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No more dating but...


Sep 13, 2005
I'm 17 and I've read some posts here,where girls of my age have mentioned that they've never dated anyone.They've kept themselves totally pure not even indulging in petting and stuff.Well a year back,I decided I'd just wait like them and save whatever I could for the man that God would send for me.And by His grace, I'm holding fast to this decision.It's working out great.But I feel a pang of regret that I have kissed two guys in the past.I know that I've been forgiven,but still when I look at the wonderful sisters(mentioned earlier) here,I feel dreadful.I wish I could travel through time and change it...If only I could...
NAOMI! I bet your wondering why im so excited!. this is because on the 14/05/07 i was doing my God Journaling and i was getting profectic words for all of my friends.(i have a gift of profecy) and while i was doing this GOd gave me this word. Grace is sufficient for Naomi. now Naomi i don't know anyone called Naomi. and boefore i opened your thread God told me "this is her." I hope this is the word you have been looking for. sufficient means enough, plenty and so on.
Take heart, the past is gone and God can make anything pure. Your doing great sister, your heart is in the right place and God is pleased.

Wow!!! Honestly,God works in ways so different.Thanks so much sister for your word.Hope to see you this July.I'm coming to Gold coast for vacation.
That's Great

I think that's great what you're doing, don't worry about the past all is forgiven. I myself I'm 19 and have never dated I'm also keeping myself. It feels good to know there are others who are doing the same thing.
God Bless
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Re: No More Dating

Naomi, I'm a 70 yr old man who came to Christ 23+ yrs ago. May I share some learning with you based on teaching I've heard? You are trying to be flawlessly pure. That can't happen because you are not a flawless person (and God doesn't expect you to be flawless).The word "perfect" when it appears in scripture usually means "Focused, spiritually mature" it almost never means "flawless".

You can't get accurate biblical definitions from a regular modern-day dictionary. You must use a bible dictionary, because bible dictionaries develop definitions from the original Greek and Hebrew words.
