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SCRIPTURE: - John 3:1-21
TEXT: - John 3:17, 18
Most of us have heard folks called "Nervous Nellies." There are millions of them in this hectic Twentieth Century world of ours. Someone once said: "If the ten o'clock news is good folks go to sleep; if it is bad they go to pieces."
Often older folks become nervous when they see all the changes which are taking place in the world and wonder if they can change their thinking to keep up with the times.
Christians are being bombarded daily with the need for change. The Bible is out-of-date, we are told - often by religious leaders - it needs to be updated to meet the needs of Twentieth Century man. Liberal theologians, with a raft of letters behind their name, make a point of setting our Christian thinking straight, by "pooh-poohing" ideas which have stood the ravages of centuries.
It would be well for us to remember, that the degrees behind a man's name can often be misleading. The D.D. behind a theologians name can just as well stand for Dumb Dog" as for Doctor of Divinity. In Isaiah 56:10, 11, we read these rather interesting words: "His watchmen are blind, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping dogs, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they look to their own way, everyone for his gain.
A literal translation of these words might well be: "They are dumb dogs who don't have the courage to bark; they sleep and close their eyes to evil for fear of disturbing their congregation, and they look for things which will bring them the most in material wealth and popularity."
Eminent theologians, like Dr. Joseph Fletcher of Cambridge University and father of Situation Ethics, tells our gullible youth: "Do anything that makes you feel good, for there are no absolutes of right and wrong; it all depends on the situation. We should rewrite the Ten Commandments so they read: Thou shalt not steal - ordinarily; thou shalt not kill - ordinarily; thou shalt not commit adultery -ordinarily. But if you love your neighbors wife enough, then the law of love supersedes the divine law of the Bible."
It is no wonder, that with these pressures falling on our youth, we find a vast increase in mental problems over the last decade, along with a noticeable increase in the suicide rate of college age youth.
Just as an aside here, in 1971, the suicide rate among psychologists and psychiatrists, was four times greater than that of the rest of the nation. These are the fellows who are supposed to tell us what is wrong and help us to solve our mental problems.
Psychiatry has always found the question of "mind change" to be perplexing. But in Christian psycho-therapy, it goes beyond the perplexing to become pathetic. Because the question almost always comes from someone who is unregenerate. In other words, one who has never been saved. This does not mean that they are not church members, and they may even bear the title of "Christian," but they have never been saved and have reached the point where they no longer derive satisfaction from "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16).
This is the same age-old question the wealthy, influential Nicodemus asked of Jesus in John, chapter three: "How can a man change when he is old?" The Master answered Him by saying: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (verse 6). In the light of his fleshly nature, this rich, important, educated man could not understand the things of the Spirit, because "they are spiritually discerned." "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
The natural, unregenerate, unsaved man or woman cannot change their thinking, because they are unspiritual. Unsaved people can think only of self. Oh I realize that many of these people fit into the "bleeding heart" category of mankind. They are busy, busy, busy all the time, trying to do good - to help the needy and unfortunate, but all too often, in their ignorance, they are helping the minions of Satan. The highway of the natural man is strewn with the neurotic wrecks of those who cannot change their thinking by their own power. And, here is something to remember, the fleshly nature of man cannot find peace through the lust of the flesh.
Oh if only our young people could truly understand this. How much heartache, and frustration could be avoided; how much pain could be spared; how many hearts remain unbroken.
A well known educator recently said: In their search for freedom, young people are losing that which they want worse than anything else; because they are becoming slaves of their own desires."
A Christian psychiatrist told me that at least 75% of the patients in our mental hospitals do not belong there. "The only one's who have a legitimate right to be in our mental institutions," he said, "are those who are there because of brain damage due to illness or accident. The others are there due to sin in their lives which they refuse to face and the psychologists tell us there is no such thing as sin." Doctors tell these folks: "There is nothing physically wrong with you. You are just nervous.
