Hello Nehemiah Rice,
Welcome to Talk Jesus an online community of Jesus Christ believers!
I hope you will find fellowship, and growth in God's Word while here!
Thank-you for sharing your testimony in your bio. It was wonderful to read, and reminded me of my own mother who has gone home to be with the Lord these many years! We all can use prayer, and intercession. Which is why there is nothing like a mother's prayer for her children.
May God continue to guide you through the Holy Spirit in the path He wants you to walk. That even with trials and tribulations, they won't be a hinderance to your growth or drawing closer to Him, but a joy that quickens you instead as you draw nearer to Him! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for you. Amen!
Note: I am assuming that you are a male but request your confirmation that I might add it to your bio. This will allow you access to appropriate gender related forum. Thanks in advance!
With the Love of Christ Jesus, again be welcomed!