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Need of a soulmate


Feb 13, 2007
I am working in a donor organisation and am a christian for the last 10years.i am single and never married before.
I need to know some one who can be my soulmate in the future.

Try out eharmony.com

Its Christian based and very unique
How long have you been with them? I used to get nearly 8-10 matches a day and I'm picky. Give it time and double check your profile to be active.
Hey Grum,

I just want to encourage you to prayerfully concentrate on God's will in your life and also make a decision to make as many friendships as possible ( you are already doing this by posting here) and in those be genuine and im sure in no time you will find her! I tried the online dating sites and made some really good friends from them, but in the end God chose my fiance who ended up being someone close by who i already knew. The difference was i started a friendship which in the begining was plutonic but in the end blossomed into a blessing of God! I say this as an encouragement to you in never giving up in the area of relationships!

May God Bless you abundantly my brother in Christ

- Appius
Hi Grum, I had the same feeling before like u do. But, realized later that someone somewhere somehow was made for me. Its a matter of time.

No matter how the look, how dark, how short, or how thin or how uneducated or how displeasing to others, or how old, someone out there is going to love you like heaven.

Just keep on praying and keep on evolving with new strategies to win. Someday soon, u'l be real proud to say that, yes, I found it and the best one.

God bless!!
This is but one opinion, but perhaps it is not Gods will in your life to be married? Ofcourse I may be wrong, after all Jesus was single his whole life. I think if you concentrate hard enough on doing what God wants you to do with your life then love for others and perhaps somebody loving you will come free?

Just a possibility.
I have to agree with GhoooosT,being single is a blessing . You must first have that one on one with God, and when he is ready to share you he'll send someone.
It's about God's timing, you don't want to be pre occupied in finding someone, have fun being alone,join some ministries at your church, get involve. If you occupy your time in doing God's will,he will bless you with your hearts desire.
As for online dating,.....well, it's best you patiently wait on God and not orchestrate ways in finding someone, anyone can write and say they're a Christian,quote scripture on their profile,but it's by their fruits and their daily walk with God, that you can judge their true character.
Have patience and wait on the Lord, Trust in Him and He ( not the click of a mouse ) would lead you .
Online dating probably works but for me trusting in him and being patient makes it more exciting, if I do online dating,I'd probably make my choice by appearance.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58
As for online dating,.....well, it's best you patiently wait on God and not orchestrate ways in finding someone, anyone can write and say they're a Christian,quote scripture on their profile,but it's by their fruits and their daily walk with God, that you can judge their true character.

Amen rizen so true.

God bless :love: :rainbow: :rose:
soul mate

I am working in a donor organisation and am a christian for the last 10years.i am single and never married before.
I need to know some one who can be my soulmate in the future.

continue trustin god he is going to come through for you it may be quicker than you think be encourage
With God first in our lives, he will add everything else.

I'm single and happy, lets enjoy our singlehood.


I have read your posts, and i find out that you also need a soulmate, I'm amazed because i'm looking for it also. I'm Filipina from Philippines. I'm 27 years old. I had a boyfriend before but we broke up because we have different beliefs, I mean he don't believe in God because he is a muslim, that is why i register here in Talkjesus.com hoping that I will find my soulmate through this website. I hope we get to know each other.How about you? how old are you? and from what country are you?

Hoping that you will reply me soon.take care. God bless....

Take care,

Scripture clearly teaches us that He will provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. Ask Him to meet your need of a mate. His promises are true. You can always count on Him.
I think dear Grum, like others said that there is no need to seek your soulmate. God is faithful and He will bring your soulmate to you when the time is right.
This last few months I've been thinking a lot about my soulmate, and how bad I would love to meet him right away, but just like rizen1 I'm kinda starting to like my singlehood because I think I'm not prepared for my husband yet.
I still need to take my time with God, get to know Him better and just having Him as my only, and first love.
I have learned to trust Him, and stop worrying about having or finding my soulmate. Once you understand that you don't have to seek, and to trust God that He'll be faithfull to your prayers you are FREE. You find peace and freedom in Jesus love.
So, I encourage you to pray and take your time with God, and to spend time with Him. Do it from the heart, and God will bless you not only in this way but in many.

I think that when we are unpatient and we try to do everything for ourselves, like seeking our soulmate we are saying that God's not enough for us, and He will not answer to our prayers. We are not trusting Him.

So cheer up brother!! and seek for God's face before doing anything else!

God bless you

Sis, Haynaru