TEXT: - John 3:17, 18
Most of us have heard folks called "Nervous Nellies." There are millions of them in this hectic Twentieth Century world of ours. Someone once said: "If the ten o'clock news is good folks go to sleep; if it is bad they go to pieces."
Often older folks become nervous when they see all the changes which are taking place in the world and wonder if they can change their thinking to keep up with the times.
Christians are being bombarded daily with the need for change. The Bible is out-of-date, we are told - often by religious leaders - it needs to be updated to meet the needs of Twentieth Century man. Liberal theologians, with a raft of letters behind their name, make a point of setting our Christian thinking straight, by "pooh-poohing" ideas which have stood the ravages of centuries.
It would be well for us to remember, that the degrees behind a man's name can often be misleading. The D.D. behind a theologians name can just as well stand for Dumb Dog" as for Doctor of Divinity. In Isaiah 56:10, 11, we read these rather interesting words: "His watchmen are blind, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping dogs, lying down, loving to slumber. Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they look to their own way, everyone for his gain.
A literal translation of these words might well be: "They are dumb dogs who don't have the courage to bark; they sleep and close their eyes to evil for fear of disturbing their congregation, and they look for things which will bring them the most in material wealth and popularity."
Eminent theologians, like Dr. Joseph Fletcher of Cambridge University and father of Situation Ethics, tells our gullible youth: "Do anything that makes you feel good, for there are no absolutes of right and wrong; it all depends on the situation. We should rewrite the Ten Commandments so they read: Thou shalt not steal - ordinarily; thou shalt not kill - ordinarily; thou shalt not commit adultery -ordinarily. But if you love your neighbors wife enough, then the law of love supersedes the divine law of the Bible."
It is no wonder, that with these pressures falling on our youth, we find a vast increase in mental problems over the last decade, along with a noticeable increase in the suicide rate of college age youth.
Just as an aside here, in 1971, the suicide rate among psychologists and psychiatrists, was four times greater than that of the rest of the nation. These are the fellows who are supposed to tell us what is wrong and help us to solve our mental problems.
Psychiatry has always found the question of "mind change" to be perplexing. But in Christian psycho-therapy, it goes beyond the perplexing to become pathetic. Because the question almost always comes from someone who is unregenerate. In other words, one who has never been saved. This does not mean that they are not church members, and they may even bear the title of "Christian," but they have never been saved and have reached the point where they no longer derive satisfaction from "the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:16).
This is the same age-old question the wealthy, influential Nicodemus asked of Jesus in John, chapter three: "How can a man change when he is old?" The Master answered Him by saying: "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" (verse 6). In the light of his fleshly nature, this rich, important, educated man could not understand the things of the Spirit, because "they are spiritually discerned." "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him" (1 Corinthians 2:14).
The natural, unregenerate, unsaved man or woman cannot change their thinking, because they are unspiritual. Unsaved people can think only of self. Oh I realize that many of these people fit into the "bleeding heart" category of mankind. They are busy, busy, busy all the time, trying to do good - to help the needy and unfortunate, but all too often, in their ignorance, they are helping the minions of Satan. The highway of the natural man is strewn with the neurotic wrecks of those who cannot change their thinking by their own power. And, here is something to remember, the fleshly nature of man cannot find peace through the lust of the flesh.
Oh if only our young people could truly understand this. How much heartache, and frustration could be avoided; how much pain could be spared; how many hearts remain unbroken.
A well known educator recently said: In their search for freedom, young people are losing that which they want worse than anything else; because they are becoming slaves of their own desires."
A Christian psychiatrist told me that at least 75% of the patients in our mental hospitals do not belong there. "The only one's who have a legitimate right to be in our mental institutions," he said, "are those who are there because of brain damage due to illness or accident. The others are there due to sin in their lives which they refuse to face and the psychologists tell us there is no such thing as sin." Doctors tell these folks: "There is nothing physically wrong with you. You are just nervous.