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Open dialogue with your child


Feb 22, 2007
Neil Anderson

June 30


References:--Proverbs 25:11
Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances

All discipline must be based on prior instruction. Make a clear statement of your expectations for a given situation and the consequences for disobedience. Ask your child to repeat what you say to make sure he understands. Then invite his questions and comments.

Honest and open dialogue after disobedience is a powerful means of discipline. Many children would rather face a paddle than verbal confrontation. Even parental silence communicates volumes. For many children, sitting emotionally exposed before an authority figure is much more threatening and shameful than a simple spanking.

What is the motivating deterrent behind a verbal confrontation? The fear of being called into accountability. We find that in our relationship with the Lord. We fear Him because we are going to stand before Him someday and give an account of our lives (2 Corinthians 5:10, 11)--not to be punished but to be rewarded. Knowing that we are going to be personally accountable before the Lord is a great driving force in our lives. We want to hear Him say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."

Your child feels the same way about having to answer to you. He doesn't want to look bad in your eyes. That's why it's often difficult for him to confess his misdeeds in a confrontation. When you sit down with him it will be easy for him to say, "I'm sorry," a little harder for him to say, "Will you forgive me?" and hardest for him to say, "I did it."

Helping your child learn to speak the truth in love will take a lot of love and skill on your part, especially if your child is prone to lying. If you allow him to establish a pattern of deception as a means of avoiding confrontation, you are in for a lot of pain during his adolescence. You must work toward honest confession or any method of discipline will be ineffective.


Lord, help me develop honesty and openness with You so I can model and teach these qualities to my children.
Honour and respect.

This is very well put rizen1,

I'm pleased to see how important it is for us to handle disciplining our children without a smack . Smacking can often leads to anger and violence. I'm of the firm opinion that loving teaches how to love and hurting teaches how to hurt. How can we demand respect when we haven't given it, respect is earned and with respect comes honour.

When Jesus soke about the rod, We belieave this to represent a measure such as how far is the boundry. So discipiline with love and watch the love grow.

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
1 John 4:16

I agree, approaching with Love and kindness is much more effective. Believe me I know. Ive done it both ways. I am also raising six children ages 2 thru 19, so I do have some experience. Although am still learning along the way. Many personalities in the house and each one needs precious care, positive feedback and Counstructive criticism. Whew, praise God, he helps me everyday. At the end of the day, I lay my head on my pillow and thank God for giving me the patience to handle the periodic short outbursts from the children and also thank him dearly for the rest of the beautiful things they do that please me. He is the greatest Father and he teaches me how to teach them ever single day. I couldnt do it without him. Just ask him and he will help you. AMEN!