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On origins of everything and with science.


Jun 26, 2022
I learned about these and have been looking into the Origins of everything.
We know "God said..." and it happened but can the human mind understand that beyond that? No.
Science explains things and supports God.
  • Everything has a beginning.
  • The universe is not eternal and had a beginning.
  • The being who created it must be outside of it and therefore not bound to it.
  • The Universe exhibits design. Our home is in the perfect spot for countless life. To think that happened at random over "millions of years" doesn't add up.
Universal moral laws. Moral laws must be b/c no person who's lived or ever will has the power and authority to decide moral law on other humans. Only God can make and define moral law.

Dead people do not come back to life. I'm talking 3 days dead. Cold and dead. No brain activity. All states of mortis completed. 5 minutes warm and dead is not dead. Jesus was/is God as Man and therefore has no end.
Better yet, there is a good video "The Secrets of the Cosmos Confirm the Bible." - Dr. Jason Lisle; 1hr 20 min. Lots of good information. Not all evidence but IMO a good start.
In other words, God spoke and BANG it happened.
Yes God is real for the past weeks I doubt God's existence but I got flashbacks of my life about how God helps me how God is good in my life and about all things I got to witness and the miracles I experience saw and heard from someone's life and about how God change someone's life and my life today even when I was a child I already knew Him b'cuz of my mom but for these past weeks I got to know Him really personally and all the proof that I want God showed it to me as I scroll for songs in youtube it brings me to this song the title is reality by elevation rhythm