Navy, you should be honest with her, it is good that you care and want to be a friend. I have been in this situation before on both sides and I can assure you it is less painful for her if you are honest and not lead her on, if she cannot accept a friendship than you should always put God's leading first.
If she is hurting point her to the way which is Jesus, he is more than able to carry her through anything. Be careful and wise , pray and let God tell you what to do before your own feelings.
I am going through the same thing in a way with an ex, and he has a lot of depression, I care because I have God in me I want to help, but if this is toxic to my walk with God and my future than I choose God's leading and he says to back off.
I hope this helps
I am also happy that you have such an intimate relationship with God, he is going to take you places you cannot imagine.
Be blessed brother,