I found my old Bible in my closet and it was bookmarked at john
Praise the Lord.
Then away you go...
In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God.......
Wonderful Gospel, The Truth floods from every chapter, every verse.
Be Truly Blessed, pray first, ask God to reveal The Truth in The Word to you. Do everything with an open heart. Give thanks when you finish reading, sometimes things will jump out and speak to you, other times the Holy Spirit plants seeds, later you read another scripture and The Truth is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit.
Some verses say...
Believe on the Lord and you will be saved. Beware even the devil believes God and Jesus.
Call on the name of the Lord and you will be saved. How do you believe? How do you call?
Read the most popular verse in scripture, John 3:16. For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son (wait for it), so that who ever believes on him will have everlasting life.
There are millions of people that say they are Christians, say they believe in Jesus, go to church every Sunday. Are they saved? Based on the single verses mentioned they may say so, they may think so.
Read ALL of John 3:1-21 not just John 3:16 or similar verses, read in the right context you will see there is more required.
The early verses are a conversation between Nicodemus and Jesus, who was Nicodemus. He was a very respectable man, a Jew, (as was Jesus). Nicodemus was a key member of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish ruling Counsel, but there was more, Nicodemus was a teacher of The Law, a teacher of all Israel, a very respectable man, a very qualified man; yet he didn't understand what Jesus said. If anyone should have understood, Nicodemus should have.
The good news my friend, he was like you, like us all at some stage, bit most Importantly he had a searching heart. God loves a searching heart.
You will see in these 21 verses, a very important Truth.
1 - First part of these verses explains clearly, you (all of us) must be born again from above, of water and spirit. (Baptism of water and spirit)
2 - v16-17 shows how much God loves us, even though we are 'sinners'.
3 - v18-21, sums up this whole section, so that the message is not misunderstood.
Beware of reading single verses, the context of a message is so often missed by quoting single verses.
John 3:1-21 has a wonderful message, a powerful message, yet so often it is broken up into smaller pieces.
Many a sermons focuses on Nicodemus and Jesus, most people quote John 3:16-17, but very few quote the whole 21 verses and even fewer quote the last few verses.
I pray the above, and what others share with you on here8, will be good guidance for you, you have begun a wonderful journey, a journey towards salvation, a journey towards peace, inner peace (more about this in John's Gospel and elsewhere, when you get to it, pray and read slowly).
And if that is not all, a love that will not let you down, a love within, an amazing love, a love you will not be able to describe but a love that makes you feel complete.
It doesn't all happen straight away, you need faith, faith comes by hearing The Word of God. Then you will want to be forgiven for a your sins, really forgiven. You will want to be baptised, you will want to practice righteousness, you will not want to sin because sin separates us from God.
God's speed my friend, he takes us as we are, terrible sinners, not worthy to be saved, yet God allowed his one and only son to die on the cross, shedding his blood, paying the price for our sins, so we don't have to pay the price ourselves.
That is a truly amazing love.
Bless you