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Not by works


Sep 6, 2021
When the Cross was raised, with God on it, shedding His blood for "all who will come"..or as Jesus told you.....>"If I be lifted up, i will draw all men to me"..
And How does God as Christ on the Cross "draw all men" ......= John 3:16-17

He Sent PAUL......in "the time of the Gentiles" that started when Christ was crucified and resurrected..

Paul is the "Apostle to the Gentiles'.....in the "time of the Gentiles".., which you are in, currently.

The '"drawing of all men" through the Holy Spirit .....This is the Gospel of the Grace of God, that Paul was given personally by Jesus.

Let Paul show us the Gospel, that is revealed to Paul, as he is the Gentile Apostle in the "time of Gentiles"".

Romans 1:16

The Definition of the Gospel

16: """ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

16: """For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I see it as the very power of God working for the salvation of everyone who BELIEVES it, both Jew and Greek. I see in it God’s plan for imparting righteousness to men""""

This is the "gift of Righteousness"... that is "the Gift of Salvation"

What is this reader?

This is the "PREACHING OF THE CROSS".. the TRUE Gospel.

"FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, and hearing by the word of God".

"""""That Christ , the sinless Son of God, died for ALL your sins, and for ALL the sin of the world....That God as the Virgin Born Christ became sin on the Cross, so that by this one time and once and for all Sacrifice, ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS, BELIEVING....SHALL BE SAVED"

Or as Jesus told us..."If i be lifted up, i will draw ALL men (people) to me"..

This is the GIFT of Salvation, and the GIFT of Righteousness, that God is offering through Christ.

It is the Gospel i preach in every Thread, in every Post, and always, till i Meet THE KING of Glory.

Look Closely, and see How Jesus The Lord, saves you and keeps you saved.

Paul Teaching...

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to God's mercy HE saved us, by the spiritual washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;""""......as BORN AGAIN

When the Cross was raised, with God on it, shedding His blood for "all who will come"..or as Jesus told you.....>"If I be lifted up, i will draw all men to me"..
And How does God as Christ on the Cross "draw all men" ......= John 3:16-17

He Sent PAUL......in "the time of the Gentiles" that started when Christ was crucified and resurrected..

Paul is the "Apostle to the Gentiles'.....in the "time of the Gentiles".., which you are in, currently.

The '"drawing of all men" through the Holy Spirit .....This is the Gospel of the Grace of God, that Paul was given personally by Jesus.

Let Paul show us the Gospel, that is revealed to Paul, as he is the Gentile Apostle in the "time of Gentiles"".

Romans 1:16

The Definition of the Gospel

16: """ For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

16: """For I am not ashamed of the Gospel. I see it as the very power of God working for the salvation of everyone who BELIEVES it, both Jew and Greek. I see in it God’s plan for imparting righteousness to men""""

This is the "gift of Righteousness"... that is "the Gift of Salvation"

What is this reader?

This is the "PREACHING OF THE CROSS".. the TRUE Gospel.

"FAITH COMETH BY HEARING, and hearing by the word of God".

"""""That Christ , the sinless Son of God, died for ALL your sins, and for ALL the sin of the world....That God as the Virgin Born Christ became sin on the Cross, so that by this one time and once and for all Sacrifice, ALL WHO CALL ON THE NAME OF JESUS, BELIEVING....SHALL BE SAVED"

Or as Jesus told us..."If i be lifted up, i will draw ALL men (people) to me"..

This is the GIFT of Salvation, and the GIFT of Righteousness, that God is offering through Christ.

It is the Gospel i preach in every Thread, in every Post, and always, till i Meet THE KING of Glory.

Look Closely, and see How Jesus The Lord, saves you and keeps you saved.

Paul Teaching...

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to God's mercy HE saved us, by the spiritual washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;""""......as BORN AGAIN

People misunderstand Paul when he says 'not of works'.

The not of works Paul is speaking of are the purification/ceremonial works of the old law.

Paul is explaining that no one has to do the purification/ceremonial works anymore to purify themselves, for Jesus purifies us now just by our faith that he does.

We are purified by faith now, by faith that Jesus' shed blood on the cross washes us of the sins we repent of doing.

We still have to obey God to get saved, we just don't have to do the purification works of the law by getting circumcised in the flesh and sacrificing animals.
We are purified by faith now, by faith that Jesus' shed blood on the cross washes us of the sins we repent of doing.

