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My Soul Mate is Anthony


Feb 13, 2004
I met him at a hospital in Philadelphia, PA and the hospitals name is Albert Einstein Medical Center last January. Ok, I was on Tower 5 making patients beds, giving out ice, going to get medicine for the nurses and so forth. Anthony was pushing patients in wheelchairs and stretchers. We got to know each other and I ended up being in his field Patient Escort than he left for a while and came back and I was happy because we were falling in love. Oh, he is 37 and I am 21. So we got together on 9/4/02 and he said I love you on 8/5/02. It was odd and all my friends looked at both of us like ok what is going on here. So that was a romantic story to share.


P.S. Got something interesting share it!
We aren't together no more

Anthony and I are not together anymore because he cheated on me for another girl in the house we was living in so now I found myself a new guy and we are getting married at the end of this year.

Love, Diana31483
no offence, but how can u say..

'my soul mate is anthony'

then go on and say that u rnt with anthony anymore.. however u R with another guy an u 2 r gettin married... soz, but 2 me tt just dont make no sense..
The thread is 1 1/2 yrs old Aimz. Her first post said that, but yesterday she updated it regarding the new guy.

no offence or nothing... but whats the go with that? i mean a two year old post resurfacin liek that?? just a quetsion thats all.. LOL

Love simon!!!
ok, my bad.. soz diane!!!

i dnt really notice like the whole date thingy..

but i still dnt c how u get 'soul mate' an den NOT soul mate.. a soul mate is a person who stays wif u 4 life...

but, thats just my opinion..
just letting you know that Brian is going to be my husband and Anthony isn't anymore

what happen was...

Anthony used to beat on me and he didn't treat me with respect so that's why I left him than he went to this party for his birthday for his job and he didn't invite me to it so he cheated also with another girl named Nia and he had her things in our room when I used to live with him. She used to live on the same floor as me and Anthony back than.

Brian and I are getting married on 10/30/05. So I can't wait so I can be happy and have kids in gods name Amen!

Love, Diana31483

I hope the new guy and you have both found a good church and a pastor to give you good premartial counseling. It is better to go into this with both eyes wide open. Knowing what God expects from you and not man. It is good you got away from Anthony, he sounds like a loser.

Your sister in CHrist,
Alabasterbox :girl:

ps: I pray that once you and your future husband are married that it will be a marriage that lasts a life time and is Christ centered. We can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us.

Brian is a good man and Anthony is a loser

Yeah you are right that Anthony is a loser and I hope me and Brian will last a long life of a marriage through Jesus Christ that strengthens us through all things. Love hurts when you get hurt from people we love the most.

These guys be coming on his block talking about I went over Steve's cousins house and did things with him and I didn't. I did go over the house but didn't do nothing with Steve. I made a mistake going over there but I didn't do nothing with him because I love Brian. It was a friend thing. So give me some advice about that. Also this guy named Christ I gave my phone # to him because I was single before I was dating Brian and he called my cell phone recently and I told him don't call me because I am with another man and I don't live in the area we was living at the time.

Love Diana31483
I think you need to find some new friends. With friends like these you don't need enemies. Do you belong to a local church? If not I think you should find one and find some christian friends to support you and Brian in your upcoming wedding and marriage. Marriage is tough enough, you don't need all this mess.

Your sister in Christ,
AlabasterBox :girl:

Not trying to interfere in your life but make sure you decision to get married is based on obedience to God not obedience to your flesh to have a mate! In the end it will be harder than it truly has to be. May God bless you and Keep you as you Grow in your knowledge of His will for your life!