Hello, I am new to this site. I am a married since age 18, with four grown children. Two boys, two girls. My youngest boy died tragically nearly five years ago. There was life before and life after that for our family. I find it hard to be very involved with the local church. I work a demanding full time job. Our remaining son is a .recovering opiate addict still at home with mental health issues. I don't have the ambition or energy any longer to try to care for myself and keep up with the responsibilities of the home on top of getting to church. I find it frustrating that many of the women's bible studies are in the morning on weekdays. So I'm getting "fed" mainly through Christian radio and independent Bible study if I can stay awake long enough to read. Despite all my woes, I still have much to be thankful for and must have more to do if God is allowing me to continue on this earth.