on that and let the DVD's fade away as they surely will as you trust in Him Who is faithful and has made a way for you to come to Him and seek His will and desire for your son and for you to take comfort in His Love for you both.
You have been allowed a view of present matters... now you know, get praying the prayer of faith for your son, day and night and don't forget to let him know you love him.
Honestly, pray first and then keep praying. You can not change a man, only God can.
With immense patience He waits upon the children of men to listen to His call for them to come to Him and have Life. He could purge and get heavy handed but He has sent His Son to lead us and to show us His love and kindness and to set us free... if we will but believe!!!
Bless you and your son ....><>