You are trying to believe that a work you do....which is 'repenting"......this is a self effort............you are trying to believe that it has some co-equal value in God's eyes as equal to the blood of Jesus that you connect with your self effort...., which to do so, is an offense to the Cross of Christ.
Never ever believe that anything you do, compares in value to the Blood of Jesus..
And once you realize this, if you ever do....then you have taken your very first real step of faith in Christ, having let go of the delusion that you have any part in God's Cross, God's salvation, or God's rightesousness.
You are trying to believe that a work you do....which is 'repenting"......this is a self effort............you are trying to believe that it has some co-equal value in God's eyes as equal to the blood of Jesus that you connect with your self effort...., which to do so, is an offense to the Cross of Christ.

You are badly mistaken, for it is never, ever, wrong, to obey God.

Jesus' words are Spirit and life, and we must do what he says to do to get saved and stay saved.

You were taught by people who didn't understand.

Peter and James heard, even in their time, the misunderstandings people had about Paul's teachings.

James calls the people foolish, and Peter says they are unstable and uneducated.

See James 2:20 and 2 Peter 3:16, 17.
Never ever believe that anything you do, compares in value to the Blood of Jesus..

Jesus saves us on his own, and he tells us how to be the one he saves.

We have to do what Jesus says to do to get saved.

And once you realize this, if you ever do....then you have taken your very first real step of faith in Christ, having let go of the delusion that you have any part in God's Cross, God's salvation, or God's rightesousness.
I hope you will listen to me and discuss more, for you have been taught wrong.
You are badly mistaken, for it is never, ever, wrong, to obey God.

Jesus' words are Spirit and life, and we must do what he says to do to get saved and stay saved.

Jesus told you that you "must be born again".

If you are, then you can stop trying to repent your way into heaven............ stop anytime you are ready.

See.....If you are not born again, then repenting from sin, wont help you.

There is one repentance that God requires.........to TURN FROM UNBELIEF....to Faith.

"Repent of your unbelief" and BELIEVE in Jesus.. And God will give you the new birth.

Final answer.
Jesus told you that you "must be born again".

If you are, then you can stop trying to repent your way into heaven............ stop anytime you are ready.

See.....If you are not born again, then repenting from sin, wont help you.

There is one repentance that God requires.........to TURN FROM UNBELIEF....to Faith.

"Repent of your unbelief" and BELIEVE in Jesus.. And God will give you the new birth.

Final answer.
No such thing as repent of your unbelief and not repent of your sins.

To be born again one must repent of their sins to Jesus.

When Jesus came to earth, he taught his last will and testament, which is the new covenant.

He taught how to be born again as an heir, a child of God's, and he taught what we will receive, and then he died for that covenant, and his last will and testament went into force.
No such thing as repent of your unbelief and not repent of your sins.

To be born again one must repent of their sins to Jesus.

Romans 5. "While we were YET SINNERS......= Christ died for us'.

See the 'YET sinners"? That means you still are.....

Now look at this verse...

Romans 4. "
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on GOD that justifieth the UNGODLY = his faith is counted for righteousness."""

Now, in those verses written by PAUL..... We read and understand that when we were UNGODLY SINNERS.............God accepted our FAITH.

We dont have to be good enough, or repent long enough...........all we have to do is be a UNGODLY SINNER< and Give God our Faith in CHRIST, and "Faith is counted as Righteousness", because we are "justified BY faith"...without works.

Trust me when i tell you, "god's truth", that you are both ungodly and a sinner......and if you will go to the Cross and trust in Christ, God will make you His Son.

Romans 5. "While we were YET SINNERS......= Christ died for us'.

See the 'YET sinners"? That means you still are.....

Christ died for us while we were sinners does not mean we are still sinners, or that we don't have to admit we are sinners, confess our sins, and repent of them to get saved.
Christ died for us while we were still enemy sinners is about God not making the enemy Gentiles get circumcised in the flesh before he would save them.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins,

Now look at this verse...

Romans 4. "
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on GOD that justifieth the UNGODLY = his faith is counted for righteousness."""

The old purification/ceremonial works used to justify someone before God, now Jesus and faith in his blood is what purifies and justifies. We have to have faith that his blood justifies us of the sins we repent of doing.

Now, in those verses written by PAUL..... We read and understand that when we were UNGODLY SINNERS.............God accepted our FAITH.

We have to be repentant sinners.

We dont have to be good enough, or repent long enough...........all we have to do is be a UNGODLY SINNER< and Give God our Faith in CHRIST, and "Faith is counted as Righteousness", because we are "justified BY faith"...without works.

Again, the old works of the law are called the purification/ceremonial works of the law, and the people had to do those works themselves to justify themselves before God, now Jesus does the purifying works for us by our faith in his blood.

It doesn't mean we don't have to repent of our sins, it means we don't have to get circumcised and sacrifice animals...

Trust me when i tell you, "god's truth", that you are both ungodly and a sinner......and if you will go to the Cross and trust in Christ, God will make you His Son.
Jesus says to repent of our sins, and so does Paul, you just were taught wrong.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.